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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Hi John, Graphics are nice but the message is what counts and how it is portrayed can be aided by nice simple screen shots. Please keep within the size limits set. I have just built (my first attempt) a PC from scratch. I do not want to have to buy another hard disk just for AAR's. The slight exception to size is if you provide a link to your web site with the AAR on. Please remember to security control it until after the tourney has finished. I guess the ultimate guide for the judges is the following. (Talking off the top of my head.) 1. What information does it give the Designer. 2. What information does it give other Players. Graphics can be vey useful in this but it is the content which will be judged and fluff will be seen as fluff IMO. Of course all of this is very subjective and will involve strong discussions between the judges. This will arrive at the final three and then it is down to peer assessment. That way you can not blame the judges. (Not that that ever stops people...) H
  2. Ahhh I forgotten our convict colony.... Mind you yiou chaps are more like Americans now adays so you can use American English.... Except for those down in Adelaide who still pay homage to the Mother Country... I expect the Kiwis to be correcting the Mother Country as they are more Engliosh than the English. H
  3. Ahhh I forgotten our convict colony.... Mind you yiou chaps are more like Americans now adays so you can use American English.... Except for those down in Adelaide who still pay homage to the Mother Country... I expect the Kiwis to be correcting the Mother Country as they are more Engliosh than the English. H
  4. Ahhh I forgotten our convict colony.... Mind you yiou chaps are more like Americans now adays so you can use American English.... Except for those down in Adelaide who still pay homage to the Mother Country... I expect the Kiwis to be correcting the Mother Country as they are more Engliosh than the English. H
  5. AAR UPDATE PLEASE READ ---> IMPORTANT INFORMATION Great news people are starting to send in their AAR's. Bad news is that I need you to provide a set header as explained below: - Please right at the start of the AAR very clearly do the following: - 1. Your Player Name (this is what you signed upto the tourney as.) 2. Your opponents Player Name. 3. Your Group and Section. 4. The name of the Scenario. 5. Your E-mail Address for responses about the AAR. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS I will e-mail you and ask you to re submit it. I do not have the time to try and find out who you are. I need to file it as it arrives quickly and with the minimum of bother. There are far too many of you and games to add this potential burden! Please also send the AAR's direct to me. Do not send it to Kingfish or Spanish Bombs and expect them to send it on. We are trying to keep the flow of work to a minimum. All AAR's can be sent here: - Holien(at)9woodford(dot)Clara(Dot)Co.uk N.B. The AAR prize is open to all players who play the scenarios during the timeframe of ROW and write an AAR and submit it to me using the guidelines above. (It is not eligable to staff). We will be judging them on style, content and message. It does not have to be perfect English but you need to convey the message and we will try our best to understand you if English is not your first language. If in doubt please ask friends or native English speakers to check it for Typo's and use of language. We will not be judging it on spelling but on what it is saying and we need to understand what the author has typed! UK / US English differences will be tolerated. Any questions e-mail me. KF can you cut and paste this into the rules? H [ March 09, 2004, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  6. AAR UPDATE PLEASE READ ---> IMPORTANT INFORMATION Great news people are starting to send in their AAR's. Bad news is that I need you to provide a set header as explained below: - Please right at the start of the AAR very clearly do the following: - 1. Your Player Name (this is what you signed upto the tourney as.) 2. Your opponents Player Name. 3. Your Group and Section. 4. The name of the Scenario. 5. Your E-mail Address for responses about the AAR. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS I will e-mail you and ask you to re submit it. I do not have the time to try and find out who you are. I need to file it as it arrives quickly and with the minimum of bother. There are far too many of you and games to add this potential burden! Please also send the AAR's direct to me. Do not send it to Kingfish or Spanish Bombs and expect them to send it on. We are trying to keep the flow of work to a minimum. All AAR's can be sent here: - Holien(at)9woodford(dot)Clara(Dot)Co.uk N.B. The AAR prize is open to all players who play the scenarios during the timeframe of ROW and write an AAR and submit it to me using the guidelines above. (It is not eligable to staff). We will be judging them on style, content and message. It does not have to be perfect English but you need to convey the message and we will try our best to understand you if English is not your first language. If in doubt please ask friends or native English speakers to check it for Typo's and use of language. We will not be judging it on spelling but on what it is saying and we need to understand what the author has typed! UK / US English differences will be tolerated. Any questions e-mail me. KF can you cut and paste this into the rules? H [ March 09, 2004, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  7. AAR UPDATE PLEASE READ ---> IMPORTANT INFORMATION Great news people are starting to send in their AAR's. Bad news is that I need you to provide a set header as explained below: - Please right at the start of the AAR very clearly do the following: - 1. Your Player Name (this is what you signed upto the tourney as.) 2. Your opponents Player Name. 3. Your Group and Section. 4. The name of the Scenario. 5. Your E-mail Address for responses about the AAR. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS I will e-mail you and ask you to re submit it. I do not have the time to try and find out who you are. I need to file it as it arrives quickly and with the minimum of bother. There are far too many of you and games to add this potential burden! Please also send the AAR's direct to me. Do not send it to Kingfish or Spanish Bombs and expect them to send it on. We are trying to keep the flow of work to a minimum. All AAR's can be sent here: - Holien(at)9woodford(dot)Clara(Dot)Co.uk N.B. The AAR prize is open to all players who play the scenarios during the timeframe of ROW and write an AAR and submit it to me using the guidelines above. (It is not eligable to staff). We will be judging them on style, content and message. It does not have to be perfect English but you need to convey the message and we will try our best to understand you if English is not your first language. If in doubt please ask friends or native English speakers to check it for Typo's and use of language. We will not be judging it on spelling but on what it is saying and we need to understand what the author has typed! UK / US English differences will be tolerated. Any questions e-mail me. KF can you cut and paste this into the rules? H [ March 09, 2004, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  8. Ohhh ignore KR even when he does get the Americans he still makes a pigs ear of it. (My famous last words as there is still plenty of time to go!!) Can't even get his 155mm Arty to land on any of my troops. BTW FFOW not compromised as it is Uncle Toms "Counter Attack at Petrano" scenario. A great two player affair. (Mind you KR might say otherwise at this present moment.) Geeezhhh he is actually sounding like a Whinggging Pommmie... H
  9. Ohhh ignore KR even when he does get the Americans he still makes a pigs ear of it. (My famous last words as there is still plenty of time to go!!) Can't even get his 155mm Arty to land on any of my troops. BTW FFOW not compromised as it is Uncle Toms "Counter Attack at Petrano" scenario. A great two player affair. (Mind you KR might say otherwise at this present moment.) Geeezhhh he is actually sounding like a Whinggging Pommmie... H
  10. Ohhh ignore KR even when he does get the Americans he still makes a pigs ear of it. (My famous last words as there is still plenty of time to go!!) Can't even get his 155mm Arty to land on any of my troops. BTW FFOW not compromised as it is Uncle Toms "Counter Attack at Petrano" scenario. A great two player affair. (Mind you KR might say otherwise at this present moment.) Geeezhhh he is actually sounding like a Whinggging Pommmie... H
  11. The AAR prize is a full years subscription to the magzine as donated by "After The Battle" Winston Ramsey who is the Editor-In-Chief. KF you might want to update the previous section. So start typing as you play along as you know how hard it is to write after the battle is complete. Best to do it while it is fresh in your mind. Some hints. At the start write down what you thought of the map and what plan you made. Then as the game progresses note how that plan changed and any major turning points. At the end review how you might have done things differently. What lessons were learned. This way other players can learn from you and we all get better quality opponents. Also the authors get feed back and can see how their designs faired. H
  12. The AAR prize is a full years subscription to the magzine as donated by "After The Battle" Winston Ramsey who is the Editor-In-Chief. KF you might want to update the previous section. So start typing as you play along as you know how hard it is to write after the battle is complete. Best to do it while it is fresh in your mind. Some hints. At the start write down what you thought of the map and what plan you made. Then as the game progresses note how that plan changed and any major turning points. At the end review how you might have done things differently. What lessons were learned. This way other players can learn from you and we all get better quality opponents. Also the authors get feed back and can see how their designs faired. H
  13. The AAR prize is a full years subscription to the magzine as donated by "After The Battle" Winston Ramsey who is the Editor-In-Chief. KF you might want to update the previous section. So start typing as you play along as you know how hard it is to write after the battle is complete. Best to do it while it is fresh in your mind. Some hints. At the start write down what you thought of the map and what plan you made. Then as the game progresses note how that plan changed and any major turning points. At the end review how you might have done things differently. What lessons were learned. This way other players can learn from you and we all get better quality opponents. Also the authors get feed back and can see how their designs faired. H
  14. Hi Andrew, In the past we have stuck with what was started with. This is always up for discussion and if every player agreed things could be updated. I don't think it will be an issue and I would assume that it will be played through on 1.01. H
  15. All of the above and some absolute whoppers with 2Meg plus files on a regular basis. Make sure you can handle these games and if in doubt talk to us before starting the tourney. H
  16. Enoch, there was a big discussion about this some time ago and it was agreed then that Zipping did Zip. I am sure some expert will come along and explain why. H
  17. Warning on File Sizes I think people should be aware that if you have a Hotmail account you (or other free accounts) you might have a limit on file size that you can deal with. In my testing of a "Ground Breaking" scenario, I had a file size of 3Megs last night. Please ensure that your mail provider can deal with the size of the PBEM turns. This scenario is a not alone in having file sizes above 1Meg and that I know would blow my Hotmail account. I suggest you check your e-mail accounts and ensure that they work with these file sizes. H
  18. Fantastic News!!! The AAR prize has been increased to a years subscription to After the Battle. I have been in touch with the editor of the magazine and he has agreed to sponsor the prize. So if you needed an incentive to get typing you now have the chance of winning a full year subscription to this fantastic magazine. See my previous post as to what this prize involves. H
  19. A quick annoucment on the AAR prize. Yes there will be a prize for the best AAR as voted by all those involved in ROW IV. If you look at the following link you will see what you can win. http://www.afterthebattle.com/ab-con1.html I am donating a single edition of the magazine to the winner and will arrange for it to be posted to you anywhere in the world. I subscribe to this magazine and it is a must IMO for anyone who has an interest in WWII. The organisers will short list the three best AAR's (IOO) for you to vote on. The one with the most votes wins. Not a big prize but something to say thank you for taking the time and typing up an AAR. The group sections will be announced above me as I type too slowly. H P.s. Bertram I am sorry that you did not get in please contact KF. [ February 08, 2004, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  20. Mr D, I did note that you had failed to put down your involvement last time around. I think that you will have no problems here unless anyone has strong objections. I know about the circumstances with the player concerned and it does not affect your entry into the tourney IMO. As KF said we are kicking around ideas as to how to group people. I am fully aware of our debate about this last time Steve and I hope you will be happy with the challenge that is presented you. I have finished one of the games for the tourney and busy playing two others. I hope to have a quick run through the remaining two and they look good so far. I have some Good News on the AAR front and will post that as soon as I can. H
  21. Hi, Can I clear up a bit of confusion. The list is of all those who said they wanted to play. What the list does not show is what time you signed in and what tourneys you have previously played. Because your name is on the list does not mean automatically you get to play. We are now going to sort through that list and release the groups as soon as we can. People wanted to know they signed in and that is what the list shows... (and only that.) I hope this helps. Please refer to the posts at the beginning about how the list will be sorted. H P.s. I will be having a serious talk to KF about his money making schemes.
  22. To be fair Cap Dog, Just because someone wins big time does not mean that it is balanced. You just have to look at the ROW games and see that. Even unbalanced games can be won depending on what the players do or do not do. I might have taken the correct approach in this game or my opponent might have been unlucky or unwise in his approach. I can see the frustration in the time settings and that at least can be modified by someone taking what you have done and extending it. For me that would not be appropriate as making a game much longer does not suit my disposition. But this is where CM comes up trumps in that it can accommodate a broad variety of styles. I think we can all agree that your design is very good and well worth playing, whichever way you choose to play. H
  23. Will you poolers sod off back to your pool.... You can sign up like the rest of the players. IMHO H
  24. Hi the above is very plausible if you play the AI. I don't play the AI and I can not remember the last time I did. I would guess it was Cemetery Hill by a certain wicked German. But since then no games against the AI. I don't get enough time to play and when I do I want a decent game, and that can only be provided by a Human with both of us playing blind. H P.s. Cap Dog is over rating me, I am not that good.
  25. Bertram, Read the posts higher to this about how selection will work. As long as you sign up in a reasonable time frame and if you have been in the other tourneys you stand a good chance of being in, even if you do not sign up on the day that it opens. I hope that helps? H
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