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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Let's see whether we can get this clear: Objection to the war in Iraq =/= anti-American. Dislike of a hypothetical Syrian invasion wargame =/= anti-American. I am not anti-American. I've already said I will give the demo a go and withhold judgement on the game until I've played it. I also analysed who I thought would be the keen purchasers and who would not be so keen. Any problem you have with that is your problem, not mine. [ October 09, 2005, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  2. The Taliban? In Syria? You've been attending "The G W Bush Geography Lectures", haven't you?
  3. It certainly would have been divided. If they'd announced CM: Normandy (with other NWE modules to follow) the ETO lot would have grumbled a bit but probably still bought it. I think this division is slightly different though. The US gung-ho crowd (Abbott, DaleM et al) think it's great. The modern military fanboyz (Flamingpicky) and the ex-servicepeople are excited. But if you don't fit into that category, or if you find the prospect of playing an aggressive USA invading yet another Muslim country to 'spread liberative freedom because God told me to, oh and to get some WMDs', then your immediate reaction is 'yuk'. Maybe it'll be great. Maybe the demo will wow the nonbelievers. Maybe they'll just wait for the WW2 release, though.
  4. Yah, I know. I've been doing a bit of scenario/campaign building to keep my hand in.
  5. With the flood of posts for the new CM game this slipped off the board. I am returning to my CM:AK scenario and campaign building now I know I have 2 years+ before my dreams of an updated WW2 wargame are to be realised.
  6. I assumed they would have done but since my knowledge of modern weapons is as broad as my knowledge of early 9th century christian iconography in the Levant I thought I'd ask. Has anyone developed compartmentalised tyres?
  7. ... that all those scenarios and campaigns we spent hours writing won't be obsolete for at least 3 years. Back to work, people!
  8. My uniformed opinion is that the core market of this 'military simulator' is not going to be ordinary people but governments.
  9. How many tyres can you shoot out before it is unable to move?
  10. Red on Red? So I can kit out both sides with 8 suicide bombers? Last one with their intestines on the inside loses?
  11. I'm pretty gutted since I wanted more of the same but a bit flashier. But I'll give the demo a go when it comes out and make my mind up then. If BFC is looking to make a simulator to sell to world governments to allow them to RP probable combat scenarios, this is going to sell well.
  12. I expect MasterGoodale, Grand-Master Jewel-Encrusted TNT Chucker, to be writing the manual.
  13. If I could read the text in this thread, I might understand it.
  14. 9901-TBS bitch We turn in final MOS selections Wed. I should find out what I get before Thanksgiving. </font>
  15. OMG Eisenhower hax!!! Joo had recession now you got whole focking army!!
  16. I loved those code disks. They were really cool. I remember having a photocopied one for Curse of the Azure Bonds (kindly lent to me by a chum). Nowadays I'm sure some technical jayniuses could program up a code disk on the interweb in an evening.
  17. It depends. How many Boy Scouts were you in during that year?
  18. In Antony Beevor's "Berlin - The Downfall 1945" he reports on how the Russian artillery fell on the first line of German trenches, which were empty. As the Russians assaulted, they were cut to pieces by the remanned first line and the second line of trenches.
  19. In Antony Beevor's "Berlin - The Downfall 1945" he reports on how the Russian artillery fell on the first line of German trenches, which were empty. As the Russians assaulted, they were cut to pieces by the remanned first line and the second line of trenches.
  20. Covered arc doesn't make any difference here other than it helps at pointing the turret to the right direct, but if you are moving to the direction of the target, the turret is already facing that way. Remember, the arc only tells the unit to not target units outside the arc. It doesn't make target acquiring any more likely. </font>
  21. I think that they were, as you put it, 'mainly crappy'. But you can go too far one way, and worship their greatness, as the forum you describe appears to do, or you can go too far the other, and generalise as JasonC does about how dreadful every single Italian soldier was. The truth is in between. Many of their soldiers were illiterate agricultural conscripts. No familiarity with modern technology, let alone modern warfare. They routed early and often. Some of the units (Ariete division) performed well even with their atrocious tanks. They had nothing that could take on a Matilda, though (except perhaps their 90mm AA gun). The best way to escape a Matilda attack was to walk slowly away from it and there was a fair chance it would run out of fuel before it overtook you. Their paratroopers were pretty good though.
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