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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I need feedback from the scenarios I've chucked out, maggots, or I can't release them!!
  2. Nothing as long as I've been alive. Oh wait, maybe "The Wall" when I was 1 year old. I bet all you old farts remember it like it was yesterday. </font>
  3. I hate being useful. I want an online petition to sign which brings suffering to maggots. :mad: :mad: :mad: I've got some feisty scenarios brewing, which of you sad lonely unfertilised eggs wants them? :mad: I've got a desert battle, 3,000 pts, and a winter breakout, 7,000 pts. Should have a 20,000 pointer in the next week or so too. I'm this :mad: mad: :mad:
  4. I don't believe such tests have been done. It's definitely the case that smoke from mortars lasts less time than smoke from equivalent artillery shells, and the larger the mortar/shell, the longer the smoke lasts. It could be linked to the 'blast' value of the round but, as I said, I don't believe definitive tests have done. Of course, smoke is also affected by wind strength. For a good, long smoke barrage 120 rounds of 25pdr should do the trick.
  5. Thanks, Lee. Invitation sent to the email account in your profile.
  6. Drop an email into the General Forum (if you dare) and you may get a useful reply.
  7. Bonxa, I don't have Grouper enabled all the time at the moment because it kills my online gaming (which I have been doing too much of in the last couple of days). I managed to get a couple of files downloaded from you quite smoothly. Your internet speed is :mad: fast!! My ADSL is 2Mbit downstream but only 256k upstream. :mad: :mad: Anyway, I will look over the weekend at standard name structures, and maybe a standard folder structure aswell, similar to CM Mods has at the moment. Thanks for your help.
  8. One solution for advancing a single platoon in a QB is to purchase 3 LMGs - be they Brens, LMG42s, BARs, whatever - and a sharpshooter. If you can, place them under the command of a section HQ with bonuses. Place them at your jump off point with interlocking covered arcs reaching to your destination point. Then carry out your advance with a single squad. The sharpshooter (with his binoculars) will have more success spotting enemies popping up to fire on your platoon, and the LMGs will then open fire on those enemies and pin them. You can then move the remainder of the platoon forward. Advancing through open ground is not a bright idea without lots of support, from MGs and mortars.
  9. Heh. Heh. Heh. This should be worth seeing. And my cooking is pukka. This evening I did Tartiflette Alsace - first time from a sparse recipe - and it came out perfect. I rule. :mad: :mad: :mad: Since when were Swedes world gourmets anyway? I didn't see any Swedish restaurants on that list of the 'top 100 restaurants in the world'.
  10. Eight minutes warning. Jaysuz. Dave, you sad little sprocket, I'll have you know that no alcohol has passed my lips for 16 hours.
  11. It depends on whether you enjoy the Eastern Front. I never got into it, since you end up playing the bad guys whichever side you're on. CM:AK is my preferred game. Sometimes I miss the fun of T-34s, but not very often.
  12. OK Bonxa, I can see that you've joined. Can you see whether you can download any mods from me? CohG - want to give it a try? If so I'll send you an invitation. Anyone else who wants to give this experiment a go would be welcome.
  13. Between shipping, and the horrid taxes imposed by your gubmint, shipping you samples was too pricey. Once we start shipping over to your stinking lil isle, I will see what I can do. </font>
  14. You pitiful bunch of blackbird's rectal warts. I hate you all so much I can't find the words. :mad: :mad: Dear Mr. _UXAJKBCSJK:SSDJKLA - Your scenario will arrive when I have finished crafting its evilness. I hate you. RAGAHRGAHRGAHR Dave H: That is fecking hilarious. :mad: But I still think you're a nob that I wouldn't piss on if you were on fire. :mad: :mad: :mad: I hate you. I went on a booze cruise to France yesterday and picked up a case of 2001 Morgon. **** me, but it's good. They had cases of Puilly Montrachet 1er Cru, but they were £240 for 6 bottles and a bit beyond my casual drinking budget. I love New World wines, but for orgiastic chugging quality, you can't match 2 litres of fine claret or Beaujolais. Mike_the_Wino: Where the flying buttnuggets are my free samples? :mad: I hate you. Axe: I hate you. :mad: Worthless and Crap: I hate you. I hate the rest of you even more than the ignoble behinds I have listed above.
  15. I use EMule and it relies very heavily (as far as I can tell) on large numbers of people sharing the same file. Therefore (for example) Gordon Molek's late war potato peel camo PanzerGeArbeitSchlect XIV (with 3 people sharing) is unlikely to be available to anyone at any time, whereas Hot Cheese Smeared Plastic Boobied Terror Chicks is going to keep cropping up whether you like it to or not. It's up to you what you download, of course, but in Grouper you can share different files with different groups. So (for example) in the CM Mods group I can share all my CM Mods, and in the Ham Salad Recipe group I can share all my ham salad recipes. The other issue with EMule is getting a 'lowID' rating. This is caused by (either) not sharing enough files or being behind a router on your broadband connection. LowID cannot connect to LowID, which means that two people on routers can't exchange files. I've sent an invite to Bonxa and he's joined - anyone else want to give it a try?
  16. You're probably right about the difficulty of sorting files and managing users. Grouper isn't really designed for large groups, and 8000 is (not surprising) but a huge number. When I get a couple of days I'll set up some testing systems and email you two chaps to see how it performs.
  17. Just ran some tests. Tanks are very susceptible to gun damage from 150HE. Commanders are very vulnerable. I set up a QB, me with 8 Brummbars, AI with 12 Shermans and 4 Wolverines. Turn 3, 4 salvos from a Brummbar at a momentary contact. I then saved and ended the game to see the result. 2 tanks had gun damage, and 4 had lost their TCs. Your ROF is slow - 2 to 3 shots per turn. And 17pdr AP will go through that front armour without a problem at close range.
  18. It took 6 days of non-stop playing. In the process, a computer processor was smoked, my girlfriend left me and I was fired from my job. So I would greatly appreciate something smaller. :mad: </font>
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