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Everything posted by SlowMotion

  1. At least they managed to collect enough funds to start the campaign. We'll see later what they can do with the money.
  2. Modern CM games include artillery that can hit targets much more accurately than traditional artillery. How good is it really? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj85GLezCWE
  3. Could be. Like other units could send my tank frequent and accurate updates about what is happening on the map. I doubt they'd have radios or other comms equipment to do this. For a player it's also quite frustrating if my tank is somehow tracking a unit to directions where it cannot use its gun. Maybe this case is difficult to notice for the AI, but for human brain it doesn't make sense. When first Cmx2 engine WW2 games were released I thought tanks sometimes resembled modern tanks more than WW2 era. Things have since become more realistic (reacting to enemy is slower, tank can be totally blind in some directions etc). There is one thing about this area that IMO would make things better: if a tank is firing an enemy unit like tank or vehicle, it destroys the target and then changes target to another similar unit nearby (distance to target is maybe within 100m from previous target or something). I think "vertical" hitting probability should very high. There isn't much need to adjust vertical targeting. A shot could miss from left or right, but distance targeting should be pretty much spot on I think. Currently in 4.0 it seems a shot to next target can go clearly over the target even though previous target is very close.
  4. This happened several days ago, so I cannot check this. But the situation was dangerous because at first the tank destroyer was pointing to a direction where I assumed enemy might appear. Then during the turn it started rotating itself to another direction while tracking enemy further away. I think there was at least a high wall between my unit and the moving enemy. So the wall would have prevented shooting at the enemy. Actually I found a file where this tracking is very clear. Another tracking situation in this battle. My Wespe is tracking some enemy armour that is totally behind buildings and hasn't moved in several minutes. I *think* my Wespe hasn't seen those units it is tracking. My unit has Covered Arc command active, but it ignores the command and tracks through buildings instead.
  5. This undecisiveness I saw just a couple of days ago. One turn went while the tank tried to decide what to do. Then during plotting phase I ordered it to shoot at the AT gun and it was succesful. I'll try to save a turn file the next time I see this.
  6. I've had good results with AT guns when using 2 or more against same target. Also against Panthers. Strange things I've noticed in 4.0 CMBN: - sometimes tanks track targets they cannot see. Like a tank that is moving behind buildings. - sometimes tanks cannot decide between 2 targets. Instead of deciding which one to fire first the tank keeps rotating its main gun between 2 targets and cannot shoot either one. Even when one enemy target keeps shooting at my undecided tank.
  7. I found this Youtube channel which analyses wars that actually happened in past and compares it to what would happen if the same situation would take place using current forces. I found some of their videos interesting. "Ever wondered how any given two countries would fare in a war? Or how certain weapon systems fared against each other? Or simply how missiles or stealth or anything military related actually works?" Binkov's Battlegrounds https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPdk3JuQGxOCMlZLLt4drhw/
  8. Is it possible to split Syrian squads now? To reduce casualties when advancing.
  9. In CMBN v4 I've noticed that most tanks etc can spot and shoot through bocage. But for some reason some units like German Marder III cannot. They can only spot, but either they can't shoot or it is rare (because the enemy kills them first). Is this a bug? I haven't tested all similar tank hunter vehicles, is this same thing happening with them also.
  10. Finnish army uses Steel Beasts Pro in CV9030 training. Adding that tank to game cost about 100 000 euros. CoPlay is included. https://www.mikrobitti.fi/2017/10/pelaamalla-panssarimieheksi-simulaattorikoulutus-karjalan-prikaatissa/ and a video from that article in Finnish.
  11. Any news about new games or modules? I see that the latest product, Black Sea battle pack was released more than 6 months ago.
  12. Now when there are so many games and each has their own forum it is challenging to follow them all. Would it be possible to have some Announcement forum or such which would have posts from Battlefront announcing new products? Maybe it could also have info about long term plans and discussion about it. This way it would be easy for people to check what is happening even if they are not checking forums every week.
  13. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftass.ru%2Farmiya-i-opk%2F4409695&edit-text=
  14. Russians also developing remote controlled vehicles http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4457892/Russian-army-puts-new-remote-controlled-robot-tank-test.html
  15. Here's a video showing how approaching enemy might work differently from now. First contact happens with units without humans. http://www.businessinsider.com/future-marines-invade-enemy-beaches-drones-robots-2017-4?r=US&IR=T&IR=T
  16. I made a QB to demonstrate this. I have the turn file where this bug is clearly shown and saved game files from planning phases from both players before this "bug movie".
  17. I don't know if this works the same way in all tanks or can the problem be in just some tank types. The battles where I've seen it while using game engine 4.0 had British against Germans. Tanks like Cromwells against Tigers etc. These tanks rotate their hull very slowly so the bug often means losing the rotating tank.
  18. The new threat could be hundreds of meters away, but 1) it is lethal 2) my unit has spotted it 3) may soon spot my unit. Maybe MGs can target something while tank hull is turning, but the main gun cannot. So I see this "stop turning the hull" as similar self defense trick as existing popping smoke and reversing to safetty.
  19. I have seen this situation in many of my turn based battles, also in game engine version 4.0. In turn planning phase I give my tank a Face order, let's say turn 90 degrees Then during the 60 second movie this tank starts turning and while this is mostly still in progress a dangerous enemy unit appears, like infantry with AT weapons or enemy tank. Despite this my tank continues turning AND cannot use its gun before turning has finished. Often this means the enemy unit kills my tank which just keeps turning its hull instead of defending itself. the improvement: IMO once this dangerous enemy unit is spotted the tank should stop turning and use its gun for defense. Once no dangerous enemy is at sight (like the enemy moves behind cover or gets destroyed) then continue turning the hull. Or I can redo the Face command during next turn. But DO NOT TURN THE HULL for ages while your enemy unit can kill you.
  20. http://www.oldpicsarchive.com/afgan-war-1980s-24-photos/
  21. I decided to test the new engine with a QB. I gave some infantry units a Move order. They started walking across an open field towards a small forest area maybe 200m away. The AI started an artillery strike to this forest. After some rounds had landed my infantry did exactly the opposite of " AI PROACTIVELY AVOIDS HIGH-EXPLOSIVE FIRE ". IMO once the first round exploded in their movement direction they should have stopped and hit ground. Instead they increased speed and ran to the forest where rounds were exploding and suffered the first casualty soon after. Since I just started testing it I don't know how this new feature works in other situations, but in this case it didn't seem to be working.
  22. I think compatibility with old content would be nice, but not necessary - if old and new CMSF can be installed in same computer. If compatibility becomes too time consuming, just play old scenarios with old CMSF version. What I'd like to see all the existing units working with latest engine. Then we'd have proper QBs, maybe Syrians that can split squads and other improvements.
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