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Everything posted by Mord

  1. " And as he passed by the bunker and out of our zone I chewed on the annual Christmas bone. " SEE? I told you guys! I knew Santa Steve was real! ON MAP MORTARS! I see the new stream terrain. And the light/heavy? forest tile looks a bit like ferns (last pic). And the AAVs (and LAV) crossing the river are badass! Thanks very much. Mord.
  2. You're welcome. The uniforms will be a completely different beast as there are many different names for even the Americans. You'll find the updated naming convention starts in the 2.0 brz. Pay attention because some will have mod tags on the end so those will only show up when triggered by their tag description. Example: Uniforms tagged with [holland] will only show when the scenario location is set to Holland. I think that is a great idea. It's an excellent way to spend family time together and great excerise for the kids' imagination . There are tons and tons of RPGs out there nowadays, for just about every subject you can imagine, and plenty that would be decent for younger kids. There are also hybrid board game RPGs that come with miniatures and maps and such, which kid's usually love. Mord.
  3. The version number has to do with his mod and not CM's engine, so that shouldn't have any bearing. Did you by chance rename any of them? There should be no number 1 in the numerical sequence. Your files should look like this: sdkfz251d-hull 2, sdkfz251d-hull 3, sdkfz251d-hull 4 etc. When you put the chosen SINGLE file back in your mod folder did it look like this? sdkfz251d-hull All the files in that mod have numbers, to test a single file the number (and space) would have to be removed. And for the sake of thoroughness, I have to ask, did you make sure all the mods were unzipped before placing them in the mod folder? Mord.
  4. Funny, 'cause that's what I used to call all the hippies doused in it..."Stinkors". Mord.
  5. He was originally talking about SF 1. Mord.
  6. Our call to bones hopefully will bear fruit of the SF2 variety! Mord. P.S. I bet sburke smells like Patchouli.
  7. I hadn't even thought of that. Good idea! Yeah, you should be good as long as the naming conventions get ported over. Mord.
  8. Art can never be constrained! Thanks. I am hoping to get a pic added to the first post to better illustrate the Christmas-iness of this holiday spectacular. Mord.
  9. Traditionally it has gotten posted between now and the 26th. So, no Grinch. Thank ya, guys. Glad you enjoyed it. Now Steve needs to make the poem a reality! Mord.
  10. Twas the night before CM-mas and all through the bunker not a 'truppen was stirring they were all down and hunkered The frags were all hung by the rifles with care In hopes that Santa Steve soon would be there The 'truppen a snoring and dreaming away of the hookers they'd met, on leave last May When out in the minefield there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bunk, my skivvies all tattered. Away to the gun sites I flew like a plane, pulled back the bolt and steadied my aim. When from mod weary eyes I spied from afar, Some northern Maine dude with a brain in a jar, Santa Steve! I shouted with excitement and glee but in response, just some bitching about TO&E On Stragglers, on Sicherungs, Luftwaffe and Herr on Jagers and Gebirs, and others more rare He droned on and on as the brain kept a coding and I knew deep inside this was no normal foreboding For once in a while a reference to Syria and with that little gem I was sent to hysteria For amidst all that heavy WWII talking Toward Shock Force 2 I knew he was walking Patiently on the desert I'd waited and soon it'd be real and my lust would be sated Back to the sand! Nato, Uncons and pals but with 4.0 flare and friggin' hit decals! My head filled with war and the toys that it brings I was hoping I'd see it before G**D*** spring! Then brain in arm, he turned toward the west to continue ever onward the Combat Mission quest Teeth clenched and jaw set against the snowy wind he trudge into the night, a phantom again And as he passed by the bunker and out of our zone I chewed on the annual Christmas bone. Merry Christmas, fellas! Mord.
  11. They probably won't all show up depending on the type and the like. You may want to keep an eye on that. Roofs will be a big problem. There were also no independent buildings in SF. LOL. But I guess at this point you probably have already run into some of these? Mord.
  12. Nope. They never implemented it. I guess it was too hard to do. That's one of the reasons I don't pack my mods when I release them so Mac users have access to the single files. But it's not a huge amount of work, it would take about an hour. CMBN is the biggest one to do. But they all don't have to be done at once. You could do one game per day, and in a week you'd be done. It takes no time to maintain CM once it's installed unless a patch comes out. A person can install the game and hit play, barring an install problem, anything after that is self inflicted and is the user's fault. Nobody puts a gun to anyone's head and says they have to use mods in their game. And if you dl every single mod known to man and god, and just throw them all in the mod folder without any forethought, then of course it's gonna be a mess, and you will have no idea what is what. Whose fault is that? Taking time to organize the mods before hand saves a ton of time later. Even with a subscription system like Steam uses there will still be problems with conflicts and duplicates. There's no way any company can stop gamers from sabotaging themselves as far as I can see. "I want every mod, I want them now, and I want them to work without a hitch. However, I don't want to have to spend any time organizing them to make sure they will work." Pretty simple. I know where everything is. Yeah, I had to spend some time doing it but it saves me LOTS of time later. A couple clicks and I know what mods I already have, who made them, and if they will conflict with anything new released. LOL. I don't have all the files memorized, I just have an idea of what folders they can be found in from having explored the folder hierarchy so many times. For example: knowing that Sherman bmps were found under "vehicles" in the CMBN 1.0 folder, if I want to know if BFC updated them, I'd look for the "vehicle folder" in the other patch/upgrade/module folders. And once you know when something was updated/changed you don't need to bother with folders prior to that date. AND a lot of times there is much less added in the non upgrade/module folders. Patches usually have few physical files in them. Mord.
  13. I can't answer that until you are able to try. It's either what I think or what Mikey was talking about, or could be something else. We need to process eliminate to figure it out. Our two suggestions will be the starting point. Mord.
  14. Most mods that are out of date/not working are because of the newer naming conventions that were introduced around v2 or 3 (can't remember now) of the bmps (the biggest hit was to uniform mods). However, once renamed they will work. Best thing you can do is to explode your brz files (if you are not on a Mac) and examine the bmps for the mods you are having trouble with, and then rename your mod bmps to the same thing. You'll want to start looking in the V2 brzs and up. The only mods I can think of off hand that aren't working are MJKerner's uniforms, DC's Uniforms (which won't work at all if they are using Hex edits) and my face mods. Another way of doing would be to dl a mod that does work and look at the bmp names in that and apply them to the one that doesn't. But I suggest the above. Be proactive, explode all the brzs, save all the folders, and then you'll have every game file ready for future reference. There are instructions for exploding brz files in the manuals. The simplest thing would be to copy and paste the brz file when you go to do this, that way you don't have to worry about losing the original. I have every brz for every game and every update exploded and put into folders for reference. Here's an example of what my folder setup looks like: Now, whenever I have a problem/question/interest, all I have to do is pop into the folders and start looking. Once you do this a few times you'll get an idea of what bmps/wavs are stored in what sub-folders. Examples: faces would be under soldiers/skins. Once you know the naming conventions for a file dealing with CM graphics and sounds is very, very simple. It's probably one of the easiest games out there for a non-modder to manipulate by simply knowing what to type for the file name. And outside of nationalities most of the names remain the same across tiles. Mord.
  15. @Rocketman: I'm only running at 1080p but the comp I am using the monitor on is not even a year old yet, so I can't say whether a new one for you would be harder on your processor or not. @Erwin: I'd never heard of the company and could only find a couple reviews/info on them (outside Amazon) online, but I have been very happy with the monitor. I'd actually bought a 32 inch TV to use and took it back when I found it on Amazon. I am completely happy with the 1080P and didn't think the extra couple hundred dollars for a 1440 or 4k monitor was worth the minuscule gains in graphical fidelity. But everyone is different. I've been gaming at 1080p since 2014 and don't see myself changing any time soon. Mord.
  16. Premarital sex was punishable by death in 1675 wasn't it? Better that you played with your ASL counters and lived to pontificate on the various intricacies of Waffen SS shoe strings, than be burned at the stake for wielding a warlock boner. What you lost in wicked and amoral belt notches, we gained in WWII wisdom and your effervescent spirit! Mord.
  17. Some new animations would really freshen up the feel of the graphics. I am all for it. Mord.
  18. I had a girlfriend once that called Combat Mission "that little video game that you are always playing" during a semi-argument. Well, I had to explain to her that it wasn't a "video game" but an advanced combat simulation portraying the Western Front of WWII, using historically accurate equipment and armies to create blah, blah, blah. You noticed I said "had" a girlfriend...? Mord.
  19. I always thought it was gonna be from Barbarossa on. And as far as I remember there was no 1939 or 40 in the East and Western Front CM1 games. CMBB starts in 41, Bo in 44. AK starts in 40, but I think that was only because of Crete? Hey, I have no problem with it. The more the merrier. I'd personally love to see the invasion of France and all that. That would be exotic from a Western Front stand point. But I don't recall ever seeing Steve say we were going all the way back to 39 (or even 40 for France) . Mord.
  20. I've noticed you mentioning 1939 a lot in the last couple weeks. When did they say they were taking the time period to 39? I've never seen that stated. Mord.
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