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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mord

  1. My brother was a SP junkie for a long time. And I am talking pre Pentium. I couldn't get him out of my house once I got it for Christmas. Oh, and I meant to say Soldiers At war, not Men At War. Yep, so you don't miss something really cool, that you would have if not for the rewind ability. One of the only reasons I can play Total War games is they have a replay feature, though not near as good as WEGO. But man, what's the point of having all the killer 3D if you are going to miss everything you aren't looking at during the battle. How many times have you thanked the WEGO gods after catching something really killer because you bothered to rewind just one more time? A particularly dramatic vignette can make an entire battle and later you'll retell it like it actually happened. LOL. LOVE IT! Mord.
  2. Oh, I didn't take it as criticism, no worries. But in my head when I am modding I always consider the weather backgrounds as plain, so wasn't sure which ones you thought were plain. It's been the trend since my very first horrible CMSF mod, and the first crappy CMBN one. I think this size is the perfect one. It was a constant battle back when I first started doing this to fight the portraits' tendency to want to go all bobble head. Shrinking to this size finally hit the mark. I'll tell you, I would've loved to have gotten my design down sooner. You wouldn't believe the thousands and thousands of portraits I have redesigned and replaced over the years. Yeah, I actually mentioned this a couple posts back. I didn't do it myself because I was afraid the file names would exceed the character limit. I had that problem back on Win 8.1, with the Gustav or MG mod. The CW file names were too long and some people were getting errors unzipping files to their comps. The only way for them to avoid it was to rename files within the zip before removing them. So, I just skipped it. Was the color historical? No, I took some liberties with the color on that one to bring out the hammer. But I did stick with the color code the Germans used. I added very few colors, so you can rest assured most are 100% authentic.When it was done it was to add a little creative zip to some of the more monotonous shields. @Badger73, you are most welcome, my man! Mord.
  3. Which do you consider the plain backgrounds? The ones with the division patches? Thanks very much. I appreciate that. I think with each rendition I've gotten a little better. My eye sharpens, I refine the process, and get a tad closer to that elusive perfection that always escapes me. I think what you are seeing with the faces has come from my shrinking them even more this time. You get more face, yet on a smaller scale, but for some reason it makes the details stand out. If that makes sense? I only made two new faces for this one. I try not to recycle but the face making process can take hours sometimes, and end up producing nothing. The disheartening thing is that the face can look awesome until shrunk down and put into the 51x57 frame. I'd kill to have them extend the portrait area by 50%. So I'll cannibalize ones I like the most from other portrait mods if need be. These here are 98% from the CMBN mod which didn't bother me 'cause I figure this is just an extension pushed into fall and winter. That's why I do these mods. The historical insignia makes the game that much more immersive. It's really cool pitting divisions against each other in game and seeing the actual insignia. @Ben and Splinty: Thanks much, guys. I am happy you like them. No worries, it'll be much easier for me to do them when SF2 is out than trying to work them through the old game. I am gonna have to design brand new heads for them and the old models won't do. So, waiting is fine. Mord.
  4. FB will eventually include the CW forces, like BN and FI did. No worries. The next RT module will take the Russians into Germany to the end of the war. You aren't gonna see Soviets in FB. That's just the way they do it. Russia stuff is considered a different theater. Mord.
  5. HA! Well, actually the Rome mod already exists, all the portraits are in the Gustav mod. They just need to be renamed. DC was very thorough in his research and notes so we already covered what's coming many years ago. I think we even have the Brazilians in there! As far as CMSF2, I have had an order for those portraits since December, from someone who shall remain unnamed. He wears a stinky hat, though. Mord.
  6. CM turned me into a WWII freak. I'd played Steel Panthers, Close Combat, Men At War, and a few others, but CM grabbed me like nobody's business and never let go. I'll have been coming here 18 years this October so that's gotta tell ya something. There's no other WWII/modern tactical games like it. The scope, the play styles, and the fidelity nail it. The game is very deep without breaking your brain. And with WEGO, there's just nothing out there that can touch it. WEGO kills it! WEGO has provided me with as much excitement, entertainment, and immersion as any movie ever could. Mord.
  7. You definitely sound like a born again hard, convert! I always enjoy the enthusiasm of newer players when they catch the CM bug. FB has a nice, gritty feel to it. Keep posting and having fun with the game. We need more positivity and enthusiasm. Mord.
  8. @Burke, Vergel, 3j2, and Erwin. Have fun with them. Hope you guys enjoy. Thank, man. Notice the 34th? It's in there. Mord. BTW you guys can add the winter background portraits along with the autumn ones (if you use those backgrounds), in the mod folder if you tag them. They won't over write each other. And the winter backgrounds will only show up if there is snow on the ground. Just rename them like this: "portrait german armor [snow]" etc. no quotes. I would've done it but I was afraid of making the file names too long what with the divisions and numbers plus the tag. I had a few problems with that in the old CW portraits for CMFI and BN...exceeding the character limit.
  9. Thanks. Believe it or not they are some of the hardest parts of doing the mod. I had a helluva time trying to get something in the background that you could see. They get about 30% of a 51x57 pixels to try and convey what they are. I gave up on having any kind of foliage in the winter version. After two hours of messing with it, I said screw it! Mord.
  10. LOL. Well, they aren't much different. But there will be some slight updates, I think mostly to the infantry models. Plus added terrain (bridges) and such that has appeared over the last 7 years or so. You can see the stream tile in one of the pics. Believe it or not the thing I am looking most forward to are the hit decals. The tiny bit of eye candy amps up the immersion for me by 1000. Mord.
  11. That's impossible to answer for me. Each one is my favorite depending on my mood. I can say the one I am looking forward to the most, at this point, is CMSF2. I can't wait to experience it in its 4.0 glory. Mord.
  12. I didn't get to the US battalions yet, but this should do you guys for a while. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=5874 Mord.
  13. And there won't ever be. CMFB is a different theater. However the next RT module will be set in winter and go to the end of the war. IE same period as FB. You would be able to swap the voices (after renaming EVERY file, and possibly uniforms but they won't line up right on the models) but no vehicles. You use to be able to hex edit stuff like helmets, vehicles and infantry models (swap them physically but the code stayed the same. Ex: Sherman model swapped to an Abrams would still act as a Sherman) but I think BFC put the nix on that. Your best bet would be to either make it a straight up US vs German scenario set in Western Europe or just do all the preliminary work and wait for the RT module, to finish it. It is not worth the extra work trying to squeeze a half-assed Russian mod into FB when you could just do it in RT without any modding at all. Actually come to think of it, you could make the entire scenario in RT right now, and just change the ground conditions to winter when the module comes out. Mord.
  14. No problem, glad to help. In the future if you want to test a mod, have a main folder with lots of zs at the beginning of the name, and anything going in it will over write your other mods when you start the game. I have all my folders setup with the stuff I use continuously, and will make a folder titled "Z Z Z Z TEST" for anything new I want to check out. If I like it better than the old mod, I remove the old and replace. Keeps it clean and easy. Check out this post. Mord.
  15. You fabricated a problem out of something I never even said. Your answer is there. No one stated, or ever stated, there are only two background sounds. So, what do you think? Are there only two, and modders made up the other three? Or are there really five? You over complicate things, man. This thread (like all the others) isn't about the half million mods (and their thousand sub folders), you have crammed into your mod folder, it's about John's issue with his background sounds. Mord.
  16. I am trying to figure out why John is hearing wind sounds all the time. I was giving him ideas on how to check in the editor. I never said anything about only having two background files for the whole game. However, there is an extremely easy way for you to answer your own question. Mord.
  17. Oops. Should be Mission/Data/Wind Strength, set to light/gentle/none. Mord.
  18. Go into the editor, go to Mission, scroll down to wind strength and set it on light/gentle/or none. Go back to the map and find 3D Preview in the drop down menu. Click that and see if you are still hearing it. If not it means whatever scenario you were playing had a wind strength of medium or heavy. There should be no wind sound for the first three. Fog also has a wind type sound. Also, make sure your sub file folder has a couple zs on the front of the name (z z z Background) just to be sure. You didn't rename the file did you? Only the folder should be named/renmaed anything. The file should say "background day combat". Did you DL Kendar's mod? His is day background is pretty mellow. Mord.
  19. Yeah, I know your pain slysniper, but at least Rome was actually talked about in some detail. I'd think by this point we could get a couple screen shots or something. I look forward to every release so they are all pretty much my favorite depending on what is in the pipe line. Mord.
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