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Everything posted by Jaws

  1. Bocage a problem for US?? I may hope they have Hedgerow Cutters in CM Normandy ;p
  2. 5-6 years we CM WW2 fans where dragged into CMSF. Now finaly the wait is over. So these kinds of posts are not making me happy. These kind of post do make me happy. Where can I sign for Beta tester party's?
  3. CHEER!!!!!!!!! Damn I cant wait for release. I start even playing Flames of War to not lose my WW2 XP.
  4. So hero... in what war where you involved lately? Kind regards on from the Dutch/ Australian TF Uruzgan. I hope the parents of the soldiers killed or wounded there don’t read this forum.
  5. I was very disappointed CMSF saw light before CM Normandy. But … tbh Battlefront choice to release CMSF 1st is the best CM WW2 fans could overcome CMSF as test lab for CM Normandy. Looking forward to Bridges and QB system. But got caught by CMSF as well now. .
  6. CMBO had terrible graphics when it appears on the market. CMX1 never was an Eye candy. But its gameplay is never surpassed even not by CMSF. CMX1 FOREVER
  7. Hi Papertiger, I am a noob in file searching... Do you have a file ID, a tip? Do I need to search in base game, Marines or BF. A search option would be handy ;p Thanks in advance.
  8. Got it too today. Seems the Germans have crisis problems and send budget covers
  9. Ok starting to install mods for CMSF. But the directory structure is complete different the CM1 series. Can some one give me a hint where to install i.e. the Camo netting mod files? Or sound files? Thx in advance.
  10. Ok a bit bitching but we have to keep Battlefront sharp otherwise they fall in sleep with the success of CM series. Somehow I miss the funny British accent in the BFM. In Company's of Heroes they sound superb sometimes with a little humour. Where there British voice actors involved? Seems not to me. So modders I challenge you to make a British Sound Module
  11. I give up. For all those ppl who play the CM series, who have power supply, a internet connection and ..... and enough money to buy a new system with Windows Vista...... and then start whining about 5$. Shame on you. It would be good for you guys to take a holyday to Afghanistan and see what the real problems in this world are.
  12. Kill-roy, Kelley's Heroes.. I know a guy named Headshot..... He terrorized the forum and PBEM games a few years ago and was banned too. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is the same guy.
  13. About time to get a 12 years and up rate for this forum.
  14. Steve, Moon, Please ignore people who whine about 5$. It would be a waste of energy and we need your energy very hard to get our CM Normandy before the end of the year . On behalf of the Junior++ members I realy want to thank you guys for the patch.
  15. It took some time but you guys again showed us we (community) are not ignored. Thank you for the patch and I am sure the PBEM thingy will be fixed soon
  16. Played IL-2 for years bin even to world championships a few times with my squadron But lost intressest and I w8 for lots of years to get Storm of War: Battle of Britain So give me the eye candy planes from ToW-2 ;p
  17. Ok, ok not important but I like to follow some Airplanes while the conduct airstrikes. Someone can give me a hint? Thx in advance
  18. No discussion about the professional work you guys did. If your intension is to make it 100% realistic than you succeed. But if your intension is to make it 100% realistic and the game should be more than a 1 day fly I hope this post will trigger you to take a look at the game to prevent i.e. the Sniper war. So no hard feelings here. I would like to play ToW series even when CM-2 Normandy hits the market. At this stage ToW-2 fills the gap between CM-X1- and CM-X2. Again I would love to play ToW-2 for a long time. You guys made a huge improvement in playability compared with ToW and I hope this improvement line will continue.
  19. Playing for a few weeks now. Great graphics and sound even better then ToW 1. But the more I play the more it feels like a sniper war. Normal tactics seems to work limited. Just sneak you sniper around the field and you win 99% of the games. Snipers had no radio back to HQ or Arty in WW2. They sneaked only in only to get High Payoff targets. Sometimes they were gone for days without even seeing or speaking to their commanders. Normal if I a 88mm fires at me he will have the advantage of 1 or 2 shots. After that I know his position (muzzle fire and smoke). At least the ppl who survived from with their tanks or groups wil spot him. They may not be able to fire back due the 88mm long range. But they know for 100% his position and see him. If I have the means like Arty of Air support he is toast. If not... I will have to make a plan to out flank him in combo with smoke/ suppression fire (even at long range possible). Commanders from infantry, tanks and armoured vehicles have binoculars. They are able to spot also enemy fast when not digged in or well camouflaged. Somehow I have the feeling the only way to spot enemy is to move around my snipers. Question is ToW 2 a Sniper war or did I missed something?
  20. http://www.amazon.com/Stuka-Pilot-Hans-Ulrich-Rudel-Schiffer/dp/0887402526 Germans had FAC at the start of Barbarossa 22 june 1941
  21. Well I am playing only Battlefront wargames the last years. Waiting like a child of CM Normandy and it seems you guys (Battlefront) are at the TOP of wargaming. Only 1 other wargame I play (War in the Pacific (Expansion coming soon)). Am I the only one or are there good other wargames around I missed? Games like Empire Total War (nice game) is is not a wargame for me. Congratulations with this achievement Battlefront.
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