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Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. The clubs would be your best bet (IMO), Steve, especially if you could manage several PBEM turns on Sat/Sun, given your current work away from home situation. Just stick to Medium or smaller battles and, once you get some experience, you can churn out some turns fairly quickly.
  2. Welcome to the forums, Steve. As ian.leslie pointed out, joining a club is your best way to find an opponent.
  3. I used to own a Garand, and I can guarantee you that I would not want to tote both a Garand and a Thompson (and two kinds of ammo) around any battlefield, it would be one, or the other. Given that a Garand fires 30-06 rounds, and is a very accurate semi-automatic rifle, I would personally rather have a Garand than a Thompson in many situations. The Garand was easily the best battle rifle of WW2. But, yea, I could see some scenarios (city fighting, for example) where it would make sense to drop the Garand and pick up the Thompson.
  4. Well said, Jason. I couldn't agree more (with your entire post, not just the part I quoted). I find that the bulk of my playing, either H2H or VS AI, QB or Scenario, is at the Medium size force pick or smaller. I'm currently involved in a three hour Huge H2H QB (my first ever), and it presses me to do a turn a week on work weeks, and even then I rarely bother to split my squads and don't feel like I am giving my best effort. When I'm playing the smaller battles, I do split squads and pay far more attention to details, thus giving my opponent a better challenge. @Erwin, good thread. If I could add to your wish list, I would like a faster/easier way to look at maps when selecting them for a QB. Not sure the best way to accomplish this, but there has to be a better way than what we have now.
  5. There are really only two skill levels in CM2: (1) those who only play against the AI, and (2) those who play H2H
  6. Here is a better example, Bruce. This is just one squad. Now imagine this multiplied by 100 for a Huge battle. Don't know about you, but I really don't want to see those "Casualty" markers. It's just screen clutter. I know some want it, so a toggle to turn it on or off should be provided, IMO.
  7. I understand that Erwin. My question was merely tongue-in-cheek, as you should know. ;-) DB......Wow...just wow. Amazing models.
  8. Nice models! Ntclick, if Tigers were so great, how come Germany lost? ;-)
  9. No one is mocking the poor in this thread. How many truly poor people can afford a PC capable of playing CMBN....or afford to purchase CMBN at all, for that matter? The only people being mocked are the whiners who buy the CM2 games then cry about the $10 upgrades. I work with people (medical doctors) who make more money in a month than my wife and I do all year, and even they would be considered "financially disadvantaged" by the "one percenters". You won't catch me on any Porsche forums complaining that I can't afford oil changes at the dealership. Guess what? I don't buy outside my budget. If anyone on this forum can convince me that $10 is a somehow a financial burden to them, I will consider sending you a $10 PayPal donation so you can upgrade to 3.0.
  10. Handgun distance shooting is good and all, but that's not really what handguns are about. Edit: I like the police firearms instructors evaluation: "Very impressive. That is really a desired pattern to have."
  11. I have to agree. It's similar to the "WW2 halftracks are not armored fighting vehicles" lesson that I had to learn......several times.....before it finally registered.
  12. If you are doing a complete new install, including the 3.0 upgrade, you shouldn't have to enter any license keys except the one associated with the 3.0 upgrade. Install Order: (1) CMFI (2) CMFI V 1.01 Patch (3) Gustav Line Module (4) CMFI V 1.12 Patch (5) CMFI V 3.0 Upgrade Don't try to run the game until you finish all the above, then run the game and enter the 3.0 license key when prompted. Edit: And if that doesn't work, then yea BFC will have to send you a small batch file that will reset your install count.
  13. Are you using the key code that they sent you with the 3.0 purchase?
  14. Battle Pack for CMBN (still my favorite). That should "finish" CMBN, except for future engine upgrades.
  15. That's too bad. I like it the way it is now. Oh, well.
  16. And I dislike this feature because it makes the screen look cluttered and the Casualty icons look too similar to the lightly wounded icons. This needs a toggle, and yes I'm going to keep bringing it up ad infinitum. But, as to the OP's question, yes, the 3.0 upgrades do add to gameplay. The AI triggers alone are probably worth it for those who like to play scenarios against the AI. Upgrades are a no brainer for me, simply because 99% of my PBEM opponents always purchase them, so if I want to continue to play PBEMs, I need to also purchase them.
  17. Though I don't recall experiencing this in any of my games (possibly because if a building is receiving enough HE fire to make it collapse all the troops in it are usually KIA/WIA), yes I agree.
  18. Yes. $10 *is* chump change. Perhaps it is the whiners that don't understand BFC's majority customer base? $10 is what we spend on coffee and lunch at work five days a week.
  19. I am among those who do not like it. Simple solution: Give us a toggle.
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