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Everything posted by handihoc

  1. Usuallyinstalling a new card and drivers automatically overrides the onboard, or is simply enough overriden by software wizards - that's my experience, anyway. I'm not techie enough to know why yours doesn't. If the card slots in, it ought to function. That's not much help, I know, if yours won't work. With luck, a few more knowledgeable players will come in here and pitch in.
  2. I think you're going to have a lot of fun.
  3. Unless you have a very old, or very unusual pc, you can install a new video card and override the onboard. You can do it yourself or, if you know nothing about the internal organs of a pc, get a local computer dude to do it. It could pay dividends - in fact, it will in terms of playing SF - but you might want to post your specs here first for more advice, just in case your pc isn't up to the job.
  4. Hello Mishga. Good to see you back. Have you noticed how everything changes round here when a girl turns up?
  5. Just finished it. I changed my tactics and did more or less as Sven Dufva says (off my own bat, though, before reading your post!). So, I fought heroically, thwarted the enemy attack, took out three of their BRDMs when the 5th Cavalry arrived, but in the end didn't manage to actually take the bridges back, so ended with Total Defeat. Wonderful fun, but humiliating. Will this defeat have an effect on later battles? I've moved on to the next. This is going to be my first night battle since 1.05, so looking forward to it. What a great map! Quite scary, actually.
  6. Like 'em. Not qualified to comment on accuracy of detail, but I think you've done (another) commendable job here.
  7. Yes, it's just the wording. I'd not noticed it before. It has a slightly absurdist, cartoonish tone to it.
  8. TheVulture, that's an interesting note on Linux. Has anyone tried running SF on it and noticed any difference in performance?
  9. Quote: "A British travel firm said Syria was increasingly appealing to Europeans." It's a mis-spelling. They meant to say 'increasingly appalling'.
  10. Yesterday I gave an inf squad in a trench a Quick move order 20metres along the trench, then another quick at right angles into an alley behind a wall. If they'd followed orders they'd have remained out of sight of the enemy for all but a couple of seconds. Instead, when they reached the waypoint, instead of just turning and running smoothly into cover, several of them came out of the trench on the wrong side, faffed around for several seconds in the open, then ran for the designated alleyway. Result, three dead from enemy fire. I've seen other similar behaviour recently - similar to The Vulture's report. When they reach a waypoint inf will often run back and forth, exposing themselves (so to speak!), and not get quickly into cover. Some members of a squad will even settle in the open rather than behind the obvious cover of a wall.
  11. Just got totally wiped in Counterattack. It's mean, it's nasty, but it's gotta be winnable. Time to rethink my tactics. . . btw in mission 3 I noticed a couple of enemy units named Tiny Combatant and Huge Combatant. What's all that about?
  12. The Fighting Seabee has created Special Forces missions for SF. Obviously, they ain't quite real Specials, but they're very fine scenarios, and highly enjoyable. "Afghani Stan" is one, as is "Warlords in a Barrel". The first is available at www.CMMODS.com - not sure where he put Warlords, but if you ask him nicely I'm sure he'll spill. There're a couple of others, too, but I can't remember the titles.
  13. This thread seems to have disappeared from the scenarios forum, but anyway . . . Back in after a long break, and it's good to be back! I've noticed a few small differences: not all enemy troops are in the same locations as the earlier version - is this to catch out returners like me, or is there a random element to AI setup? In mission 2 I stumbled into a minefield which either wasn't there in the original, or I was simply lucky and walked straight through it unharmed. Anyway, this time it took out three of my brave boys. The enemy AI seems much smarter with 1.08, and significantly more aggressive and accurate. I've had a few nasty scrapes and some great full-on ambushes and assaults. Just completed Sweep and Clean (again). More cover on the ridgeline helped the lads over the crest. The (added) Apache was fun, though not entirely necessary. I think the time is too long - I finished with an hour to spare, though of course I had the benefit of knowing more or less what to expect. Even so, there's alot of free time there. Great scenario though. Feels quite epic with numerous small-scale but quite lethal skirmishes, and then the final battle for the village. Now I'm about to begin Counterattack - which is where I had to abandon the campaign some weeks ago due to ctds. None of them anymore, so it's unknown territory from here on. A blast!
  14. Good on yer, Splinty. I was beginning to doubt myself.
  15. I've been trying, without success, to reproduce it. Maybe I got it wrong - fog of war, whisky, etc - didn't actually see what I thought I actually saw . . . If I am wrong, then is the only effect of CLS (thanks TC!) in the game to prevent possible KIA for the purpose of assessing victory conditions? Any chance of a comment from the Men Who Know on this?
  16. It seems to be rare, but I have seen it. IIRC he came back yellow. Has anyone else witnessed this? Most typically they don't return to combat, just vanish. As I said earlier, I don't know if that means KIA or WIA, and the consequences for Victory Conditions. Don't know how it affects Red side. But yes, it's the kind of thing that makes you re-think your battlefield tactics as commander. Kinda nice.
  17. Medics may be 'just first-aiders' or 'buddy adiers', but their impact on the game is unique in my experience of computer wargaming, and valid as an expression of real world warfare. It wasn't a 'rave review', just an acknowledgement of how thoughtfully devised this game is. Where else in the computer gaming world have you seen medics as a functional component of the battlefield?
  18. Still, after how many months (?), appreciating the subtlety of this game. Very rare to for me to be playing single player still, so long after release. One thing that's really making me re-think my approach is the presence and influence of medics on the battlefield. In other wargames (ToW, CC, CMx1 etc), I would take some losses, feel the hurt, shrug, and forge on at all costs. SF doesn't allow you to do that. You get penalised for losses, depending upon the scenario designer's victory conditions. But equally, I'm really impressed by how much difference the presence of medics makes. Now, when a man takes a hit, I try to make sure (not always possible, depending upon the battle situation), that the squad holds up, or at least another squad moves up, in order for medical attention. It's such a simple thing, but makes a huge difference to your awareness of battlefield casualties, and their consequences. Sometimes I've seen a man return to combat after a couple of minutes medical. Others, he vanishes. I'm not sure if that means he's KIA, automatically, or if he's just WIA and removed from the field, but still counts towards Victory Conditions. Whatever, it's one of the many subtle additions that make this game really stand out. It'll be very interesting to see how much difference this makes in upcoming WW2 game.
  19. Yes, Webwing, you're right. The scenarios I mentioned are not MOUT in its purest sense. I wasn't aware of Big City Blues - seemed to have passed me by somehow, but I'll have to check it out now. btw I'm back in the Ghost campaign. Expect debriefings soon in the Scenarios forum.
  20. I installed the Battlefront toolbar on Firefox and I gotta say, How damn cool is the radio station button? Listening to a blues station right now. No idea what station as there's no chat, not even anything to tell me who the artists are. It's just non-stop blues. Later, may switch to alt-rock or classic rock, or maybe even something Latino. Love it. Over here (UK) it's virtually impossible to get a radio station that isn't populated by garrulous halfwit deejays and interrupted every five minutes by goddam crappy ads. Well done BF! Not just the best wargames, but the coolest music too! But how do I find out who these stations and artists are?
  21. George Mac's Hammertime is highly recommended - though check it's been updated for 1.08, as I've seen comments that the SF upgrade made things a little easier for the Blue side. Another excellent mission is The Phantom's Return to Babado (I think that's the right title). Blue attack again, murderously challenging. He has released an updated version, I think, as well as a new scenario, neither of which I've yet had time to check, but I had great fun with the earlier version. Check the title and reviews, though, as the very first version - though very good - is a smaller, infantry only assault, and is still available). Rune's Following the Euphrates is another big, immensely enjoyable battle that springs to mind. If you check the threads on this forum for these battles, you'll get a better idea. Enjoy!
  22. And to have a full, dynamic, branching campaign as well as individual battles! :cool: Please.
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