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Everything posted by Jaws

  1. Nope... now I want to know where the US troops engaged the 3x Tiger
  2. :eek: You accept you are British? William Wallace would turn around in his grave
  3. I can agree with that In my case I would like to see if the Germans used the remaining Tigers to defend the Falaise perimeter from the Montormel high ground (like the Polish did later) the US still were able to close the Cap. Btw my weather conditions would be set to very cloudy
  4. Well the Tigers present were in SS PZAbt101 (Wittmann), SS PzAbt102 and PzAbt503 (1 coy Tiger 2) They all fought between Cean and Falaise. Basically they could avoid the encirclement in the area of Falaise. So the chance they were on a one on one fire fight with US troop is pretty low. But do we want only historical battles and scenarios? Or is it fun to play what if scenario’s too? But if people are a bit masochistic here we can ask BF to leave the shiny uber cool looking Tiger out this release and wait for it another 6 months until the Commonwealth release
  5. Seems CMBN US players are more afraid for Tigers then the real US soldiers were in august 1944 in the area of Mortain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_L%C3%BCttich
  6. Michael can see into the future? OMG No wonder he is right all the time
  7. NO: The Cold War was the most stable period in history
  8. No team play possible. But I did a lot of 2 vs 2 PBEM with CMX1 and this is also possible CMBN. Just divide forces and share password with counterpart and you can have a lot of fun
  9. Ceck out onionwars too. I think they will pick-up CMBN sooner or later. http://www.onionwars.net/phpbb/
  10. Let’s see if I understand a bit of the rules. The title is Peng Challange, so this can’t be a Peng Challenge Thread, cause the words Peng Challenge are not it? But if its intended it should be, Peng Challenge the Peng Challange... or Peng Challange the Peng Challenge if this is an attempt to throw down the existing Peng Challenge leadership… and if that’s the case… its seems the North Africa revolution has reach the BF boards. But before I join the ranks to throw down the existing Peng Challenge leaders... who are they? And if we have find them what will we do with them? Burn, kill or just ban them? After that... can we have a Kingdom instead? Who will be the King b.t.w.? At least he should have a beautiful Queen…
  11. Confirm great day, Thanks Dave (who is not Fat btw :eek:) for you enthusiasm and hospitality. Looking forward to release meeting
  12. No Germans here So now the Dutch have to eat all the Bratwurst
  13. Good preview, nice h2h battles and overall fun We are running out of beer :eek:
  14. The mountain comes to Moses :eek: If so I pick you up at the Airport :cool:. Anyway my backs are packed and leaving in 2 hours.
  15. All set. Laptop loaded with latest CM:BN Beta, beamer ready and got some nice scenarios. Looking forward to demonstate togheter with Dave :cool: See you tomorrow
  16. Its not CMBN related but anyway. Why do I live in the Netherlands.. You have a great selection of weapons. If I would have only one here in the Netherlands I would get arrested :mad:. I like them all but the Thomson is one I dream about:cool:. Thx for sharing:).
  17. Welcome back more and more ppl awake due the news about CMBN. Dont forget to check AARs
  18. I will be there and if needed I can arange a LAN party location (Amersfoort) up to 40 people. Only thing we need is demo software with licence keys. Computers I have there.
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