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Everything posted by handihoc

  1. Almost done, bardosy. I'm at work today, but probably get it to you this eve or tomorrow morning.
  2. Yeah, the vehicle damage modelling in ToW is a great plus, I agree. And I'm a longtime WW2 gaming fan, but something about CMSF really does it for me - which slightly surprises me as I had no great interest in the theatre when it was in development. It's become the one I reach for most instinctively, like a good single malt. ToW, for all it's merits, still has something of a slightly gamey feel to it in comparison to the gritty realism of SF. And you still can't enter the damn buildings! The Marine module will no doubt increase my enthusiasm, whilst adding to my growing bank of newfound knowledge about contemporary warfare. And, being a Limey, I'm looking forward to the Brit module with great relish. And then there'll be WW2 . . . Oh my lord! Anyway, good to know you're still around and yabadabadoo-ing. Rock on!
  3. Yep, I'm now being CTD'd to death. Hurry up with the patch, guys, please! (BF download, not Paradox)
  4. True to his name he's been less than visible lately. I have a yen for a return to Return to Yabadabadoo!
  5. I'm really liking the sound of this, as well as the look. Great work, PT. RvR certainly appeals - I've only touched on it so far in a couple of scenarios, as I normally play blue. And it looks like you've really put in some work to make this something special. Don't have time to play it yet, unfortunately, but the day will come soon enough. Meanwhile, thanks for all your the time and energy.
  6. Re mounting/dismounting. A problem, or possibly bug, I've found is this. I've given mounted inf the order to dismount, put the vehicle on a 30sec pause to give them time to get out, then on the same turn, ordered the vehicle to move to a new location after pausing. And it doesn't happen in that sequence. What ALWAYS happens is that troops ONLY dismount at the end of the vehicle movement order. I don't think there's currently a way around this, unless someone can set me straight, but it really would be useful in a future patch to remedy it so troops can dismount before vehicle movement.
  7. Well, Rune, you're giving me a hell of a tough time. Just been back in, found areas I thought I'd cleared still harbouring hidden enemy inf, who rose out of the earth and mowed down my US boys as they moved in to secure the objective. Nasty stuff. Very engaging. I hope you're proud! One note: the game is beginning to slow down now as I debark infantry, and more enemy come into view. I've mentioned this elsewhere, but it seems my Core 2 Duo system doesn't handle the game as well as it should.
  8. Overall, I gotta agree with Taki. As I said on my own report on the first two battles in another thread, great scenarios, really tense, but in the end a too easy victory. I was expecting quite a lot more resistance than I encountered.
  9. No, I didn't specifically mean artillery smoke. I want inf and vehicles to be able to target where they lob smoke. Atm it's only in the direcion they're facing, which isn't necessarily where you want it to be.
  10. I'm playing the Euphrates scenario released with 1.05, and am hugely impressed - except for one problem, which I'll come to in a minute. First the good news. And there's plenty of it. The battle, even though its a damn' big one, runs very smoothly so far. Much better than previously. I can see over walls! Hooray! But so can the enemy. Ouch! Great defence by the Red AI. Masterful use of ATGMs - twenty minutes in and I'm two Strykers and an MGS down. I'm taking quite a whupping, which is a positive sign in single play. Going to have to go back and replay the last few turns. Installed various mods (Graffiti, Shop Front, Up-amoured Humvee), and they really make a pleasing subtle difference to the look of the place. Some sounds seem to be improved. I've got soundsurround, so it's fantastic to hear a shell or a missile launch, whoosh past my head and explode somewhere in the far distance way out on the other side of my room! Bullets penetrating or cutting through leaves or earth, spent shells and fragments raining down etc are really effective too. The one bad point is CTDs. It's being discussed elsewhere, but basically seems to happen mostly (and often) when replaying a WEGO turn, after having viewed the action once. Second time generally causes a crash. Real pity, as a battle like this demands repeated replays just to take in everything that's happened in that last minute or so - and to change viewpoint and marvel at the graphics. So overall verdict on 1.06 - wonderful! I just hope this ctd issue can be squashed quickly. btw, who designed this scenario? There's no author's name in the briefing.
  11. Directionable smoke. Icons showing civilian occupied buildings. Two small numbers in the battlefield unit icon, telling us the unit's platoon and squad ranking ie 2/1 = 2nd platoon, first squad. At the moment you have to click on units to confirm who they are. Delete Saved Game button. No more CTDs.
  12. I've tried playing the Euphrates mission that came with 1.05. It runs very smoothly, much more smoothly under 1.06 than 1.05 BUT I've had a couple of CTDs. They seem to happen mostly on repeated playback ie, in WEGO, play the action once, no problem, play it again and there seems to be a strong likelihood of a CTD. In the Ghost mission 2, the CTDs seemed more random, though some did occur on repeated playback. No idea why, but others are reporting the same in the tech forum, not just in this campaign. So I guess BF will be on the case. Goddamit, one of these days this game is gonna play like it should!
  13. Finished the second mission. Had a lot of problems with CTDs, but eventually managed to finish the last few turns without further crashes. **************SPOILER ALERT!!**************> . > > > > > > > Again, a really well constructed map, with a challenging layout. Really loved the long approach, unnecessarily cautious as it turned out, and then the numerous ambushes. The feel of hunting street by street, building to building, with sudden attacks coming from nowhere, was very tense and great to observe. Some hard fighting and intense encounters in places, but again, I think the enemy could've been beefed up a bit, especially towards the end. The only counterattack seemed to come from three enemy inf squads across the two bridges, approaching across the open. My mg's and sniper were able to pick them off with little trouble. I expected a substantially bigger response, and was saving my mortars for that, but in the end didn't get to use them. Total US Victory 24 minutes before timeout. 3 dead, 10 wounded. Very enjoyable scenario, as previously. But my experience so far, if you are planning to update the campaign, is that careful tactical planning and timely manoeuvring with the US troops will lead to a relatively easy win. The Syrians need more beef!
  14. I tried deleting all mods in case that was the cause, but it made no difference. The crash generates a report for Microsoft, but it doesn't let me copy it to post here. It does tell me its saved it in a temp .txt file, but when I look on my hard drive I can't find it anywhere. It doesn't show up in Windows temp directory.
  15. You may be right, but whether it's a matter of 'will never be fixed' or 'may be fixed if we can set enough time aside' I don't know. Just hope it's the latter. Maybe BF could comment on this?
  16. No, it seems to happen pretty much randomly. Often it's during the commands phase, but sometimes also during the action, and once when I was trying to save.
  17. I'm getting this alot. Playing second battle in Webwing's Ghost campaign, and it's CTDing virtually every turn. Can't progress at all. This is the BF download version. Really annoying as everything seemed to be going so well initially.
  18. Cheers, TC. It does work. Daft bat that I am, I was expecting everything to show up immediately, not taking into account that some mods will be restricted to specific scenario types.
  19. Yep, they do show up. Really nice work, dude.
  20. Very nice looking mod, LLF, and it adds some fine variation to the battlefield BUT I've found it turning up in some slightly unusual places. For instance, in the second battle of Webwing's Ghost campaign, it forms the ground floor of a mosque! Perhaps they're selling the infamous 4-skin pack.
  21. OK, just finished battle one and here's my verdict ******** BIG SPOILER ALERT!!! ********* > > > > > > > Very intense battle, playing WEGO Elite. Scored Total Victory with 2 dead and 16 wounded. Love the map, love the infantry emphasis, but a couple of things happened that made me wonder about the AI and/or scripting. Firstly, the BTR came in and, after waiting on the bend a while and spraying hot metal towards my 2nd platoon, then advanced right up to MG1. By then 1st platoon had taken that position, which the BTR should have been aware of (?). So when it sat outside, my squads just peppered it. Boom! And why would a solitary vehicle advance when it knows the area is full of enemy inf? When the F16 came in, I ordered it to heavy bomb MG2. It never managed to do it - I just kept getting the Coming Around message, but it never dropped any ordnance. As it happened, I didn't need it anyway. Got the victory 5 minutes from the end. In the end, then, though it was a challenging battle, it turned into a relatively easy victory. A vigorous enemy defence, but a couple more enemy squads and/or another vehicle might've really tested me. Great fun, though, fantastic to watch my guys on the move, and it's so good to be back in the fray! On to battle 2 . . .
  22. OK, just finished battle one and here's my verdict ******** BIG SPOILER ALERT!!! ********* > > > > > > > Very intense battle, playing WEGO Elite. Scored Total Victory with 2 dead and 16 wounded. Love the map, love the infantry emphasis, but a couple of things happened that made me wonder about the AI and/or scripting. Firstly, the BTR came in and, after waiting on the bend a while and spraying hot metal towards my 2nd platoon, then advanced right up to MG1. By then 1st platoon had taken that position, which the BTR should have been aware of (?). So when it sat outside, my squads just peppered it. Boom! When the F16 came in, I ordered it to heavy bomb MG2. It never managed to do it - I just kept getting the Coming Around message, but it never dropped any ordnance. As it happened, I didn't need it anyway. Got the victory 5 minutes from the end. In the end, then, though it was a challenging battle, it turned into a relatively easy victory. A vigorous enemy defence, but a couple more enemy squads and/or another vehicle might've really tested me. Great fun, though, fantastic to watch my guys on the move, and it's so good to be back in the fray! On to battle 2 . . .
  23. Louch, I just installed your graffiti pics, but they haven't shown up in the game. Do they only appear in certain types of scenario, or on certain buildings (I've only played the start of Webwings great Ghost campaign, which is sparse village setting, so far). Or am I still not installing properly? I've installed them, insie their Window_Graffiti folder, inside Z, inside Data, inside Combat Mission Shock Force. Should I unload them from the Window_Graffiti folder or something?
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