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Everything posted by Mord

  1. I don't have time to read through everything, so if this was mentioned, sorry for the repeat. I've had an idea floating around in my head where the designer could make two map versions (of the same place) for a campaign. One clean, and one with lots of damage. It's not perfect but could simulate things that may have taken place between the last battle (loss) and the start of the new one. Maybe a bombardments occurred, or more fighting by other units took place, etc. The back story could be included in the briefing to explain why there is more damage on the second go round. Just a thought. Mord.
  2. "User data" is where you want to put your mods folder. You can actually just name it "mods" if you want. Doesn't have to be called Z Folder. The rules changed a bit during one of the titles, not sure when, but "user data" works for CMFB. There are a all kinds of sound mods, so your best bet is to check at CMMODs and find the background that pleases you. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/ Here's one titled "Quiet Background". You can start with that. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?page_id=5#search/text=background+sounds Mord.
  3. Yeah, I am taking it slow. I modded for two days out of about six, so that's a good pace. I am trying to get it to every other day. One day on, one day off. Or one day on, two days off, makes it more like fun and less tedious. I usually go about 8-10 hours per sitting, so I still get a good amount done. I am happy with the progress, so it's cool. Mord.
  4. Update: Managed to knock out another 409 portraits over two separated days of modding. That's puts the count at 685 so far. The basic US portraits (no formations yet) are done. That leaves the Waffen SS, FJs, VGs, and some misc for the Germans + The US formations (God, I am not looking forward to those). Still a long way to go, but closer. Here's a peek at the US stuff. Ranger face is new, and armor face is reworked. Mord.
  5. ECHO echo echo choo choo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo Mord ooord ooord ooord ooord ooord ooord ooord
  6. was first talked about in the 2015 Christmas Bones thread. Not even a screenshot since then? What gives BFC? Can we get something? The only pictures we've seen was the head shot of the Indian model (unless I missed something). Mord.
  7. Thanks again, Fellas. I just got back, and man, holy crap I am stuffed. @Heinrich that was just some pics I grabbed off the net. Mine was even better; 16 oz sirloin I selected myself, a huge bake potato with butter, steamed broccoli, and a bunch of rolls and roasted peanuts. It was a killer meal with a great friend of 30 years. I love TRH and my best buddy. We had fun. Mord.
  8. Thanks, guys. I am gonna have a kickass dinner tonight. My buddy and I are going to Texas Roadhouse and I am gonna feast on a 16 oz sirloin, and all the yeast rolls and honey butter I can cram down my gullet. I'm gonna roll outta there like a tick off a dog. Here's a preview of what I am heading for and why I'll never be a Vegetarian/Vegan. For all you Euro dudes who don't have access to a TRH, these rolls are better than a 50% off Belgian hooker with epilepsy. Mord.
  9. Hey, thanks. I'll give it a go. Mord.
  10. It doesn't cover the theater operation wise but Audie Murphy's memoir (To Hell And Back) is an excellent first person account of combat in Italy. Can't praise it enough. Mord.
  11. If you dig memoirs, I highly recommend Donald R. Burgett's books; Currahee, The Road To Arnhem, Seven Roads To Hell, and Beyond The Rhine, as well as To Hell And Back, by Audie Murphy. They are jammed packed with action and WWII coolness. Perfect books to get you in the mood for some CM kickassery. They are among my favorite first person accounts of GI combat. Mord.
  12. Well, with the holidays and then some 3 weeks of subzero temps, I was set back for a bit. It was so friggin' cold in my place I couldn't sit in my little kitchen where my computer is. Probably best I take it slow any way. The last couple times I've done these mods it really burned me out. But I did manage to whack out 276 portraits today (about 8 hours worth of modding). Percentage wise it's low, but work is continuing. Tomorrow is my B-day so I may take that off, don't know yet. Here's a peak at some of what is done. Mord.
  13. That was me, but I can't tell for sure from the screenshots. The stuff on the ground is wall rubble (which looks like the older style). The rubble inside the flattened buildings looks like the new stuff. Mord.
  14. IED was my first thought when it exploded. Unless the Syrians have engineers and planted charges that's the only thing it could've been. I was just surprised that it blew up at all. Mord.
  15. I think that's an optical illusion and they water is the same height in both instances. Road signs and traffic lights have always been in the game. Mord.
  16. Nah, they have always been in the game: yellow taxi, blue car, and pickup truck. Mord.
  17. A bone within a bone, alluding to a bone. It's like Dune minus the floating fat guy... Mord. P.S. Did you see my PM about the pic?
  18. The great thing about equipment settings will be not having to select a battalion of Strykers (or whatever) just to delete 50 things to get a particular vehicle. We'll be able to select single vehicles and attach teams easily. It's gonna rock! Mord.
  19. You're getting 10 years worth of development. Anybody that doesn't like that doesn't have to buy it. Stick with SF1 if you don't think SF2 isn't worth it. But they didn't have to update the game, they could've left it to rot in it's 0 engine state, like CMA will. The fact they even didn't it is gift but they still deserve compensation for the work. Mord.
  20. Awesome! Thanks Pete! Is that new? I didn't know bridges could be destroyed in game. Mord.
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