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Everything posted by SlowMotion

  1. Agree. There are few moments in CM battles that are better than infantry dashing next to a tank and destroying it with explosives.
  2. And CMx2 games aren't really well suited for file transfers as mail attachments. Because files are much larger than in CMx1. Most active players use Dropbox instead. And almost as many H2HH utility to automate this file copying between Dropbox and CM's Input/Output folders.
  3. This "dropping explosives onto engine deck" was exactly the thing I was expecting. The tank was so close that it should have been very easy (much easier than from ground level) to hit correct place in the tank.
  4. Civilian drone flying near air field caused flight delays in China: http://www.suasnews.com/2014/01/26733/four-arrested-in-beijing-after-uav-causes-flight-delays/
  5. Maybe this abstraction explains it. Direct assault might mean running to tank and attaching a magnetic mine to its hull etc. Can't be done if building wall is between the soldier and the tank. Thinking about the case I mentioned earlier maybe they had attacked somehow if tank commander had been visible.
  6. Recently I saw this in a game: I had some infantry inside a 2 story building. Outside, just next to the building was an enemy tank. I ordered my infantry to attack the tank using Target order. Basically they could have thrown several grenades out of the 2nd floor window because the tank was just below the window. But they didn't use grenades at all. When infantry is outside buildings they use grenades against tanks and often manage to at least immobilize the tank. So my question is: should infantry be able to attack tanks also when soldiers are indoors?
  7. Rolls Royce is planning cargo ships that could sail without human crew: http://www.cnbc.com/id/101297171
  8. One solution to reduce the problem of executing commander's orders perfectly would be CoPlay. If one player plotted some units and another player(s) the rest, they'd have to agree on how to proceed. Every time players discussed things there would be fog of war involved - one person misunderstanding what the other is saying. This way all sorts of unexpected things would happen on the map. Units would be placed less perfectly and coordinating timing would be much more difficult and realistic.
  9. Terminator robots are one step closer: http://rt.com/news/robotic-muscle-torsional-berkeley-626/
  10. Where the series is going, take a look: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=104854
  11. In a modern game you can't forget shoulder launched AA missiles that could be placed anywhere on the map and things like Shilkas. Both very nasty to helicopters at least.
  12. I read a book of Apache pilot's experiences in Afghanistan. One of the chapters described a duel between his Apache and a Soviet made 2 x 20mm Flak. Their fight lasted quite a while and the Flak gun almost won it. So that caliber weapons can be deadly even against modern weapons.
  13. AFAIK allied planes frequently searching for vehicles from roads also forced Germans to do much of their transportation during the night.
  14. Great news! Especially tank riders & ammo dumps will be very nice additions.
  15. In one scenario I noticed that bunkers seem to be real tank target magnets. There was one concrete bunker that probably had nobody alive inside, yet my tanks kept using ammo to totally destroy it turn after turn.
  16. US officials keep drones grounded because making rules for drone aviation will take quite some time: http://www.suasnews.com/2013/12/26481/despite-amazons-big-plans-the-feds-are-grounding-the-drone-industry/
  17. If going through is the way, why does Hunt stop unit movement? Yes, human wave tactics were used, especially in east front, but casualties were heavy. That's all I have to add.
  18. In a way I agree, but BF has many times mentioned they want to develop the series to direction so that tactics that would work in real life would also work in the game. Now if real soldiers are trained to seek cover when being fired at, I can't think of many normal battle orders where basic soldier survival thinking would suddenly disappear from the trained minds and be replaced with something that would lead to bad results with high probability. IMO the way Hunt works is closer to reality.
  19. It has seemed to me that when this change to Fast happens, they movement path isn't changed. Just speed. Maybe I need to pay more attention to exactly what happens there. If it's like you guessed, run to nearest cover, the problem happens if even the nearest cover is far away and the enemy is already there :=)
  20. Why play big battles? Basically I like large maps because there's more room for manouvring and things are not so dependent on single key unit. Like losing your only Panther means losing the whole scenario. Small maps more often progress to locked situations where neither side wants to move their units. When there's more room it's easier to avoid this. I suppose mixing Hunt and Move could be one way of avoiding the sprint problem using current game engine. But plotting those alternative movements is a lot more work. And when enemy has surprised your unit I think dropping down immediately would increase unit survival more than doing it only when the next Hunt command begins. So having a smarter Move behaviour would be the best IMO. The case where this problem is now happening is that most defense fire has been eliminated already and I'm moving more infantry forward. But while crossing those big fields they tend to get jumpy and run like Forrest Gump. In a way it's almost comical. What I've read about real battle the problem was that soldiers losing their nerve wanted to turn back and avoid fighting. But in my case they run faster toward enemy fire - Banzai!
  21. Sure, but if you play at file per day pace, all those extra delay turns are just wasted real life days for players.
  22. Having to check my plotted moves all the time is just player annoyance. Especially in big scenarios that have LOTS of units. Like: Cut off at Koevering When viewing turn's movie I can't check some area whether I see flashing icons - ie. units taking casualties - but I also need to check their path color. Make sure some unit hasn't started running again.
  23. Yes, this behaviour can be useful in some cases. But in some other situations it's not like what happens -with other commands like Hunt -real life. Think about MG suppressive fire, why was it used?
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