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Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. All, My sincere apologies for my poorly worded comments of yesterday. I believe they were in this thread, but I don't even want to read back and look. I hope Steve removes them. Snowed in yesterday and made the always bad choice of getting on forums when I've been in my cups. Again, I apologize.
  2. IMO, this thread has devolved into arguments about $20. Does anyone who is reading this thread, and who plays CM, really give a **** about spending $20 on CM? If $20 really means that much to you, then I respectfully suggest that you turn your attentions and skills towards earning more money. My issue with the Vehicle Pack is the fact that installing it will screw up my ongoing PBEM games. Yes, yes, I know about dual installs, and I don't want to go down that road. BFC needs to find a better way to insure compatibility between versions.
  3. Steve, Please consider those of us who primarily play PBEMs, and try to find a way to make your releases within a "family" more compatible for those of us with multiple PBEM games. On average, I have around five ongoing PBEMs, spread out between CMBN, CMFI, and CMRT. Many of these games take weeks to play, and some of them are tourney games that matter a good deal to me. I hate fooling with dual installs, because I work for a living and need to keep my gaming time as simple as possible. I have no objection to the monetary cost of the CMBN vehicle pack, but for me to install it at this point would wreck all five of my current CMBN PBEM games (four of which are tourney games). D.
  4. Microsoft Security Essentials (free) seems to play well with CM. I've been using it several years now, and never had a virus/malware issue.
  5. Same here. H2H makes up 90% of my CM play, and 75% of that is QBs. The end result is I have *never* finished a CM Campaign, and have probably only played perhaps 1/4 of the scenarios that were included in the games/modules.
  6. Re: grenades VS vehicles IIRC, when you see a squad/team throwing grenades at an enemy armored vehicle, that is supposed to be an abstraction that represents them "close assaulting" the vehicle, not just throwing grenades at it. BFC didn't do the animations for close assault.
  7. With all due respect to our fine modders, this "feature" needs an on/off switch.
  8. Just driving by and rubbernecking at the car wreck this thread became. Hey! +1 to my post count! Don't mind me, I didn't read 90% of it, and probably won't glance at it again for at least a week, if it's still around.
  9. I think most of us read threads like this for the same reasons that we slow down and rubberneck whenever we pass a car wreck.
  10. That sounds like a fun scenario. Will definitely be looking forward to you posting it. Sounds like it will be VS AI only?
  11. Baneman and I like to joke around that he is Kahn to my Kirk. Good times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r9qbvrprTU
  12. Well the Eastern Front game has been released. It's called Red Thunder. That just leaves Packs for CMFI and CMBN, the Modern game, and possibly the 2nd western front game. But, you're right, It's late September, so I doubt it will all get done this year. Consulting my Magic 8 Ball, I predict the following releases before December 31, 2014: (1) Black Sea (2) A "Pack" for either CMBN or CMFI In addition I predict a (free) patch for CMRT, CMFI & CMBN.
  13. Thanks for your efforts, Baneman, and rest assured that my G.I.s will not be wanting for bullets in the game we just started. :-)
  14. The bolded section describes a player with more self control than I am capable of. ;-) Generally, if the game lets me do it, I'm gonna do it, with the exception of certain mortal sins such as setup area bombardment, which would cause me to be ostracized. I do pretty well with the T34-85s....not so much with the T34-76s. My biggest gripe with playing the Soviets is their lack of infantry AT weapons. Their SMG squads are fun though, especially in urban battles.
  15. I also often use sniper teams for scouting duties, far more frequently than I purchase special scout teams or split scout teams off of squads. Unlike YD, I usually let mine shoot at will, right from the beginning. Yea, Erwin, in QBs my sniper teams are always high quality, Crack or Elite. Makes a big difference. Anyway, back to the original subject of this thread, looking forward to the fatigue test results. I thought about it a bit more, and giving a ten man squad an extra 1000 rounds of rifle ammo would only increase the weight carried by each man by about 5lbs. 1000 rounds of battle rifle/LMG ammo would probably only weigh around 50lbs, according to a quick Google search.
  16. Good discussion so far. I look forward to the test results. I've had at least one sniper team run out of ammo in a PBEM CMFI battle. I had to run them over to some wounded so they could buddy aid more ammo. Then they went back and caused even more casualties. I think they wound up causing over 20 casualties that game.
  17. Started discussing this with Baneman in a recent QB we just started. I wasn't sure if there was a fatigue penalty for giving squads/teams extra ammo from trucks/halftracks via the Acquire command. Baneman told me there is, and I'm inclined to believe him. I'm also inclined to believe that I tend to give a bit too much extra ammo during my setup phase. So...I'm curious how much extra ammo you guys tend to give your teams/squads, assuming an abundance of trucks/halftracks to draw from? Let's take an American squad in 1944 CMBN for example: We have a 12 man squad with 9 Garands, 2 BARs, and one Thompson, carrying 1301 rounds of .30cal M2 (for the Garands and BARs), and 180 rounds of .45cal for the Thompson. Assuming a Meeting Engagement, and not a static defense, how much extra ammo would you allow this squad to Acquire during the setup phase? A second example would be a Platoon HQ, with 2 M1 Carbines and 1 Garand, carrying 150 rounds of M1Car ammo and 104 rounds of .30cal M2. Would you give them any extra ammo? How about Sniper teams? Thoughts?
  18. You and me both, Joe. I don't want to see the incapacitated soldiers in the UI at all (like it was in v2.12). I really wish BFC would give us the option to toggle this on/off in a future patch.
  19. Yes, don't run the game until you have finished all steps, then the only key you should have to enter is the 3.0 upgrade key.
  20. CMRT, certainly, but I don't believe there will be another module for CMBN. Perhaps a "pack"...
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