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Everything posted by handihoc

  1. Yes, very impressive, but not particularly clear in the manual (at least, not to me), so thanks for the info. Kirq's other question still remains, though. What's the best munition for infantry in buildings. I'm assuming General, but sometimes wonder if Armor would do a better job of penetrating the roofs/walls.
  2. If any spotting unit calls in air or artillery support, then moves and/or becomes engaged in combat, does it have a negative affect on the support's accuracy, or anything else?
  3. I'm with you there. Though not entirely successful (largely, I believe, through insufficient playtesting and planning) the CC strategic turns followed by individual scenario play-offs were a stroke of genius. They really added another dimension to a great game series, which is now of course way out-of-date. CMx1 and x2 are superior in most respects, particularly now, several years on, but, yes, I miss the strategic map and the open choices it offered. It would be really fantastic if CMWW2 could incorporate something similar. I know there are coding/AI issues involved which in the past made it very difficult - probably the same holds true now, certainly given the long time development of CMC - but that don't stop me hoping and possibly even offering bribes and sweeteners if BF think they could bring it off. [ April 10, 2008, 07:04 AM: Message edited by: handihoc ]
  4. 'handihoc, An effect observable in real Japanese soldiery when August Storm hit Manchuria and the Kwantung Army dissolved! Regards, John Kettler' ---- Interesting. That's a new one to me. Will have to read it up. Thanks for the pointer.
  5. OK, I've just completed the campaign. Am I the first? Anyway, came away with an overall Major Victory. Some very tough, very enjoyable, and varied missions. Highly recommended. Bardosy, the designer, is making a few last minute tweaks following feedback from myself and others, then (soon) the final version will be up on CMMODS. Any campaign fans out there, it's among the best. Go get it, and good luck! (Now it's time to restart Webwing's Ghost campaign. It's going to be interesting to see how it plays out under 1.08. I started in 1.05 and had to stop after three battles, due to bugs, which I'm happy to say have now been eliminated, and a new finale added, so - the weekend starts here!)
  6. Only problem being that their Banzai charge would tend to be in the wrong direction. (Meee-owww!)
  7. Did the E-100 ever get past the production line? From what I've seen, no.
  8. Yippee! Bring it on!! :cool: One question, Steve. There's never any mention of a Pacific Theatre - either by you or (rarely) other games producers. Yet it's full of Americans, so commercially viable from your pov, very varied settings, entirely different to Europe/N.Africa/Russia, and could be extremely challenging for players. It would probably need lots of seaborne and air support, but I would imagine that's do-able, so why is it so unpopular?
  9. I reported that one some months ago, in V1.04 or 1.05, I think. I got the impression the Syrians were firing off rpgs at targets way beyond their range, but was never able to confirm that as I couldn't identify the weapons they were actually using. The bug was still there in the following update. Haven't replayed recently, but I'm surprised to see it still applies. ARe you playing V1.08?
  10. Umm, I'm not sure. It was WEGO, certainly. I had thought I saw it on the original turn, but now I think about it, it may have been during a replay. Can't quite recall accurately as it's a big battle and I was replaying repeatedly to catch various bits of action. Damn good battle though!
  11. I've just seen an interesting visual bug that I never spotted before. An assault squad with javelins was ordered to take out a T72. The Javelin guy let off his first missile, destroyed the enemy tank no problem. His launcher then vanished and was replaced by small arm (M4A1, I guess), even though he still had a javelin missle left. Next, he took aim with his M4A1 and, miracle! out of this came his second javelin, which flew straight to the original target and took out the remaining crew! Fabulous! It's a very minor issue in the overall scheme of things, but quite odd to observe. This was in V1.07. I haven't installed V1.08 yet as I'm completing the Narwick campaign (the javelin incident occurred in the last mission), and don't want to lose it due to incompatibility.
  12. Unless I'm mistaken, the light-armour is compensated for by its ability to kill any better armoured vehicle at up to 5km. On an SF map it would probably last mere seconds.
  13. I've seen FF in dusk scenarios, and though it's a very nice touch, it should definitely be toned down at least a little. Some of my guys were under fire from their platoon mates for several minutes - all had radios etc and in good comm with each other, and platoon/company commanders. They should have been made aware that they were firing on buddies within a minute at most.
  14. True, but posts elsewhere point to water being one of the upcoming big upgrades, perhaps not yet, but my guess is certainly for the WW2 game.
  15. What I'd like to see is Market Garden. One of the most interesting, varied and quite unique multi-national allied vs German operations of WW2. Endlessly fascinating, an extraordinary campaign, handled well (though with flaws)some years ago in Close Combat, and now, with the current CMx2 engine so powerful, what could the BF boys do with that campaign?
  16. Oops! Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread with something off-topic.
  17. "Only 27 now? Virgins in short supply lately?" Well, here in Londonistan, that's the number we're given. Well, not given, as in personally, but given in terms of news reports. btw dunno if anyone saw on the BBC news, but last week there was a raid in a street in London by 600 police. I work part-time in a college in that very street. I've never seen anything like it. 600 bloody cops in helmets,body armour and riot gear, cordoning off the area and raiding Algerian and Middle Eastern shops and homes. Incredible, but disturbing.
  18. The fact that you're a photographer shows. These shots are full of atmosphere and detail and a real sense of 'being there'. Great stuff. Looking forward immensely to playing this. Red on Red will make a great change, and I suspect make it much harder. I'm currently close to completing bardosy's TF Narwick (highly recommended, but may be worth waiting for the update he plans soon, with a few tweaks following player fback). Then I plan to restart Webwing's Ghost, which I had to abandon due to probs with v1.06. After that it'll be Hasrabit - by which time I imagine you will have it completed. Rock on!
  19. Finally sorted it. Seems to be the amount of visual data being collected causes the crash. I solved it by saving every turn, and shifting the cam view to an empty-ish part of the map before clicking save. Worth noting if anyone has a similar problem. Great. Now I can move on.
  20. OK, I managed to sort it by saving every turn for that last thirty minutes and, before clicking save, turning the camera to a more or less empty, un-busy part of the map. This seems to suggest that the problem is, as I guessed, linked to the amount of (visual) data the save has to collect.
  21. I'm playing Bardosy's Narwick campaign. On mission 8, any time within approximately the last 35 mins, I'm unable to save. The game freezes when I click on save on the screen. I'm playing WEGO, and at this point in the battle there a lot of units on the field, plus loads of smoke, artillery bombardments etc, so I'm guessing (and it is only a guess) that the problem is to do with the amount of date being collected. Having said that, though, I did finish the battle once, but couldn't save at the end and move on to the next one. I've saved plenty of times before in many other battles, but can't figure whether this is limited to this particular scenario, my pc, or is a general in-game bug.
  22. Gave it a final try this morning, and I just cannot advance beyond this mission. Any save within the last fifteen game minutes, or after the mission ends, results in a corrupted file that won't load.
  23. I went back in and replayed - this time, just as the final Syrian counterattack arrived, the game crashed. It had dropped to zero fps, and obviously couldn't cope any more. What a bummer. I've got a Core 2 Duo E6600 pc with 2Gig Ram and Nvidia 7950 GT video, so this sort of thing just shouldn't happen.
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