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Everything posted by SlowMotion

  1. I think it was mostly used when some important goal like crossing a river was attempted. The river could be covered with smoke to prevent defense fire during the most vulnerable part of the attack. Many times smoke shells probably weren't available for "normal" routine arty use.
  2. I think tactical AI is pretty good, but the fact that AI plans are totally fixed to predefined timing, that is the weak point. If we had triggers and things could advance based on what is happening on the map, scenario designers could create extremely interesting things. Just like now there can be several AI plans and one of them is randomly selected, there could be several such alternative AI plans for how things should progress for different AI groups (think how the next battle of campaigns is now decided, but in AI plans there could be more branching from which to select).
  3. Robots *are* getting closer to Terminator capabilities. Some pretty impressive videos about keeping balance here. And then stuff about Wildcat. In WW2 they used horses and mules to help carrying things in difficult terrain. In the last video you see Wildcat doing the same. http://phys.org/news/2013-10-boston-dynamics-atlas-wildcat-sprints.html
  4. Robot gorilla - new kind of motion, more like humans because it uses a flexible spine
  5. Horse of tomorrow - Boston Dynamics Wildcat:
  6. If that ammo sharing change means that in the future ammo will be used first from ammo bearers, that's a great improvement.
  7. Reinforcement arrival locations could be in the back part of the map. Either automatically calculated or placed there by map creator - just like he has to define movement of AI groups, if the map is supposed to be played against the AI. Not as flexible as scenarios, but better than no reinforcements at all. Then why are scenarios used in tournaments and ladder games? When I've played PBEM QBs the first thing to do is *negotiate* what kind of QB we should play. Which side you play, how big map and so on. I see reinforcements as a similar QB generating *option* that the QB generating player always selects when making the QB. If players get better tools for creating the QB they want, I see that as a good thing. Units can be also bought by the computer, so the player does not have full control over unit purchasing. My idea was that to reduce this "I know what kind of reinforcements I'm going to get" problem you could decide whether you want to buy those unit or let computer buy. Aren't all QB generating options tools for creating this self designed narrative - the kind of battle that you and your opponent wish to play? Adding reinforcement groups automatically based on how many reinforcements there are should be trivial. Arrival areas *could* be similarly placed automatically to the back part of the map if reinforcement shouldn't increase the work load of QB map makers. Reinforcement areas placed by map maker would be of course more fool proof and flexible. Units could be then automatically placed inside these areas just like units are now placed when you design a scenario and press Deploy in Scenario Editor. In my first post I suggested that players could define arrival times like "15 minutes + (0 to 10 minutes)" so you could get them after 15 minutes or 25 minutes or some time within those limits. The random part would prevent you planning your moves knowing exactly when the reinforcements arrive. In most scenarios I've played the briefing gives you a pretty good idea of how many reinforcements there will be and some idea of the units that will be in each group. Like I wrote earlier, units can be placed inside the arrival area automatically. Just requires enough map tiles where units can move - don't put arrival area to map corner that has deep water, steep cliffs etc.
  8. Also, currently when you know there won't be reinforcements you can take more risks. Once you have cleared one part of the map you can ignore that area. Remaining enemy units are else where. But if reinforcements were possible, they could arrive from some corner of the map that you have already once secured. More surprises - just like in scenarios.
  9. Well, I don't know why you play QBs, but for me the reasons are: - ability to buy your own units - guarantee that your opponent doesn't know your units - like if he has played the scenario before In my idea reinforcement units could be hand picked, but they could also be computer picked. You could mix different purchase ways in same QB. Not getting all units in the beginning would accomplish exactly the same thing as in scenarios: you have to play differently. Just like scenario designers can use reinforcements to adjust the pace of the battle. If a small number of units is on map in the beginning you could have recon phase. And then say 15 minutes later you get more. Now in QBs (especially in meeting engagements) there's the initial rush when you try to get good fighting positions and often then the battle is locked in these positions during later turns. This depends on the map, but reinforcements could lessen this problem.
  10. Since there is now a thread about adding Combined Arms type to QBs, I thought I'd add my feature request as well. I'd like to have an option in QBs that players could have 1 or 2 reinforcements. The generating player decides how many. Then additionally you could select -the turns when reinforcements arrive (+ some randomness so you can't know the exact moment when playing) -how many percents of your units arrive as reinforcements - same for both players. Like In setup phase: 60% Reinforcement1: 20% Reinforcement2: 20% And maybe the final option: whether reinforcement units are bought by player or computer. I think this would add a new random element because you wouldn't know exactly when the new units arrive and if bought by computer, what kind of units there will be. What do you think?
  11. Many people like PBEM better. You can't see nearly all action when playing in RT mode. And if there were more than one players on one side this problem would be even worse. So I'd vote for WeGo CoPlay. Whether it's scenario/QB or campaign doesn't matter to me.
  12. Yes, banning the low flying small drones is not enough.
  13. Texas limits drone usage from civilians: http://rt.com/usa/texas-drones-new-rules-876/
  14. drone crashes into crowd http://www.suasnews.com/2013/08/24622/drone-crashes-into-crowd-at-great-bull-run/
  15. Some unmanned projects from Lockheed Martin. Not just flying drones
  16. I hope Market Garden will be released this year and those other 2 during 2014. A new game/module every 6 months would be perfect for me.
  17. Maybe post that link to Maps and Mods forum as well?
  18. Driverless car testing on public roads will begin in UK this year: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23330681
  19. That could save time in mountain areas and other such places where it's difficult to move on foot.
  20. This project sounds interesting. Will follow its development for sure. Just one thing I want to say right now: please make sure that the small display of current mobile devices does not limit COO. PCs with bigger screens are a much better tool for things like this, because they allow you to view big maps etc. So if possible allow UI to adjust to screen size so the extra pixels can be put to use.
  21. American X-47B drone completes its first carrier landing. First take off was in May, so things progressing quickly.
  22. Volvo demonstrates their self parking car:
  23. Not just big brother watching you http://www.suasnews.com/2013/06/23500/23500/
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