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Everything posted by handihoc

  1. Just finished first battle. Really intense. Great fight. Enjoyed it immensely. And no CTDs! Fantastic. Diving into battle two now. (Oh shame! I spotted a couple of minor errors (mine) in the briefing. Amazing how the little creeps get past. Only excuse is I was a bit pushed for time. If I email them to you, bardosy, is it easy for you to upload corrections again?)
  2. Just finished my first battle in 1.07. Oh yay! Really tense fighting, fabulous animations, multiple WEGO replays and almost multiple orgasms. Not a single CTD! SF now shows every sign of being what it has always promised to be. Touch wood, the bugs are gone. Great gameplay. Extraordinary depth. And all these new scenarios and campaigns. Wonderful. Just so happens I got the day off work today, too.
  3. I haven't looked at the editors - not yet even considered designing a scenario 'cos I'm having too much fun playing yours, and other designers'! Plus, I'm quite limited for time. It tends to be 45minutes or so play at a time before the real life stuff calls me rudely back. So, can't really comment. All I can say is that, despite the frustrating bugs (the latest one for me is multi-CTDs - apparently fixed for v1.07, due soon)I just love SF from a player's point of view. Before it arrived I was playin TOW pretty solidly and enjoying it immensely, but SF seems to have that little bit extra. And with all the new campaigns and scenarios being created, I can't see me leaving it for quite a while.
  4. Aw, shucks, it was nothing'. Seriously, I'm glad to have been able to help, but in the end it's the actual battle designs that count - and are where the real hard work is done. And these do look good. bardosy, I'd advise putting a spoiler alert on that previous message. You are revealing the surprises. [ February 21, 2008, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: handihoc ]
  5. Ooh, glad you love the briefings, Seabee! I've not had chance to start the campaign yet, due to CTD probs - waiting for 1.07. But I took bardosy's original briefings (which were pretty detailed, but lacking in accurate or properly descriptive use of English) and edited them into more descriptive - and I hope, convincingly realistic - English, with the intention of giving the player a taste and a sense of tension for what's to come. From these I got an impression of what to expect as the campaign unfolds, and it looks like a helluva banging good campaign with some very varied missions. Looking forward to getting in there. Roll on 1.07!
  6. *****SPOILER ALERT!!***** . . . . . . . . . . . Minefield? Minefield? Interesting. I didn't encounter one - guess if I had it'd have made a big difference to the battle.
  7. Question: if I install your tank mod, and also have M1Tank Commander's tank mod (complete with revised doghouse and tits inside), maybe even someone else's too, which mod will actually appear when I play? Same goes for buildings, terrain mods etc.
  8. The apex dog kennel roof is completely weather resistant. The roof extends over the kennel entrance to help shield the weather. The Dog Kennel itself is luxurious; the quality of the finish is truly superb. The 12mm tongue and groove has been dipped in a pet friendly wood preserve and is finished to the highest standards, there are no rough edges or splinters. The base of this dog kennel sits approximately 2 inches off the ground on adjustable feet.
  9. I won! I won! Total Victory with only 3 dead, 10 wounded, which surprised me as a heck of a lot of my guys seemed to be dropping. Even bigger surprise, the enemy only lost 10 dead, though I saw many more go down - at least, I thought I did. Is it a fact that small arms fire is rarely fatal? If so, it's presumably due to body armour, but do the Syrians have it? Seems to me the casualty rate should've been a lot higher. It'd be interesting to know how closely this kind of casualty rate - in what was a very intense battle - simulates the real battlefield. Anyway, I'm very chuffed. It was a long, hard slog . . . via the right flank, using short bounding overwatch manouevres with my mgs suppressing. Very tough, though I did have 30 minutes to spare in the end. Now, on to the bridges counterattack. From what I've seen, it's going to be the hardest yet. [ February 18, 2008, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: handihoc ]
  10. You have now educated me even more. But at least I have been able to reciprocate with a real dog kennel. [ February 18, 2008, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: handihoc ]
  11. I got it, direct from the website, so it's copyrighted, I guess. Maybe I shouldn't upload it here. Nah, it's free advertising. You might buy one. So here it is again, just in case you missed it higher up. [ February 18, 2008, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: handihoc ]
  12. Darkmage, you beat me to it. It's a rabbit hutch, sure 'nuff. Those Americans, they can't tell the difference between a hound and a bunny! Here's a real dog kennel, complete with basking pooch (aka real dog). [ February 18, 2008, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: handihoc ]
  13. TC, you have educated us (well, me, anyway). I have no issue with that. Just include a translation for the civs next time. :cool:
  14. Hi MarkEzra, I've sent a save to your email address. You'll see in the Tech forum that others have the same problem, usually occurring with repeated playback. Apparently Charles has it sorted - it's in the next update - so with luck it'll soon be history. Cheers
  15. Thanks for the help, guys. Actually, I already have FRAPS but had stopped using it for framerates, and forgot it took screenshots. Now comes time to capture those all important images of battle - if I can remember amongst all the excitement. Trouble is right now I'm suffering CTDs on multiple playback, and I'm assuming you have to play back several times to capture 'that perfect moment'??
  16. I tried sitting on the ridge and taking the house first, but got punished. The Syrians pick my guys off enough to put them off advancing. My intention now, like you said, is to try a far right flanking manouevre into and through the woods. But it's possible that with such greenies I won't be able to advance enough. We shall see!
  17. Fantastically quick response. Thanks. Yes, looks like dogs in US and UK have different styles of accommodation.
  18. Still not sure which the dog house is - maybe because in Britland a dog house (which we call a kennel)traditionally has an inverted v-shaped roof and eaves. Maybe not so in US? I thought it might be called dog house because it's the worst place to be in the tank. Reason I thought that: in Brit Eng if you're 'in the doghouse' you're in a very uncomfortable place, often without quite understanding why - the reason usually being that you've done something (f**k knows what!) that's upset your wife or girlfriend. Very nice mod, btw. [ February 18, 2008, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: handihoc ]
  19. I'm in the middle of mission 3 in Ghost, called Sweep and Clean, I think. Really great mission - very tough indeed, this one. I had to restart twice after losing too many men on the first house assault. ***** Spoiler Alert!!******** > > > > > > > I went for house 3 first , got major grief from the unwelcoming occupants, which is what obliged me to restart. Eventually managed it through encirclement then a 3 pronged blast/assault through the garden walls. Trooper took a hit from the sniper, but fortunately it was a flesh wound, and he got fixed. Mmg took out the sniper before he did any more harm. Two men down after the assault, but better than the earlier six or seven! Then I let 2nd platoon deal with Houses 1&2 (two more men down,) with 1st platoon's mmgs providing additional support. First platoon then occupied the hill on the right, while 2nd and 3rd moved up to the ridge overlooking the village. And this is where the going gets really tough! I'm taking unacceptable losses every time I try to move even a few metres towards the village. The defenders are very determined, and extremely well positioned, with reinforcements pouring out of the woods to back them up. Gonna have to think this one through much more carefully. Is it winnable at Elite level? Dunno, but I'm going to keep trying 'cos I love the challenge its presenting. It does seem that 1.06 and eLOS have made a lot of difference to Syrian aggression and accuracy. Those guys are no pushover, and it feels like they know exactly what they're doing. Great! No CTDs so far - keeping fingers crossed. There's a nice WW2 feel to this - almost a touch of the Private Ryan's in the opening stages. Landscape could easily be Greece or even Southern Italy, which adds to the War in Europe sensation. Like it a lot, and in terms of the resistance, the most testing so far. Now, back to working out how to win the damn thing!
  20. I'm outraged that anyone would even consider putting pictures of naked women inside a tank. I haven't quite decided how to voice my outrage yet. I'm going to spend some more time studying the offending image in fine detail before making my final decision. This is a serious business, so I may be quite a while. And which bit is the 'doghouse', and why is it so-called?
  21. Some really excellent shots here, but gotta say that one of Flanker15's is the killer - quite literally. Wow! What a story is contained in that image. If some realworld journalist had snapped that and published it, it would've been posted worldwide and caused all kind of political controversy about sending young men to war. btw Am I missing sumtin? How do you take screenshots?
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