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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. You need a better grog than me to give you exact numbers, but I remember Keegan in Six Armies in Normandy saying that DGAC was massive compared to the defeat in Normandy. As in Normandy the entire front collapsed, but the numbers involved were much higher. I can't even quote the the figures from Keegan as the person I lent the book to hasn't given it back yet .
  2. Well the normal figure given for Jews murdered by the Nazis is 6 million. I know that a lot of the Jewish victims were Polish and that non-Jewish Poles were treated as a pool of slave labour by the Nazis, however 5.3 million civilians from a country the size of Poland is an appalling number.
  3. Looks like I'm the only one who hasn't gone away for Xmas. Edit because a typo made it appear that I was mocking Italians. [ December 22, 2002, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  4. http://ww2bodycount.netfirms.com/ gives a breakdown of casualites, both civilian and military by country. I was well aware of the suffering that Russia endured, but the figures for Poland are quite shocking - 120,000 military personnel and 5.3 million civilians.
  5. Wong forum for the argument, I know, but I'd say NWN was better than Morrowind . You're right though, like the Oscars, being nominated for these awards is an achievement in itself, it means that people who may not be aware of the games may take a look at the demo at least. Congrats to BFC.
  6. The last time BFC replied on this they also used the word 'tentative' for the plans following the engine rewrite. I'm pretty sure that the Early War proposal was for 1939-40. I would hope that the Balkans were part of any Mediterranean game.
  7. Your machine will have no problems at all running CMBO even with hi-res mods, CMBO was designed for much slower machines. It should also have no problems withe CMBB, apart from the 'To the Volga' operation, which even 2.4 gig P4s and top range AMDs have problems running at an acceptable rate.
  8. The CDV version has an ELSPA (industry self-regulators) rating of 11+. It doesn't look like the CDV CD which is mainly red in colour.
  9. Monty's English is much better my Dutch. I couldn't even tell you what the Dutch for 'unhidden' is. There seems to be a disturbing trend on this forum of 'Oooh, lets all laugh at the funny foreigners because they make mistakes in their English' .
  10. One of the German guys (Parabellum?) was saying the other day that CDV will send out the patch on CD. I don't know the details, but perhaps someone else can give them, or you could try a visit to their web-site.
  11. Page 1/27 - 1/28 seem to suggest that HQs can hide while spotting for mortars.
  12. Lunchtime bump. Soddy - it's best just to ignore trolls like the Crowley creature.
  13. Ah, Don Featherstone's 'War Games', that brings back memories, my parent wouldn't stand for a sand table in my bedroom though, there wasn't enough room anyway. I just joined the 50+ club myself, perhaps we should start our own Clan . [ December 19, 2002, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  14. If by 'Second Front' they mean, as is normally the case, the landings in Normandy, he was very much involved. Until that incident with the Typhoon.
  15. Yes CDV released a German language version and an English language version (there may have been others) of CMBO. The screenshots are from the German language version of CMBO, judging by the interface and light coloured grass.
  16. Ooh I get to be first to repeat Patton's real life quote. 'Drive down that road and see what shoots at you.' Most 'gamey' tactics can be defeated by good tactics. Of course learning good tactics is not easy, I haven't managed myself yet.
  17. Never really cared for CC much (I tried 2 and 3), I think there weren't enough units for my tastes and the unit icons were always too small for my, admittedly poor, eyesight. I preferred the Steel Panthers series until CMBO came along.
  18. The weather outside is frightful, But the fire inside's delightful, And since we've no place to go Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. [ December 17, 2002, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  19. But MasterWaffleAleGood is your alter-alter-ego. Anyway this thread is confusing me I thought Berli was supposed to be the nasty one and Seanipoos the nice one. BTS fix or do somefink!
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