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Everything posted by handihoc

  1. Wish I had time, but I'm pretty limited atm. Sorry.
  2. QUOTE] Is that a dessert and does that mean its almost done to perfection? [/QB]
  3. Just dl'd 1.05, but haven't had chance to test yet. Looks v impressive but, from the readme, looks like smoke still can't be targeted and will always land where the unit is facing. This can cause delays, particularly in WEGO, as you have to give a specific Face order, then wait a turn to order Smoke. Will this be fixed in another patch? Also, what's the chance, if any, of a full dynamic campaign capability - damage, losses, reinforcement types/arrivals etc being dependent on previous battles? Anyway, thanks for the hard work BF. I already love this game, so 1.05 is gonna be icing on the cake.
  4. Wow, that is impressive. Done with a lot o' lerv! And almost all infantry - great! I love tanks and things that make big bangs, but infantry battles can be a joy, with a whole different slant on the game. I only wish campaigns could be dynamic ie damage, losses etc transfer from battle to battle. Just downloaded 1.05 so looking forward to this.
  5. Forget all that, Card, the real issue is, Who the hell was your granpa?
  6. Haven't tried Blackjack, Phantom. I will when I get some time - but there's so much good stuff to look forward to, and so little time . . . REAL LIFE KEEPS GETTING IN MY DAMN' WAY!!
  7. George, just in case you weren't aware, I gave you a well-deserved 5 stars on CMMODS, but it's under my old handle, Philwil, not Handihoc. Now, come on, please. Stop taking holidays and get down to more battle designs, or I'll have to send the boys in.
  8. Phantom, just in case you weren't aware, I gave you a well-deserved 5 stars on CMMODS, but it's under my old handle, Philwil, not Handihoc.
  9. Finally finished the first mission (and left a 5 star review on CMMODS, under the single mission scenario). Got total victory, but only after a long hard, thoroughly enjoyable slog, and several failed attempts. Really enjoyed it. Definitely one of the best. Look forward to completing the campaign. Crits: well, I ended with 35 mins to spare, so it could be shortened somewhat. And maybe the enemy resistance could've been stiffened a little in the final stages. My two platoons of reinforcements were more than enough to complete the task. Agree with earlier comments (and I mentioned this in another thread some while back) that arrival of reinforcements should be more clearly announced. Very easy to miss. Anyway, Webwing, keep makin' 'em. If this is your first, you got a fine future for us to look foward to! Cheers, dude!
  10. Yes, they're called spoilers for a good reason!
  11. ***** BIG SPOILER HERE!!!***** . . . . . . . No fireworks? I wouldn't go that far. There is what appears to be an anti-personnel mine, or ied, placed in front of the first building by the roadside, which blew five of my men to kindgom come! Pretty nasty firework, I would say.
  12. I agree with Phantom and Bodkin there. I'm still playing (love the fact that it's now a campaign), and having great fun playing the first mission (Elite WEGO), even though I keep getting pasted and have to restart, or at least go back several turns. Is the mission winnable at Elite level? I don't know, but it's a pretty realistic setup to me, and really enjoyable, making me keep going back for more.
  13. I do like this a lot so far (about 30 mins in). V1.1 (but what's that about starting in buildings? Mine don't). Lovely map, very testing for the player, with limited forces and a punishing enemy. I'm gonna hve to start again as I've taken too many casualties - but that's more my play than the scenario. Enemy's very aggressive and effective, which I like, and it's certainly going to be a challenge. Locking horns again now!
  14. Quote>>'"General" is just regular old ground bursts. I had thought some airbursts would be mixed in with General, but perhaps I was mistaken.'>> Steve, now you're making me doubt myself. But I remain reasonably certain that I have seen airbursts from a General setting. That is if my memory serves. Or at least, I think it is. If I'm not mistaken. Maybe. Possibly, anyway. Well. . . At least. . . er . . .
  15. I'll definitely dl and test it soon as I get chance - might be a few days, though. I also like the idea of inf only. The original Babado was that, and a really nice mission it was/is too (though it's larger more mechanised offspring is also totally cool). I'll let you know asap - but cheers for making it.
  16. Rollstoy, now try it at Elite level! Oh, and btw, I hope you're going to clean up and rebuild, cos that's a helluva mess you've left behind you. :mad:
  17. Stikkypixie, actually Jacques Brel is first among Belgians.
  18. I've seen some airbursts in 'General', most recently in the Return To Babado scenario. They were possibly in the minority, but there were some, definitely.
  19. On the whole I don't find accuracy a problem. I've seen rpg's miss many times, and equally hit many times, especially stationary vehicles. ATGM's and javelins are similar, though generally seem to have a better (and more lethal) hit-rate. I assume their effectiveness is down to the experience etc rating of the troops, as set by the scenario designer. It's damned upsetting to see my carefully placed, or even rapidly moving, vehicles get toasted, but on the whole I haven't found it unrealistic.
  20. Good to have you back, Steve. And you're right, as you've seen, the rot sets in pdq when you don't regularly tend to your house (and sometimes, even when you do!!). Good news on 1.05 and future stuff. I'm one of those who loves SF, even though it didn't initially appeal too much, and never at any time doubted BF's commitment. Really looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Rock on! [ December 04, 2007, 03:44 AM: Message edited by: handihoc ]
  21. Really looking forward to the final version. Bring it on for Xmas! (And 1.05 too). PS Yes, that cunningly concealed RPG caused me some major gripes too.
  22. I'm having probs with this battle - not because of the design, but because I keep getting CTD'd. Never happened in SF before, but in two separate games of this mission it's happened repeatedly, about 20 or so minutes in, and I can't get beyond that point. This is in WEGO so I'll try again in RT and see if that makes any difference. I like the scenario a lot, so far. Just wish I could play it through.
  23. It may not be HEAT overmodelling, Sgt Muhammed. How close were your inf to the Brad when it died? If its ammo and/or fuel tank were hit, it would make a mighty bang which will wipe out anyone nearby without sufficent cover. I've had it happen to me. Real shocker, but perfectly reasonable, I think. Now I recommend going for Version 2, and keep your head down!
  24. Very lonely, by the look of it. I've seen some of my AV's having sex with walls.
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