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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Belgium sent two brigades over to Russia during WWI. They have a nice little exhbit on it at the Musee de l'Armee in Brussels. WWB
  2. In any PBEM you have to have some measure of trust with your opponent, just for the simple reason that they have sole possession of the game file for a period. Yes, computer picks can be compromised, and scenarios can be previewed. So play fine upstanding people you can trust. WWB
  3. Peter: I thought you were looking for a wargame. Sudden strike is not a wargame. Tanks do not have hitpoints. As for spelling, punctuation and grammar, they are well, important to your income potential. I advisie making use of the concepts. And guys, if you need something this guy says translated, you can now find an SMS lingo translator here. WWB
  4. The i810 is a pretty crappy graphics chipset. Rumor has it that the newest drivers make it workable in CM. I would highly advise upgrading your video subsystem in any case. WWB
  5. Well!!! Go empty your mailbox you nong! There are two more queued up that got bounced last night... Russland 1 : 50000 Truppenkarte L-57-6-B (I think, at work right now, maps at home) Dmitrijewka 2 files, northern portion of east part of map and southern portion of eastern part of map. Along the Mius River, Dmitrijewka, Gerassimova, Stepanowka area. Should go well with the "Decision in the Ukraine, Summer 1943, 11 SS and III Panzerkorps" book, should you pick it up.[/QB]</font>
  6. Realistic idea, but would it make for a fun game to play? People whine plenty as is about 'bad decisions made by the TacAI.' I would hate to see the backlash if we took most of the control away from the players. WWB
  7. Well, if its not too early to start asking: Maps! Maps! Maps! Firsthand accounts would be cool, as would low-level accounts of battles, etc. Basically good CM scenario material. WWB
  8. What to do? Pretty simple, move your spotter up with your infantry. I usually keep mine 100m or so behind. WWB
  9. Not to mention the fact that 1 yard and 1 meter are not too far apart. In fact, for scenario design purposes, I just convert them at 1:1. For example, a treeline 500 yards from a town becomes a treeline 500m from the town. WWB
  10. Because getting the low-level TO&E exactly right is a nightmare at best. CMBO was kept to a very short period to minimize this research, but with CMBB is becomes a massive job. And BTS will never settle for a half-assed 'just give them rifle squads with 8 riflemen, 1 lmg, and 1 smg' type solution. WWB
  11. After CMBB comes out, Charles will rejoin the mothership and leave our planet behind. We will be stuck playing it for eternity, or whenever he returns to finish the work. WWB
  12. You email a cm scenario the same way you email a file of any sort. Regarding scenarios covering a part of Band of Brothers, I recommend Frankos excellent Hello 2nd Armored, which covers the battle you are talking about. It is avaliable at both the links in my signature. WWB
  13. Good luck, file formats are a closely guarded secret in BTS' house. Apparently converting .CMC files to .CMB files is actually very difficult, or they would probably give you the ability to do so. WWB
  14. The tourney threads are cool, but we might need a dedicated grog blabber forum. WWB
  15. Uh, Fionn, forgetting someone . . . WWB
  16. Hmm, since we at B & T did the scenarios, does that case o vino offer still stand, Winecape? WWB
  17. 1) Go to the first link in my signature below (the one about hating me). You can also go to the second one, but it has a limited selection. 2) Find a battle you want to play. 3) Download the file, unzip it and save it into your CMBO\scenarios folder. Most likely it will be c:\Program Files\CMBO\scenarios if you are on a PC. 4) Start game, it will be on the list. WWB
  18. I would really like to see a map that accomplishes these two goals. I haven't been able to come up with one. To force aggressive behavior you need lots of VL points in no-mans land. Once you do that, you have created prime flag rushing terrain. I'm not saying it can't be done. I'd just like to see an example of such a map. EDIT: I'm talking Meeting Engagements here. Treeburst155 out.[/QB]</font>
  19. Regarding the tourney battles, I believe that negotiated QBs is the way to go in terms of forces. But as for maps, that is a different story. It would make alot of sense to use pre-made maps for the battles to control variables and allow more interesting battles than the QB map maker can consistently create. As for the ME vs Att/Def, I suggest a round robin of sorts, one attack, one defend, one meet. If humans make the map, we can set things up so that not advancing will not work, and similarly will punish gamey flag rushers. The fact that there is wine on the line does not concern me in the least <G>. WWB
  20. Mike: I did a dynamic flags battle, although I would not really call it all that good. It is at the depot and goes by the name of Midwinter Nightmare. Works pretty well single player, might be a bit unbalanced 2 player. WWB
  21. Very easy actually, although it will require a reformat on your part (or partition magic). You need to install 9x first, then install XP. When you are installing XP on top of 9x, you will get an option to Upgrade or install a new copy. Install a new copy. Note you should begin the install within the windows GUI, and it requires a bootable CD. In your case, you can use partition magic to repartiton the drive and setup a boot menu. I have never done this, but it should be possible. WWB PS: You need to have separate logical drives to install the oses on. For example, I run a 5gb C drive for win98, a 5gb D drive for 2000, and a 20gb E: for data. Also remember that if your disk is formatted in NTFS then you will not be able to read it from 95. [ June 02, 2002, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  22. Link has been posted over at BoB. Evil gears are turning . . . WWB
  23. I would go for the GeForce4 Go! if you can swing it financially. Note that you might do better going with a manufacurer other than Dell. They have a tendency to hold out the quality parts on all but the top end models. Regarding the wireless card, while it might come in handy, you need to have a wireless access point to connect to or it is an expensive piece of complex alloys. I doubt that many B&Bs feature WAPs. WWB
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