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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Holien

  1. ASL I was not asking for "balance" and I agree that is always subjective until you get a meaningful sample. Just as a minimum say if H2H or Vs AI or both. Obviously some designers might think one side or the other might be stronger and if they said weaker player take X side, that would be good. But your point that if it does not say means it is good for everything is a cop out IMO. The way designs work, IMO, I doubt a scenario can be good for AI and H2H play at the same time. Maybe an odd one works out that way but it is a lot harder to design something for good AI play as to H2H play. So far I have avoided any scenarios without any guidance on H2H or AI play until I see it mentioned on forum from other players saying it was good for H2H. I have limited gaming time and I want to play the good scenarios for H2H. As for the extra text required in the description the use of the limited characters to say Allies or Germans vs AI or AI Both or H2H is not a great deal to ask? If I was looking to put a bit of polish on the product which did not cost anything I would ask that the Scenario Introduction has a consistent look and feel (for those released with the modules) as it is the initial shop window of the game and it can look a lot better IMO. It really is not a big point and if it does not happen no big deal but things look more professional if you have standard formats.
  2. Churchill with 95mm works fine for me in that scenario. I guess I was lucky not to hit that bug...
  3. I agree it has gotten better but in a new module you would hope after all that has been said there would be a consistent approach and there are loads of the new scenarios with no indication what so ever of how best to play, and I don't want to open them up as that would restrict me to that side. I will do when I run out of the ones already marked up... Also I will bump the thread which lists good H2H scenarios...
  4. The new CW module is excellent and getting new scenarios is always fun. A minor nit pick if designers could just say in the briefing (i.e. where you can read it before selecting a scenario) if the game is best played as H2H or vs AI and which side to pick. I tend to just play the games double blind H2H (although I am just getting into the Scottish Corridor) and I want to know which scenarios to choose without spoiling them by opening them up before hand. It would be really good if all designers could just take the time to add those key bits of info on the scenario description, and when the next module is released could that be checked to ensure a consistent approach? Just started Sticking it out and the map is massive and overall looks great, really looking forward to a different play style to that game. A minor quibble with the design is use of tall bocage around the village houses. For me this would not be the case in that part of France and it looks a little bit wrong. Better to use hedges and fences IMO. The Scottish Corridor I have played first scenario and I love the Veggie patches and design of the village excellent work. The water tower is wonderful and overall the look and feel of the place is spot on.
  5. IMO Do not turn off Heuristic detection as this is part of what you want the software to do. All Norton is doing is identifying a possible risk. Find the entry in the log and you will have the option to remove it from Quarantine. Norton is detecting the file CMW Commonwealth Module.exe as a threat and all you need to do is restore it. Read the help in Norton on how to do that. Other virus software might do the same....
  6. Siffo998 I think it might be dealt with by a later patch? Steve seemed to indicate there might be another one at some stage. As with the other issues raised I guess it all takes time and that needs to be found in addition to bringing out the next modules to keep them living in the lifestyle they have become accustomed to.
  7. BTW Tank riding would be good if it could be incorporated in the game but not something I will lose sleep over if not in game...
  8. Ahh the subject of hedges and their thickness... A subject which is close to my heart and do check out the threads.... BTW the Churchill could and did cross Bocage and the painting is a famous example of that, also mentioned in previous threads. Pity it is coded the way it is but it would seem that is the way it will stay. Not sure if they will give the Churchill the ability to break through Bocage, next week we shall see...
  9. Because they are on a moving vehicle and not under their own steam would be my guess. So you have a more complex calculation to do. Also you have to model the height of infantry off the ground that might add more complexity.... But As we do not know how it is coded that is down to BFC
  10. Hi Badger I am not saying it will destroy a tank via armour penetration, As described by akd the grenade assault routine on the tank is designed to represent the soldiers ability to hurt / disable a tank by close assault. So I personally accept that as a design choice to allow infantry a chance of taking out a tank, if they get lucky. So in this situation grenade on front plate of Panther absolutely no chance, and as you describe No chance, but as an abstraction for say getting grenade onto engine vents or crew hatch that works for me... Just not so pleased to lose a Panther!!!
  11. The tank was hit by an explosion and on the front plate. All crew were fine and got out OK. I can post a video if it really helps but I think it is fairly clear you can kill your own tanks with your own grenades!!! Which IMO is fair enough, I am sure it happened in the real world....
  12. This would be sweet if we could ever get it, as you say the player would then take lots more care in how they approached the individual battles. As has been said IRL the attack would be called off if units lost cohesion and too many forces were lost. There are always points in my games where I would personally stop but as it is a game I press on....
  13. This place is a must see and an excellent place. Also nearby is a fantastic battery which is a great place to wander and contemplate the action in the area. http://www.batterie-marcouf.com/eng/index.php?page=home It was eventually taken on the 12th of June.
  14. Yep a problem and if it can be looked at I think we would all be happy with a consistent approach. Good it has been spotted, pity it has missed the CW update... We will have to wait some time for this one I guess....
  15. Ahhh some humility.... Condescending my A*** I was just pointing out it was not defined as a hardcore wargame so get off your horse...
  16. Sorry for not knowing you had 30 years of experience of wargaming... My mind reading technique needs expanding.... Ohhh I feel a thought coming through.... How Rude!!! In my book a good wargame annd fun to play, did not know they had done a remake so maybe one to buy at a later date...
  17. Me No... Statisoris has just posted re mortar ammo I only noticed it as I was over joyed at getting access to 2 rounds of shreck ammo when I was in desperate need. Then gutted to find it had gone woosh!!!!
  18. FYI - It is described as a "Beer and Pretzel" game and it is a re-make of the Panzer General game which was a blast to play when I owned it quite some years ago. Not hardcore action like CMBN and not designed to be. As mentioned by some reviewers it would be great entry option for kids to get into the wargame hobby....
  19. I have no problem with not getting ammo off a dead man as it could be damaged when he is hit. I have a problem in being able to access it if I leave him alone, but when I do buddy aid it disappears. I would guess in the code for buddy aid it decides what ammo is available and this code is only called when buddy aid is being done. Not sure how easy to switch that process and no big deal if not. What it does mean is that in some cases you are better off trying to be close enough to nick the ammo but not too close to do buddy aid. (Not sure if that is possible as buddy aid upto the AI...)
  20. Yes I have posted about this and I had a situation where a Shreck man had access to 2 rounds of ammo from a dead team mate, but when he buddy aided him I did not get the ammo that had shown in his display. See this thread and I have saved files and can post images if need be. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=102592
  21. There is another problem with Buddy Aid in that at the time it does Buddy Aid it assess if the ammo is available not at the time of death of the individual. So as mentioned on another thread if your buddy with the shreck rockets dies and you don't buddy aid him you get access to the rockets. What IMO should happen is at point of death the program should decide if any ammo survives the death incident and then this shows weather you buddy aid or not.... So currently Shreck team mate dies and shows 2 rockets. As he dies the program should really show if any survived him dying. FYI I have seen ammo increase from buddy aid, just by small amounts....
  22. I don't know what has happened to Flickr but I am getting connection refused? Not sure if anyone else is seeing the slide show or getting same issue? I can not get any advice via google as these error messages discussed on Flickr help forum and I can not get access to it or even see cached pages.... Update == OK just found a none Flickr site thread about it and seems to be a major outage and not just me. I had wondered if I had blown some limit by linking the photo's.....
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