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Everything posted by Jaws

  1. I test the QB system atm and the AI is a lot better then CMSF. I will not go in details but the Tactical AI far more improved. The Tactical AI is pretty awesome and keeps me surprising each battle or sometimes even each turn
  2. Lol I thought I was logged to the wrong forum when I saw the post
  3. It not a ping sound its a tsing sound But how I hate that clip sound when I payed Medal of Honor and a German came towards me
  4. /salute The perfect Example of Militairy Leadership
  5. ToW2 is a nice game but has limited maps and units. Also ToW2 is an RTS trying to come close to WW2 and I think they did a good job. But where ToW2 stops with details, flexibility to create content and realism CM:BN starts. Its a very in-depth game made for WW2 enthusiast people who want play is real as it gets. So if you like WW2, are not a click fest player and want to try to play historic realistic scenario's.. you came to the right spot.
  6. Height data is hard to get even today. So it’s impossible to get a 100% height map from 1940-1945. Height data has a standard and is called Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED®) DTED level 1 and 2 are most likely to be available on Google. DTED level 3-5 are very very expesive even for google. To get an indication. DTED Level 1 (~100m post spacings) 1,442,401 data points 5 megabytes DTED Level 2 (~30m post spacings) 12,967,201 data points 54 megabytes DTED Level 3 (~10m post spacings) 144,024,001 data points 583 megabytes DTED Level 4 (~3m post spacings): 1,296,072,001 data points 6,297 megabytes DTED Level 5 (~1m post spacings): 11,660,000,000 data points 68,001 megabytes But even DTED level 2 (30m spacing) is very rough. I.e. a 30 meter spacing height map would completely miss a Canal or a smaller River. And we all know how important a Canal or River is in CM:BN. Of course we can combine a 1940-1945 map with a DTED height map but still there is a lot of gambling. So back to the question, I had to luck to be on all spots in Normandy more than once. So the scenario’s I made or making atm I combine ww2 maps, google earth, ww2 books and photos I have made to get the most accurate map. But still it would be not 100% accurate.
  7. The more Antennas the more likely the vehicle has an important role. Forward observers, Hq units etc etc have all more antennas then normal vehicles. There were also other remarks like C3K posted. One example is the British Forward Observer Sherman. The British Forward Observer Sherman used to be without a barrel. But they gave it an wooden barrel to make it look like a regular tank. So it could be prevented to be knocked out early. More important to your question is what will be the effect of taking out an HQ tank in CM:BN. In the CM x1 series with “delay in command” it was devastating. I am not sure how much impact an kill of an HQ tank has in a Tank Platoon atm.
  8. I think they called the Shermans "Ronsons" and not zippo's
  9. Happy New Year all. 2011 will be the year lots of us bin waiting for over 8 years let it happen
  10. You cant compare a WWI situation with a WW2 situation like you cant compare a ww2 situation with Afghanistan. If that many Blue on Blue causalities would fall in Afghanistan I think even Obama could leave. My point is while there were a lot of warnings and requests by ground forces the Air Force didn’t listen because they were afraid to lose their planes and by ignoring the warnings they inflicted 700+ casualties by US Ground Forced. Even if it was just one US soldier who died by Blue on Blue it was one to much. Anyways it feels so good we can discus about WW2 again
  11. For a Blue on Blue situation its a lot of casualties imho;). Once again the attack on the ground was preceded by an aerial attack. The US 8th Air Force had been tasked with carpet-bombing German positions to neutralise them before the US ground forces got to them. As with July 24th, some bombs were dropped on US positions with the result that 111 soldiers were killed and 490 wounded.
  12. About Sturmtiger. It was in CM al the time and even modded by someone we all know
  13. No not yet. Basicly Normandy will be the main focus and the Modules comming will be about the same area. They have work planned for the next 10 years. Battlefront need more programmers
  14. Bingo . Well at least we will have a wish list left
  15. Merry Christmas all and I vote for a special Christmas Module: CM:AO Ardenne Offensive
  16. CM:BN without Beach and Bocage... nah it will be included
  17. Nope we did not forgot them and had discussion on the Beta forum about it. As Steve says possible in a future Module. Here an picture of an R35 battle we discussed about. And you may tell us where it is.
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