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Everything posted by Mord

  1. LOL. I KNOW exactly which site that is. Pretty damn funny, actually. THAT takes dedication to some serious bitterness and misanthropy. It's almost metaphysical in its delusion. And for the record I NEVER whine...I b****. It's like the difference between a finger painting and Picasso. One is a mess made by little kids, the other is a master of high art! Feel free to call me Master. Mord.
  2. So, now I guess I gotta spend half a year traveling to Mordor, to throw a copy of Close Combat into a volcano... Mord.
  3. What @Badger73 was trying to say is, "Post some screen shots!" I don't know why he decided to beat around the bush like he did. Luckily for him I read between the lines and understood what he meant. Mord.
  4. C'mon, man! How much longer for some friggin' screenshots? I know it's usually a good thing when things go quiet, but damn, I am getting impatient! You'd think we could get a few shots of some of the new stuff in CMFI at least. OK. Had to get that out, it's been a few weeks since my last b****ing post. Mord.
  5. Yeah, I use all the levels when plotting moves and stuff. I use level one for good action moments and examining the terrain when looking for just the right spot to put a tank or team. There was a time when I could still deal with CMX1 but the graphics are just too dated for me. The few things left that it has over CM2 just don't cut it for me. I think what kills it for me the most though, is the infantry fidelity. I spent so much time wishing for 1:1, now that I have it I can't go back. Mord.
  6. Ahh, ok, that's what threw me off. I didn't take "development" to mean graphics. I figured you were talking game features. I find the pines to be more piney in CMx1. But over all, CMx2's trees are waaay better. Much more variety too. In the old games, IRC, trees were chosen by the ground tile; the heavy forest tile was pine and light was deciduous. You couldn't place trees without a forest tile. Mord.
  7. Ok. I don't know if I misunderstood, or you were joking, but I gotta take exception with that one. CMBB pic. Same sorta pic from Red Thunder. Mord.
  8. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your war gaming life. I hope you aren't married, divorce will be imminent. Mord.
  9. Was trying to let him know I had the division symbols he was missing. Mord.
  10. Yeah, I posted a comment in the Stalingrad video. I couldn't find anyway to PM him. Mord.
  11. How do I get a hold of this dude? I don't do Twitter or Facebook or any of that crap. Mord.
  12. Any time. But like I said, I don't mind being wrong, so keep visiting the forum, the RT module could debut before then. I think we'll have a better idea once we see Rome and SF2. Only time will tell. Mord.
  13. Nope. Sorry. All I know is that CMFI has a module due, CMSF2 is due, and RT has a module in the pipe line. The most up-to-date info we have is in this post by Steve from New Years Day. Things have been slow so, I can't imagine we'll see the RT module before late summer/fall. But I don't mind being wrong. Mord.
  14. Yeah, I don't know if it does or not. When I research I concentrate mostly on the dates and theaters to cut down on time. The researching can turn your brain into mush after a while. I was kinda surprised I forgot as much as I did on that one, though. I really couldn't remember clearly any of the decisions I made. But then again I did over 800 portraits so I guess something is gonna get lost in the process. Mord.
  15. You're evil...like Satanic crotch crabs, on a man with no arms. Mord.
  16. Yep. Before I got into CMBO, I had a rudimentary (if that) knowledge of WWII weapons and armor and such. And man, I just went apes*** after I started playing. But a big part of the fun, part of what makes it so engrossing, is the discovery; learning about all the weapon systems, vehicles, and troop types. Having all these things that are alien to you open up a new world of curiosity, and send you seeking knowledge in directions you'd never thought you'd go. It's a blast, and one of the reasons you'll never hear me say I am bored. There's just too much to learn about, to get bored. And I stopped a long time ago, thinking certain theaters or time periods wouldn't interest me. CMBB cured me of that. I wasn't interested at all in Soviet era WWII when they announced the game. And then wham! it was CMBO all over again, this time with stuff that was really alien to me. Damn, man, now I am not sure there isn't any military history that WON'T interest me. From Shogun Japan, to the Eastern Front, to Carthage vs Rome, to Napoleon, there's something for every mood. My biggest problem is I have too many interests pulling me. I picked up Pike & Shot last night for 10 bucks on Steam, so now I have another area to explore. Love it, man. LOVE IT! Okay, I'll shut up now! Mord.
  17. Thanks! That may be a screw up on my part for the time period. It was definitely used but I have conflicting info (for time periods) from two sources and can't find the Osprey book on Amazon which was my third (at least I remember using it for the 6th PzGd). There are actually three symbol versions according to Die Truppen Kennzeichen 1939-1945 ; the one we are discussing, a five pointed white star on a white background, and squat five pointed white start on a black rectangle. I may not be remembering right, and might have just recycled it from the Italy mod. Sometimes my different sources have dates when symbols were used and sometimes not (and I have to make a choice). The symbol was used in 43, definitely. I may have chosen it over the others for aesthetic reasons and missed something important about the date. One of my bigger problems is my main sources are in German so sometimes I can screw up the Google Translate if I don't cut and paste properly (you'd be amazed at what a space in the wrong spot can produce). I will look deeper into it and correct it (if need be) in the next version. Off hand, from what I am gathering from Die Truppen Kennzeichen (without translating), I may have the wrong one for the Bulge timeline. So, good catch! LOL. Some of these German symbols can be a real PIA! There are points where they'll have switched them just for an operation, and then went back to the original, or newer one afterwards. It can get confusing. You are most welcome, my AAR making genius. Mord.
  18. LOL. Yep, we are all basically still 10-years-old, playing in the backyard with a pack of army men, 'cept now we don't get grass stains on our knees and have to pick up a hundred figures and vehicles when it's time for dinner. I don't know how old you are but I grew up in the 70's and early 80's when Marx play sets reigned supreme. I had three different ones over the years, the last one being Navarone. So, I definitely get it! Mord.
  19. Of course you will! You are a true CM Junkie like the rest of us. One of the advantages of having so many flavors of CM is that you can read a book, say on the Italian theater, or watch a documentary on Normandy, than go and experience it in one of the games for yourself. I look at CM games (and other good historical titles) not just as games, but as tools to explore and relive the history, a way to immerse yourself in another time and place and interact with the past. No other medium in the history of mankind has allowed that like PC gaming, not even reenacting. Depending on the game, you can delve into the politics, the economy, social constructs, and the warfare of the period. As far as WWII goes the scope of CM scratches that itch for me just fine. Mord.
  20. My prediction is in one of these threads. When he said soon, I said "What, June?" I know "Steve time", it can be glacial on a good day. Mord.
  21. I listen to a lot of history and horror podcasts but when I mod I usually have classical music playing. My music choice will depend on if I have to research while I am working or I can just do a bunch of repetitious stuff. If I have to read I can't listen to anything with words because it distracts me too much. I do love audio books though. I have found a couple really awesome horror narrators on Youtube as well. Mord.
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