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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Sorry long ago discarded when new PC's have been and gone. 2001 - 2004 / 2005 a life time ago. I have a brief text AAR of mine from 2001 on Ranville. Also a selection of AAR's from 2005. Shows how good this game system is that we are still around after all this time... Mind you my wrists are not as good as they used to be..... The trouble is I am on PC all day and then again at night getting my CMBN fix.... Not good for me.... Glad you are on the mend... Send me a PM with your e-mail and I can e-mail what little I have...
  2. Just looking at Pre Order and looks like no extra cost to ship to Europe? That is a good deal if that is the case? Ignore me just went through process and it is $27 doohh Follow full process before posting... Will have to wait for Download only option... Postage is becoming a right royal pain. I just tried to post a small package inside the UK and they wanted £8 from the Royal Mail. I found a courrier to do it for £3.90. Less than half the cost....
  3. Yep happened at the weekend with my HQ unit... I guessed wrong and ran into the zone and got zapped... Good job it is only pixels... I was not happy... Should have laid flat..... Or is that hindsight talking?
  4. I went last year to the Tiger Day and did the VIP trip, well worth it as you got to climb up and look inside the turret. Photos pretty poor as lighting condition not ideal... Well worth the trip and I hope you enjoy it.
  5. Maybe just very unlucky as there is a chance that track not blown? I would guess IRL it is possible that a mine might not blow the track?
  6. I often get one vehicle to do multiple gaps to confuse the enemy...
  7. Second clip takes it to end. And shows it just at the end of the minute firing and taking out a Bren Carrier which was moving in a straight line roughly directly away from the gun so along the line of fire...
  8. 1st clip uploaded I am not sure it really adds anything to the discussion. Shows the Pak40 rotating while under slight small arms fire. Looks like 45% in 30 secs approx? Next clip now uploading...
  9. I am uploading 2 videos now but taking some time as I live in the country and I need rabbits to carry the message into the BT Hub... I don't think the video will support the bug and I think what happened is pretty fair dinkum. I will post the links and see what people think but to me it seemed OK. More when Videos upload. H
  10. I understand why some people hate arty and how it can imbalance the game. That is part of the game and I have recently played Le Desert and it turned out to be one of the best H2H scenarios I have played in a long time right on a knife point for either side. Arty was important and both players dealt with it. If the arty was reduced it would make it a different scenario and perhaps imbalance it. It is pretty balanced so far based upon results shown. I have just played CW 5am In The Shadow of the Hill and that has lots of arty for the Brits and is a tough challenge for the Germans, I still managed to pull off a victory by thinking carefully on how to avoid being where the arty was likely to be called and by using fox holes that did seem on the whole to help against the shells...
  11. I will post video and spend some time on this over the weekend, wife and DIY allowing...
  12. Welcome back John. Hope you mend quickly.... Life is far too short...
  13. Occh that does not sound good with fast moving targets and close range. I think I am about to see that effect in a game I am currently playing. I will keep an eye open to see how the AI handles it. Sounds like a good spot...
  14. Also remember that even if mines are marked your vehicles will still set them off so don't drive vehicles over AT mines even if marked!!!
  15. LOL... You do realise what they (the Devs) are trying to do, is simulate real world life (battles) on a PC. From my POV that is no small feat, but I guess I have lower expectations than you? A good find and it is only through these sorts of tests do you find unexpected glitches that may or may not be fixable...
  16. Tank mines from what I understand can not be cleared? Hope to be corrected but from what I remember they don't get cleared?
  17. Also be careful of trees in way of Tank HE rounds and have friendly men near the trees. I had a HMG team wiped out by a friendly Panther when the HE round exploded in tree above their heads. Very annoying and happens quite often if you are not careful, so you need to really watch the LOS for the Tanks and what they might hit before hand.
  18. I kinda of lived with it until recently when the boss said she wanted different music and I started to notice it more. So glad I have removed it. Also as I had never done any mods for CMBN I picked up Aris Mods as well and some better mine markers that had bugged me in the past not being able to tell what state the mines were in..
  19. Excellent this will stop wife complaining... She requested different music... I guess I now know how to make that happen... http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4354/details The mod for quiet above.
  20. FYI Just played the Bridge at Varaville as the German player. My Oppo misunderstood the briefing and was pretty boring as he failed to act quick enough. Might be a good H2H as long as Allied player moves quickly.
  21. You get a box of chocolates sent to you... None sent so far as no one has done it...
  22. Gun damage does seem to happen too often, but that is just a feeling with no hard data to prove if that is truly the case. I know when I play Germans I am wary of being in sight of too many targets even if I have the Armour advantage...
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