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Everything posted by handihoc

  1. Yes, really nice. But some of those trees are too bright green. They should be toned down a little to look more realistic. Great work, though.
  2. Agreed. So would Pacific WW2 - a theatre that's rarely covered.
  3. You can watch some of the news footage here. http://news.bbc.co.uk/ and check out those vehicles
  4. What's interesting in the BBC news footage is the British AFVs, which are smothered in various camouflage materials. Their profiles are completely altered. It'd be nice to see that implemented in CMSF. How about it, Battlefront?
  5. Scenario 3, I did get fired on by snipers in the first turn, but they were only effective because I'd opened up my Humvees. When I replayed it, they fired on the buttoned Humvees, but had no effect. The Bradley spotted the missile team before they fired, and suppressed them. But I see your point, yes. It's true, I was under fire instantly - in all the excitement I'd forgotten this. Scenario 4. My men got to the nearest building without casualties. However, I lost two on the next turn as I moved them forward along the street. My fault, but again, yes, it would've been better had they had the option to start the mission in a building. Anyway, Bardosy's taken note and is making required adjustments.
  6. 37mm - don't understand how you got instantly whacked at the beginning. I haven't found that in any of the missions so far. It's taken at least a minute (WEGO) before I encountered anything. Mission One, I did spot enemies within the first minute, but they weren't in a position to do me any harm until I advanced.
  7. Finished 4. Got a total victory. Great battle. ******SPOILER ALERT!!!******* > > > > > > > > > > Hugely enjoyable urban fighting (though the later stages did give me a lot of lag). Some really well placed enemies caused me quite a few problems for a while. But in the end, overwhelming firepower for the US ensured a relatively easy victory. I think it would benefit from a significantly bigger Syrian armoured counterattack at the end. From the briefing I was expecting quite a few tanks, but in fact only got 3BDRMs, which I incinerated pdq. You could even bring Syrian tanks in earlier, get them set up in advantageous positions. As it was, I had my Abrams squadron sitting on Crossroads 1 waiting for anything that showed its face. Now on to number 5 . . .
  8. The kennel thing is a joke, started in another thread. Simple as.
  9. Yes, in the airfield mission I lost two Bradleys and a Humvee to those mines. Very cleverly placed. You really anticipated my moves well. btw I've been through the briefings again and corrected errors. I won't send them back yet, I'd like to check them again when I'm further into the campaign. If you want them earlier, let me know.
  10. bardosy, I'm interested to know how this works from a designer's point of view. You speak as if you don't know what to expect, or where the enemy is situated, even though you designed the battle. How is this? I've not looked at designing, but it seems to me that the designer would have God-like knowledge of where the enemy is, and what weaponry is at it's disposal, and so wouldn't really get the same experience as a player, like me, who has no familiarity at all. I've seen other designers saying more or less the same as you ie they play their own battles and really seem to enjoy them and find them challenging. So how does that work?
  11. TC, when you set up your new home (presumably) with your new wife, can I interest you in a finely crafted, authentic, luxurious English kennel for the family pet?
  12. Webwing, I couldn't complete it. Got massive CTDs after starting it (this was with V1.06) and couldn't play on. Couldn't play anything, in fact. I've now downloaded your updated version, so will start the campaign again from scratch. Thankfully, 1.07 has made the game very stable (touch wood!!) and also sharpened AI and own troops' behaviour, so I'm looking forward to it. atm, though, I'm playing through bardosy's TF Narwick campaign. It's great fun, and as I edited the briefings I want to run through it to give him f/back and, if necessary, rework the briefings before he uploads an update later. I'm looking forward to replaying the Ghost, though. And then there's Paper Tiger's campaign, and a new Ba Badu, and the African battles, and so many more... Oh joy!
  13. Some very atmospheric screenshots there, PT. I really do like the way your campaign is unfolding.
  14. Mission 4 is cool. I'm halfway through, and it's pretty tough, dense urban fighting with lots of nasty surprises. I think I've got it covered, but you can never be sure till it's over, and I imagine bardosy has some more surprises set up for the final minutes - in fact, the briefing suggests as much, so it's cautious progress. Back into it later today.
  15. Wow! Totally ferocious battle (mission 3). One of the best I've played. I got Total Victory in the end, and didn't need the Apache or final wave of reinforcements. Won with 14 minutes to spare, but it was a hell of a fight! Excellent. CB, I'll let you know when I get there.
  16. Got a bit further now, bardosy, but you have set this one up superbly. Whereas in battle 2 I didn't have to do anything at all, in this one I'm forced to think v carefully about every move, and keep running into some very nasty and effective surprises. Love it!
  17. Battle 3 is brilliant!! I haven't finished yet, and am having such a tough time. I think BF really raised the bar with 1.07. The AI is totally bigging it up as a foe. Very well designed scenario. Having great fun!
  18. Yep, I got that in 1.05. REceived the announcement, but no reinforcements. Then a few turns later, there they were, so it does seem to be dependent on some sort of trigger, despite the announcement.
  19. *****SPOILER!!***** Hmm, I gotta disagree somewhat with The Warrior on Mission 2. I found it a bit of a turkey shoot. Those Abrams are so powerful, all you have to do (all I did, anyway) is sit 'em on the crest of the nearest dune and wait, and they'll pick of everything that shows up, before it even gets a shot off. So I felt like a bit of a spectator in that one. Didn't feel challenged at all, and didn't lose a single trooper. However, Mission 3 is a different story. You anticipated my gambit perfectly, damn you! My engineers blasted through the perimeter wall and walked straight into an ambush. Seconds later the entire squad was dead. Ouch! Meantime, snipers picked off my two Humvee machinegunners in the second minute. Ouch again! Result: have to start again. I love it when I feel I've been outwitted by the designer. It tells me I've underestimated my opponent, and need to get my brain cells into another gear. So Mission 3 is shaping up to be a very tough one. March on!
  20. I'll be testing it soon, George. Actually, still haven't completed Rescue, due to all the bugs. Now 1.07's here I'll be going back in asap.
  21. Yep, 1.07 seems to have squashed all the bad stuff at last. If you're a wargaming fan (presumably you are, or you wouldn't be on this forum) then go buy it, preferably by BF download. There's nothing else like it out there.
  22. Ah, I see others have pointed you in the right direction. As for Vista, though I've got it, I'm kind've glad I never installed it. Seems even now that many users are having issues. I guess one day not too long there'll be no choice but to upgrade to it, but for now, until someone with Godlike knowledge of how things are tells me it's totally the one to have, I'm sticking with XP. Anyway, good luck with that.
  23. Have you not been checking the SF Scenarios forum? Have you not been going to CMMODS ( http://www.cmmods.com/ ) ? Yes, there were no new battles included with the patch, but I'm talking about all the player-designed scenarios and campaigns that are showing up over the last few weeks. Go get 'em, soldier!
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