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Everything posted by SlowMotion

  1. IMO it's quite unlikely that a real tank would make 10 second pauses every now and then to fire, because IRL things take more time than in the game. How tanks work in 2.01 IMO does not take into account all the delays that are a result from the fact that tanks are operated by crews, not single man. Every time something new needs to happen, team members communicate and then act. All this slows things down.
  2. Yes, 64bit support in order to use more memory is very high on my wish list.
  3. If you want that to look intelligent it becomes more difficult. You don't always want to stop when an enemy is spotted. So when to continue driving, when to stop and fire?
  4. Very interesting. I wonder if the same thing happens if a tank becomes immobilized during movement?
  5. If there is one unit whose spotting ability I have wondered in more than one battles it's Puma.
  6. IMO it would be very strange if drones were left out. They should be somehow included at least in recon role. In the recent Georgia vs Russia conflict the value of drone intelligence data became very clear to both sides: http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/europe/russia/121022/russia-georgia-drones-little-war
  7. DEM would be interesting, because of the existing data. I checked from Wiki and much of the data is not very accurate. Uses grid size of 30 meters or bigger. There is a new satellite system called TanDEM-X which captures elevation data using 12m grid. I don't know if that accurate data is available for free. Found some images here: http://www.popsci.com/science/gallery/2010-06/gallery-mapmaker-satellites-first-images?image=1
  8. What if you're making an imaginary map, like for QB usage or fictional scenario. Where do you take the overlay? I'm not proposing greyscale elevation import as necessity, but it would make one part of map making easier.
  9. With such device the elevation part of map making could mean literally going to sand box Adding trees and such would still have to be done in computer, but this 3d part is so much easier to do manually. If greyscale image could be used as height map (BF part of the work) then making an app that could scan the real world and create the greyscale image could be done by a third party.
  10. It would be very cool if one could use a device like this to scan map's elevation to a file and import it to Scenario Editor. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/kinectforwindows/archive/2013/03/06/kinect-fusion-demonstrated-at-microsoft-research-techfest-coming-soon-to-sdk.aspx
  11. If the engine does not care what happens when a gun shoots at target, how can it decide what to do next? Like if you shoot at a far away target and the shell hits ground before the target, then you raise the barrel and shoot again. Maybe "Enemy tanks do not block LOS" is the fundamental reason why this is happening. And the situation is rare enough that it's not high priority on BF's things to fix list.
  12. Some big scenarios are only playable if I use lowest gfx quality settings and trees always hidden. My tank is actually a Tiger.
  13. I understand that in real life it was much more difficult to know the status of a tank or identify infantry soldiers (think about all the game details you know about soldiers you see from 200m distance). But in my case the fact that the tank started burning did not stop ammo wasting. And I do remember the hit tree problem that Vanir Ausf B mentioned. It was there already in CMSF
  14. Initially it wasn't burning, but how do AI tanks know in general that some tank is destroyed? That map has plenty of destroyed tanks and I don't see my units wasting any ammo to them. But surely after enough hits the tank did start burning.
  15. Here is a problem I encountered while playing a scenario. CMBN 2.01 A tank of mine spotted some enemy infantry maybe 300m away. Between the tank and the infantry there is a destroyed tank. When my tank started shooting at infantry, shells hit the destroyed tank instead. This continued shell after another. I wonder if AI could be made smart enough to recognise that after enough hits to an obstacle, it is wasting ammo and should stop shooting. Or should player prevent this from happening by using covered arc or something?
  16. Extra time is an option that you specify when designing a scenario. It can be up to 15 minutes. Not about victory conditions AFAIK.
  17. ..and not just observation flights: http://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/05/17197906-holder-no-drone-strikes-on-americans-in-us-except-in-extraordinary-circumstance?lite
  18. Big brother: http://rt.com/usa/dhs-drones-eavesdrop-americans-811/
  19. I think before cars became common most long distance travels were slow and rare.
  20. China has developed their own military drones. Cheap prices could help selling these to many countries: http://thediplomat.com/2013/03/02/here-comes-chinas-drones/1/
  21. Once you finish the game one day it would be interesting to hear if you got any new thoughts about this playing mode.
  22. I don't know if you're playing a QB or some scenario, but if it's a scenario one question is: who controls reinforcements? If you get reinforcements let's say 3 times, do you decide depending on where they arrive, what kind of units are added or one person controls some and other player the rest?
  23. I would think that during setup some kind of initial planning would be needed. And then more during the battle. I did not mean goal of the whole battle, but for example on big map - if there are several bridges, which ones to use? - when using arty in the beginning, to which areas etc. Plus all these coordination things like where some units are protecting advance of others etc.
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