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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. File size shouldn't be that much of a bother. My GMail account will send and receive attachments of 10MB, which is 100 times the size of a typical QB PBEM file.
  2. J2J, which bitmaps should I replace? Looking at the numbers it appears that I would be replacing some sort of grass with rocks? Am I just getting confused?
  3. Okay, it's up on the interweb. Should be at the bottom of the list, past all the photos, - make sure you Save Target As or it'll crash Acrobat Reader. Let me know if you can make any sense of it. I found the pictures interesting since it covers all lend lease - including Grants, M10s, Valentines, Churchills etc. I was also surprised that it continued into 1945.
  4. Bigduke - it's a 23MB PDF file. I'll put it up on my webspace and post the link here for people to take a copy.
  5. Win98 was the last stable one made by MS???? Are you on drugs? Did you skip 2000 Professional? Get XP Pro SP2. Way better than 98.
  6. My source (which is all in Russian and is almost incomprehensible to me, except for a couple of the tables and the photos which have English captions) has the following numbers of M4A2 used by Russia: 1942: 36 1943: 469 1944: 2345 1945: 814 Total: 3664 There are also pictures of 76mm armed Shermans fighting with 9th Guards Mechanised Corps, 6th Guards Tank Army, in April 1945.
  7. I expect they included 'Inferno' in the 'classic battles nobody should play' section.
  8. Those rocks look absolutely awesome. How do they look in CM:AK?
  9. It's OK, Tom, you've only been here for over 5 years. You'll master the forum eventually.
  10. It's OK, Tom, you've only been here for over 5 years. You'll master the forum eventually.
  11. One thing I don't want to see changed: CMX1's level of scalability: Although it was always envisaged as a battalion maximum, it was possible with CM:AK to scale up to much bigger. I really enjoyed that.
  12. Toast and orange juice, not tea and biscuits. I need those vitamins to keep myself frisky until lunchtime.
  13. Hey Sodball, does Urban Dead allow human characters to act like zombies and pass safely through a crowd? Are there any cricket bats in the game? When all of the players are plotting away like mad all over the internet, what possible use is there for using APs in the game to communicate? I'll bet the answers are no, no, and none. :mad: :mad: </font>
  14. This is the part I don't get. Why not? From a gameplay point of view, what's the difference between guys wandering off and guys getting killed? For the player, he's just losing men and the reason doesn't make a whole hoot's worth of difference, except that when the final score is tallied, he isn't penalized as many points for stragglers as he is for WIAs and KIAs. Michael </font>
  15. That doesn't sound very historically accurate. Stuka vs Spitfire should lead to a ball of German flame hitting the ground 90% or more of the time. Stukas were withdrawn from the BoB because they were being hacked down in droves by both spits and hurricanes.
  16. It certainly doesn't sound any fun to play. "Okay, 1st squad dig in here, and shoot anything that comes over that treeline". "I'm just going to get some ammo, sarge." "Me too." "Captain wants me back at base." "I got a note from my mum." Sarge stands around on his own whilst entire squad wanders off. JasonC rejoices at the realism, and sales of Space Lobsters of Doom plunge to 1.
  17. Oh yeah, I know what you mean now. Never had them. They look like mechanically rendered cardboard stuffed with glue. You people need to get some fresh fruit and veg into your diet.
  18. What the hell is a pop tart? Are we talking about Cyndi Lauper?
  19. You could have given him the email addresses, granddad!! martin@battlefront.com or matt@battlefront.com will see you through, sir.
  20. If you have 1 JS-2 against 'a few' Panthers I would practice like crazy because those are not good odds.
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