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Everything posted by Mord

  1. EXACTLY! Plans within plans etc. Classic subterfuge and counter-intelligence-psyop-mind-screw! I feel a Kanly comin' on and Ian's topping the list! Mord.
  2. LMFAO! Good stuff, Alex! Hilarious! Mord.
  3. BTW @Erwin, I wasn't making fun of you. I thought your reply was deadpan hilarious. Mord.
  4. An obvious Harkonnen ploy to assassinate my character and skills of divination. Keep it up and I'll feed you to a sandworm, heretic! Mord. P.S. I knew you were gonna say that.
  5. Couple things to note: M110, woohoo! And no crotch guards on the US infantry! Saves us from needing a mod to remove them. Chaffing averted. I am hoping that because we aren't seeing any Uncon pics they gave them a REALLY sweet makeover and are saving them as a surprise. Speaking of, did they get on map mortars as well? Mord.
  6. I didn't want you to get TOO excited! Mord.
  7. Hold your applause. Please turn your attention to today's date. Now, please turn your attention to all the new Steve threads. Now, please turn your attention to the dates of the quotes I posted above. Now, please re-return your attention to all the new Steve threads and note their dates (there will be a quiz later). Now, please turn your attention to what I am saying right now. Oops! Hold on a sec..Hey, you in the back, put your pants on and sit down, this is a family friendly forum (can't take Kettler anywhere. Oh wait, that was Bil Hardenberger...jeez he seems so refined when he's analyzing tactics). Ok. So, anyway, please re-return your attention to what I am saying right now. Ready? Yeah, THAT'S right! I Mord, modder extraordinaire, King of the Portraits and all around badass, called that s***! NAAAAAILED IT! BULLSEYE! Hole in one! It's good to be the king. That is all. Mord. P.S. You may applaud now.
  8. The Steve giveth and the Steve taketh away. Today it's looking like the Steve is giveth-ing! Didn't see that coming did you? What a difference a day and a thread makes. Congrats on the possibility. Mord.
  9. Thanks, man! Glad you like them. They sure help when you get one of those really odd angled penetrations. I've been surprised many a time, actually finding stuff I didn't even know happened. Hit decals are one of my favorite additions to the game. Something I am really looking forward to seeing in SF2. On the whole they are such a simple thing but the immersion they bring is through the roof. Mord.
  10. Well played, my friend. Thank you for the correction. That was a fine show of character. Mord.
  11. He wasn't "kissing butts" he was respectfully replying to you. There's a LOOOOONG history on this forum (and many others) of players thinking they know how easy something is to program. They never stop to think that if it were so easy then it would probably already be in the game. Then when they get told by the developer it's too much work or not possible, it usually devolves into an argument. Hence; " In my experience, any statement like that typically ends up to be incorrect." @Vergeltungswaffe has always been a fine member of these forums, and a gentleman, so how bout you remove the chip from your shoulder, and treat him with the same courtesy he afforded you. Not every post that disagrees with you is an attack. Mord.
  12. Originally I believe it came down to time and the cost of having separate animations for the Germans when CMBN (Engine 1) was being worked on. I always figured that it would eventually be addressed in an upgrade. Mord.
  13. You won't be disappointed. It has a completely different feel than any of the other games, including BS. I can only imagine how killer its gonna be in 4.0. There's enough of us still around that I don't think that'll be a problem. And vehicle wise there really weren't that many mods released., not like the WWII titles. Mord.
  14. I remember when you guys announced you'd being doing a modern setting first instead of a WWII title with the new engine. A lot of people went ballistic and I admit I was disappointed. But I decided to keep an open mind and trust that you guys would deliver. By the time the NATO module was released I was enraptured by all the exotic vehicles, equipment and forces. I never expected to like the game, (NAY! Love the game) as much as I did. But at that point I was also weary and really pining away for some WWII. I figured SF had run it's course and would be remembered fondly like the old CM1 games. But man, ever since you let it slip, (what at least two years ago if not more?) that you guys were gonna give the old girl a face lift, I have been pumped. After getting back to the 40s and Europe/Ostfront I never expected to miss SF like I did. It really is a wargaming dream come true to have an old favorite dragged from the ashes of the .75 Engine and resurrected with nearly 10 years of upgrades. So, on behalf of all the guys that blazed the modding trails of a new engine, sacrificed untold hours creating scenarios, and the players that tested mods/scenarios/and game functions or just plain played; We appreciate that you appreciate us. And from the bottom of my jaded heart, thank you for thanking us with such an awesome gift! (For all those I destroyed with this heart wrenching beauty of a post, I'll have a Kleenex™ Mod up at GAJ's ASAP). Mord.
  15. Thanks, and your time will come. By then I'll be just as hard up for the RT module as you. SF is what really started me modding and has a special place in my heart. But truly, I want modules, packs and upgrades for all the games, ALL the time! Mord.
  16. FINALLY an end to my torment! And at a great price too! Thanks, man. I am gonna have to fight with myself to keep from wishing the summer away. Mord.
  17. I just checked...uncomfortable is the consensus, circa five minutes ago. I may need to loosen the ball gag. Mord.
  18. For free? You know what that would cost you in Baltimore?! Mord.
  19. I've got Nena bound and gagged in my footlocker. Backatchya, my friend! Long time no post. Glad to see you are still around. Mord
  20. That was done strictly out of love. And having read Sulomon's reply, I can now rest easy knowing his soul and bedroom shall remain unsoiled. And thank you! Mord.
  21. Harken, Dear Sulomon. Sit and I shall spin ye a tale. Once upon a time there lived a haunted forum full of angry trolls led by an evil Canadian wizard who drew his dark powers from a magical Waffen SS manikin. This cult of personality disorder, bound by their hatred for the light, began predicting the downfall of BF in the year of our lord, 2000 and 7. They'd gather together, under the jaundiced light of a gibbous moon to gnash their teeth and drown kittens, while fantasizing about how Steve was gonna run his company into the ground do to all his bad game making decisions. For a fortnight and a grand age did they conspire and ruminate. During all their dire predictions and dark prophecies did BF persevere; releasing CMSF and it's 3 modules, CMA, CMBN, CMFI, CMRT, CMBS, CMFB, 3 upgrades, 3 modules, double digit patches, 1 vehicle pack and 2 battle packs. 11 years later, the vile Canadian Wizard having been banished to the blackest anus of the internet by the very devils he worshiped, his mutinous followers either turned to stone from years of hate or consumed by the very hellfire in their souls, the forum now consists of one guy who sits around talking to himself. The Wargaming Gods call that irony. Harken well, dear Sulomon, for there is a moral to this tale I tell to thee. Sometimes, gentle Sulomon, a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes games and patches are delayed because they just need more time. Let not the demons of rumor and despair take thee. Seek enlightenment, reach for the truth, for if ye don't ye may just end up with a Waffen SS manikin in thy boudoir and a penchant for dunking baby cats! The End. Mord.
  22. HA HA! Mord. P.S. Don't sweat it. Just about everyone on here has blown at least one gasket on someone over the years. I have a dozen under my belt at this point.
  23. And it only took 3 months and 15 days! I'd say things are speeding up. Mord.
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