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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Rant Mode on... I am a bit peeved that people feel the need to clutter the scenario Depot by wading in against people who post un favourable reviews. Yes I have seen some reviews and can not believe the person sees it that way. One in fact made me so annoyed that I tried to get the persons attention here. Could those involved just let the designer answer the negative comments rather than having fans jump in and abuse the review system even further. Rant Mode off....
  2. Just a quick update on this issue. Solved. It happens when you get too many e-mails sat in your sent folder in Outlook. Solution is to clear down all the mails sent to all your gaming opponents. Then tidy up outlook using maintenance tools. Crap error message outlook gives which gives you no clue. Apparently it becomes unstable if you have too much in the sent folder. Anyway after doing that and using the repair IE option all is well again. So apologies for crying wolf. Just so happened that I hit that e-mail limit at same time as loading CMAK demo. H
  3. Hi CDIC, I saw this thread and saw that you had popped in. Not read any of the thread (yet) as I am half way through this monster. A stonking scenario and even if I lose the fun that me and Lou have had so far has been well worth the price of admission. This scenario is worth five beers... Happy New Year and if you ever get back to the motherland give me a heads up. I hope to add a bit of insight once I finish the scenario and can read this thread. Until then I shall lurk. Cheers H
  4. Hi Bilko, I got your e-mail and I am interested but holidays have taken their toll. Back at work today and have a chance to respond. I am interested and will take you up on your offer. I got the Sicily game before Christmas but still have not loaded it onto the PC. I will try to do it this weekend. I know this is not necssary but I want to see how Tiller works his games. In truth Lou has been taking all my gaming time with "Our Backs to the Volga" which is an absolute stonking scenario and anyone reading this I recommend as a great double blind scenario. A big scenario but very entertaining and life draining.... So when I get back from drinking too much I shall sit down and force myself to respond to you and Lou on his ideas for other things. I am making these as New Year resolutions. H
  5. Just playing the Longstop Scenario and I have 3 squads and a platoon HQ (German) sat in a trench hiding from a nasty group of Churchills against who I can do nothing. The terrain tile next to the trench cathes fire. Rabbits!!! Out they pop all my men and do the headless chicken run in the open in circles in front of 8 sodding Churchills. OHHHHH the Joys of the AI!!!! For pity sake fix this nonsense in CMII. :mad: The scenario is pretty dire as it is, without this nonsense thrown in as well. H P.s. File available to the higher authorities if they wish to have a giggle as my HQ and 3 squads run around in the open on the side of a very large hill. H
  6. No it does not Suk. It is very good IMO. In answer to your other question go look at the other threads here which discuss those details in far greater depth. Yawn.... H
  7. Hi Bilko, Yes please count me in to play. I am happy to just do the battles or any other role you can give me. I shall order the Sicily game today and see what potential that has over Christmas, if I am not too late in ordering it. Cheers H P.s. Andreas I am not sure Debbie is into flower arranging and you know what they say about too many cooks.
  8. Sorry did not track this last night as it took a while to do the set up for "our Backs to the Volga". I see a couple of others have sneaked in. Anyway I have found the following shop in the UK which will sell the software. http://www.sps-systems.co.uk/trolleyed/142/ In fact I should have remembered them from when I worked down in London some 10 years ago. A great gamers shop and they have the licence for the HPS stuff so can sell any of the games. Bilko I shall e-mail you tonight unless you respond back here. I want to order a game but if you have enough players I shall get Sicily instead and see how that might be used. Of course you might be interested in a certain weekend in 2004. Andreas your offer as always is most welcome and perhaps we can develop this further in the near future. I am interested in the modern areana and I wonder out of the options you mentioned Kip which would be the best. I have heard people mention Tac Ops quite a few times and wonder how that compares to Fulda Gap? Choices choices... All we need now is Jim to pop in, after he finishes complaining about this and that in the CMAK forum. P.s. I shall talk to her indoors and see what her plans are for 2004. Perhaps we can persuade her to stay and cook for us? Then again I could be asking too much.
  9. Just checked out the scenario Depot and if you have not played "Our Backs to the Volga" it looks good and is from CapDog who has a good pedigree. H
  10. Hi Lou, Yes she loves me. (crazy or what.) Yes we will be having another weekend get together date to be confirmed. (Just need her out of the way, got to find when a good time for that will be.) Yes it will work. (I had been thinking along these lines but not done anything about and Bilko has prodded me to do something about it.) Yes Andreas will find a way to do me over. But I can live in hope that he does not bring that foul liquid back to my house. Yes I would love a game with you as long as the e-mails work. I have CMAK or CMBB as I choose the last you can choose the next one. Cheers H
  11. Lou I see you are busy at work.... You know where this is going don't you? Weekend campaign session.... It will stop Andreas giving my opponents unlimited amounts of artillery!!! H
  12. Hi, Have you had any take up on this yet? I was thinking along same lines for a game based upon the invasion of Sciliy. If there is a space I shall order a copy of the game? Cheers H
  13. Well I am just off to bed and as a sign of solidarity I have not loaded up the CD that I have in front of me. Maybe on Sunday I shall dip my toes into the new delights of CMAK. H P.s. I am still playing the Demo with Jim and finding out that MKIII's can do squat against M3's front on. :eek: More lessons to learn, good job I have taken Monday off as holiday.
  14. Yippiee she has long arms and was able to rescue the package... Just got off the phone and our marriage is back on track!!! H
  15. Hi James I will lend you my copy if you like... Just got it this morning... Heh Heh Heh... And I have not even paid for it... Yet! H P.s. The reason I know this is I e-mailed my new wife from work and she responded as follows:- "An envelope from Cork arrived, but it wasn't addressed to either of us. Said something like 'Holien' or something. So, I've sent it back 'Return to Sender'." As she enjoys being married to me and would not want to be forced out of the house she is of course joking. Or she had better find a way of getting it out of the post box up at the local post office!!!! :eek: [ December 05, 2003, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  16. Thanks for listening and sorry to have raised any concerns. I will let you know if I get any further with it. Cheers H
  17. Right update on last nights events. I was wrong it does happen with CMBB and it happens either playing a Vid or planning a turn. This could now mean that it is something changed on my system. The only recent update to my system was a recent security patch by MS. This was applied upon my return from holiday on the 23rd Nov. Before my holiday I did not have this problem and the only change was the loading of the CMAK demo and this security patch. I can not unload the security patch as I am on Win 98 (tell me if I am wrong in this view) so I shall have to live with the problem unless I can work out the exact cause. I guess I could try and replicate the problem by running other games while sending mail. Hmmmm Am I missing anything? H
  18. Hi, Sorry for delay in response to this but the BBS was down last night when I tried to check for any responses. Right in answer to your questions. 1.I have no chat clients loaded. 2. It is an ISDN link and hence a dial in. 3. When I play CMBB or CMBO I have never had this problem. I tend to use the same modus operadi for those games. 4. The modem does not drop and seems a fairly clean crash. In that I can reload Outlook and re-send the file it was sending without rebooting the PC. 5. The graphical problem is independant of this crashing problem and can be re-created at will be dropping out to the desktop from the game and then going back to the game. As I say by hitting the briefing button in game and then coming back to the game fixes this. 6. Thinking about this it could be always when playing a video and sending an e-mail. I shall check this tonight if I get a chance. As I say I can work around it but it is interesting to see if there is a problem. Thinking further there is one program that I have running while playing the game and that is a small utility to re-connect me if I drop the line. I forget the name but it saves me having to try to connect and constantly redials until I get back in. When I have the crash the ISDN line has been up and running so it is not tied to the phone line going down. Also while playing the game the window (small one) which displays this re-connect program keeps track of the time on line. This flickers through the game screen every now and then. It is as if the game screen can not handle drawing graphics over the top of this window. I have used this program with CMBB and it has been on the PC for quite a long time. I will check tonight if it causes the same graphic problem with CMBB. I don't think it does, but will double check. H
  19. Right just had it happen again. I was in the process of watching a video turn from CMAK and sending in the background a e-mail turn to a friend. The game dropped to desk top (Still active) but displayed on screen the following message. MSIMN caused an invalid page fault in module DIRECTDB.DLL at 017f:01bf6bb1. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=017f EIP=01bf6bb1 EFLGS=00010246 EBX=01efd234 SS=0187 ESP=01efd088 EBP=01efd240 ECX=00000000 DS=0187 ESI=01c194d4 FS=4657 EDX=00000000 ES=0187 EDI=800c0131 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 83 78 60 00 75 07 8b ce e8 d9 e4 ff ff ff 76 0c Stack dump: 00000000 016734d0 007df252 01c194d4 01efd234 007e01be 01672490 01efd234 007df47b 016724e0 01efd234 00000000 016734d0 016724e0 074002e0 00000001 Outlook Express crashed out halfway through sending the file. The game was still ok and I re-accessed it (after answering message) and could continue to watch the video. However the game has two blocks of black on the bottom toolbar (far left and far right). These were now flashing alternating between black and white and as I could not hit the briefing button (watching vid) I had to put up with the effect until the vid stopped and I could exit the game. I am using the latest Outlook Express. I am Second Ed Win 98. It is a AMD 1.3 processor. The Vid card is Geforce 2. Not with the latest drivers as these caused me some problems some time ago. I have never had this error message before CMAK and my life (sad as it is)is just one long CM game. So I play no other games / do very little else with the PC. It is not a great problem, just FYI. H
  20. How bad do you need the fix? Me I can wait.... If it is eating away at you then feed the need... In answer to your question from what has been said there should be no difference. Apart from art work on box which is not the same as the American release. H
  21. Ok... More when I get home from work, just posted to see if anyone else had had this. H
  22. Hi, I have been playing the demo and sending turns via Outlook. I usually keep Outlook up when playing the game and logged on Internet so I can hear any turns arriving while doing a turn. This SOP works well with CMBB but since playing the CMAK Demo Outlook has started to crash and I am wondering if anyone else has had this. The other problem is when I jump out of CMAK to the desktop (Win 98) I then jump back into the game and the two blocks of graphics lower left and lower right of the screen show the desktop and flash very quickly. To re-set this I goto the briefing and come back out and everything is re-set and looks fine. Anyone else have similar issues? It does not stop game play but just minor points. H
  23. Yawn..... I have just started playing the Demo... Damn good the games are too. The Italian map is really cool (oppps becoming an American for a Mo) and it will ease the pain on not having the game for a couple of weeks. As long as I get it for Christmas, who cares!!! Ohh and I would any day of the month rather my money went to the guys who made it rather than any middle men. If that means two more weeks then so be it... H
  24. Yawn..... I have just started playing the Demo... Damn good the games are too. The Italian map is really cool (oppps becoming an American for a Mo) and it will ease the pain on not having the game for a couple of weeks. As long as I get it for Christmas, who cares!!! Ohh and I would any day of the month rather my money went to the guys who made it rather than any middle men. If that means two more weeks then so be it... H
  25. Yawn..... I have just started playing the Demo... Damn good the games are too. The Italian map is really cool (oppps becoming an American for a Mo) and it will ease the pain on not having the game for a couple of weeks. As long as I get it for Christmas, who cares!!! Ohh and I would any day of the month rather my money went to the guys who made it rather than any middle men. If that means two more weeks then so be it... H
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