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Everything posted by SlowMotion

  1. Flying drones over privately owned land could also become illegal there http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2013-02/privacy-and-drones
  2. Maybe "as we speak" or something would have been a better expression. Meaning that drone assisted chase is happening right now. Foreigners don't always find right words. The link originalyy made it sound like it was the first known case, but your story shows drones have been used before. Maybe because drones have gotten so much more publicity during 2012 because of their continuous military use?
  3. Thanks! good to know. I hope 2.01 will be released soon then. This bug probably explains some weird movement problems in another CW scenario that had a path in forest just wide enough for a vehicle.
  4. I tested this: if there's a heavy forest tile and you try to plot a move through that tile, cursor shows you can't move over that tile. So it's not that. Even though the actual tank behaviour is just like with heavy forest tile. It drives to tile next to problem spot and then goes finding a better way.
  5. IMO Germans. Or maybe that's how it's happening in my game. Used differently they might have had better chance.
  6. CW Ubique: this has a good map and unusual units. I'd tweak the balance a little so that both players would have better chance to win, but so far this has been one of my best CW scenarios.
  7. I'm not going to open the scenario in Editor because it's a PBEM. Don't want to go peeking all the details while the game is in progress. I did check the place with all trees shown and there is no foliage there higher than maybe 20cm tall (like you see in front of the hedge). I can send a saved games file to BF developers if they wish.
  8. And now drones are used in US law enforcement: http://now.msn.com/christopher-dorner-is-first-drone-target-on-us-soil
  9. CW Normons is the scenario name. I normally use the tree setting where nearby trees are shown without leaves.
  10. In a CMBN 2.0 scenario I'm playing I encountered this: for some reason a Tiger won't drive through a "gate" in hedge. IMO that should be wide enough and the ground type should allow driving also, but no. Instead the tank goes finding another way around the bocage. Any idea what could cause this?
  11. Yes. Just for comparison, I checked the wiki page of Piat - the antitank weapon used by British infantry. How many men got a Victoria Cross for using Piat? 6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PIAT
  12. Ok, that was the view of one senator. Drone usage in California had to be postponed after protests. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/12/california-drones/
  13. Good idea. CMx2 does not allow you to have all those small angle road turns and object rotations that real world maps are full of. and a wish from player: elevations is one area where you can ignore real map - totally flat maps are boring to play.
  14. Texas plans to ban drones http://radio.woai.com/cc-common/mainheadlines3.html?feed=119078&article=10784277
  15. Maybe not so useful in CM games, but will offer new level of immersion in many other games:
  16. Miniature drone being used in Afganistan: http://blog-admin.wired.com/dangerroom/2013/02/black-hornet-nano/
  17. I'm surprised of how often the gun is damaged compared to whole tank being destoyed. No real reason - the gun just seems such a small part of the whole tank area that can get hit.
  18. About the popup message: another place where this is already in use is when reinforcements arrive. Many use that text just for mentioning the name of the reinforcement, but you could just as well use it to give some new info to player. Of course the length of this text is very limited.
  19. 1 & 2: nice to have, especially if it's a historical battle 3: I prefer clear 2d maps 4. If it's a historical battle I like it if briefing mentions the place and date where the battle took place so I can search for more detailed info if I'm interested. Also mentioning units involved can be nice. Some people mention if their sources are unclear about something like the number of some tanks. This way players get some idea of HOW historical the scenario is. I like that. If scenario author couldn't include something for example because the unit type or some feature is not included in the game and maybe tried to replace it with something else. Also IMO it's important to mention how scoring goes: what kind of goals there are and how many points you get from each. Map landmarks can improve playability especially when the map is large. And: mention whether the scenario has been planned to be played as H2H or either side against the AI. Some scenarios claim they are good for all playing styles when they really are not. You can waste several weeks of player's time by recommending something for H2H which is actually totally one sided. And this info should be visible already in the screen where people select battle, not in briefing text. I do not like briefings that are million pages long
  20. Drone article from Time magazine: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2135132,00.html
  21. 18 giga pixel surveillance camera
  22. http://infinity-imagined.tumblr.com/post/28086034206/manytinylittlethings-a-bacterium-on-a-diatom-on
  23. Civilian drones are supposed to be flying on US skies starting from 2015 and "Google co-founder Sergey Brin said last year he expects his company to have self-driving cars ready for the general public within five years" http://ideas.time.com/2013/01/14/will-self-driving-cars-change-the-rules-of-the-road/
  24. or this: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-5Ht3fdmMaAA/UQNkjHrp7BI/AAAAAAACkbQ/BjCSnmiJygY/w497-h373/qpPXy.gif
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