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Everything posted by Aloid

  1. While I cannot express it as well as you, I do strive to give my sons something of a realistic view on life (while staying optomistic). It's hard to filter and reduce things to the level they are at right now, but I feel happy that they are catching the true drift of life... my 4 year old wants to be a Jedi! heh! Aloid
  2. The beauty of SC, is that I can spend my cash on more Axis shipping, and other things, to support my Sealion efforts. I can also bring Italians into the mix (other than the few aircraft that briefly showed up). This makes mute the arguement that the actual Germans of 1940 couldn't do it. Though it's fun to talk about, eh? Aloid (where's my full game?)
  3. I love pictures of tanks... Aloid
  4. Them? The ones who slouch and crouch in alleyways When the moon is blooded & dim? Who laughed like stupid lost loons At the last long gasp Of J.J., Jimi... and Jim? Whose mentor stalks the night In ugly high-top shoes, And passes out a little off-white card That says: Please allow me to introduce myself, I am a man of wealth and taste? That THEM? ? Or, are you thinking of some other Them?</font>
  5. I gave Axis the full monty (+2), and thought I was going along well in defence of France. The AI does a much better job with it's air unit attack priority, and in rotation of forces. It all came unglued for me when they pounded one unit in the line and turned that into a nice (for them) exploitation. I was running from that point on. Hubert, as much as I tried to bait the Axis airpower with my nice juicy battleships, they kept to their task (with an occasional attack), as they should. In the beta, they fell to that trick all too often... Nicely done! Aloid
  6. So the Soviets are just sitting idle while you do all this? Sounds like the Red army is just waiting for the turn "after" the demo stops, to swamp the eastern front... I need the full game... Aloid [ July 22, 2002, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  7. After sleeping on it... Agreed, fully... Aloid
  8. Hubert, It seems to me that Axis air units should be able to protect transports from sea attack, in a similar fashion as attacks from air. As it is now, Allied ships get a free ride in from outside Axis covering air unit range. While the air units can hit the attackers after they move, the real damage is done. Something to ponder for a possible patch, or SC2. Otherwise I'm having fun, but wish my game was in the mail already. Enjoy! Aloid
  9. They work fine in the Gold Demo... I've made a mix of them, and they all look good. Aloid
  10. ahhhh, hmmmmm.... no installer eh? Mine did self install, and placed it into a different directory autmatically. I'm having no problems... (Win98) Aloid
  11. Super Ted, you are a teasing bastich to the end! Have to post that for all us slobering masses, who now wait for that which only the precious few have... I think your a very sick fellow... Aloid "The previous statement, was probably intended as a joke. It in no way is meant to infringe on the rights Americans have under the first ammendment, Canadians, under whatever ammendment (the beer act of 1803?), or anyone living in any other country, with it's attendant ammendments (better beer acts, and the like)."
  12. The .bmp files are easy to cut and paste to/from. Just keep your file names unique, as the files from Otto's site will want to step on each other. I renamed each file after I unzipped it. There is one big issue with doing this. The back ground colors and strength number sprites are screwy. I need to fix this, once everyone has finished their work. I hope the artist who did these mods (they did the real work), are okay with my mixing and matching... Here's a preview, though I think the screenies are blurry... see what I mean... it's going to look real nice after it's tweeked... Aloid [ July 20, 2002, 03:03 AM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  13. Can we know where you started today? Just want to know if I beat AlleyCat Aloid
  14. I just realized that SC will play on Win2K!!! Oh god, I'll never work again... waltero, go to the SC website via the picture/link above the forum topics list... Aloid
  15. ... and down (loaded) on my hard drive!! (at work_ Aloid
  16. Wow!!! :eek: I think AC and I got in and out just in time... "Captain, the engines will take this no longer..." I good server stress test if I ever saw one. Aloid
  17. Yes! The deed is done!!! Aloid Order number 77810!!! AC you're a dog!
  18. Hey ST, they have this thing called "broadband" now. It helps you push files around faster... you should check into it, or somefink! Aloid
  19. Heh! would love to see a hit count over the last 10 minutes... since MM's post... Aloid
  20. hmmmm... Sleepy Head rhymes with Super Ted... Super! You keeping us waiting??!! You've been up too late answering all the night owl posts again? Aloid
  21. Agreed! Time for me to drop this thread... Aloid
  22. I beg to differ. The entire process of putting a beta out for public comment, plus the few posts by those who don't really enjoy the game (example: most recently aka_tom's friend), which did not get locked, and were even commented on by Hubert, show how incorrect your statement is. If you would have kept the flamming out of your comments, and the stupid Canadian comment out as well, then you would probably not be locked out. Keep things calm and adult, don;t attack, and we all be happy. Aloid (an American who is happy to see your thread locked)
  23. I totally agree that you should get it. Take some time to really learn about the options that can be turned on to help you find units, and tell where they are going. Once you have these few options figured out, it become very easy to plot moves and targets. It's truely the most enjoyable tactical game I've ever played. Heck, I'll sit and watch a turn over and over from different views because there's so much to see. But beware... if you like RTS games, you may not ever go back to them... you miss too much. Aloid
  24. Ah the truth be told!! Super-Mac Gamer strikes again! Can't take it when a PC only game, which you are secretly wishing you could play, is waved in your face... heh! j/k you Tom Hint... There are some nice and cheap PCs out there... Enjoy! Aloid
  25. I'm going to mix them... I like the historical infantry mod (the one with the smaller box), and the air unit mod with all the detail. The tanks will have to be the ones that try to look historical... A real mixed bag, but should be fun... Aloid
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