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Everything posted by Aloid

  1. Delta... cool off... you need to run everything you see on this forum through your sarcasm filter... sheeeesh! Take a joke already... Aloid
  2. Yuppers... all the way thru from the start of any of the scenarios... Aloid
  3. Welcome to the group...and the time sink! Aloid
  4. Excellent idea! And get that demo out on the game mag CD's! (If possible) Aloid
  5. hmmm... think I'll have to do some mixing and matching of my favorite units... mod the mod, or a hybrid mod... You guys have all done great work! Thank you! Aloid
  6. Probably... I'll have to look at it when I get home. Did you look around for the movie "The Winter War" yet? I'm going to order the DVD of it next week. Aloid
  7. Congradulations!! Hope your new wife will let you continue gaming... cause we all know what's really important in life don't we!! Enjoy! Aloid
  8. Hmmm... a little fixated (sp) on Hitler are we??? I would suggest "Clash of Titans" (author? I'm at work) It's a somewhat more modern Soviet perspective on what happened, though I'm sure someone will say it's not the best, it has it's worth. Aloid
  9. Stupid hacks, think they're so cool... They just mess it up for everybody... Jerks... Hubert, it's horrible that someone tries to steal your thunder, and your hard work! Please don't be discouraged, because you have a talent that many of us wish we had. You've taken a dream concept, and made it reality. Hang in there! Besides, everyone here likes you! Aloid (Gold demoless for the weekend, because someone is an idiot!)
  10. I think they're all helping Hubert write the manual for SC. All that cutting and pasting... glueing pictures of panzers to posterboard, etc... And the beer... oh my, yes, the leagues of beer being consumed... gawd!!! Aloid :eek:
  11. Aye, I fear no weekend invasion is to be planned, as Thursday is a holiday here and such... There's always a few more beers and another go at the demo! Aloid
  12. "VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SOON..." of course they didn't say what unit of measure that is in... could be in "glacial time units" Which could work out to be in 100 years! Aloid I want my SCV (Strategic Command Vibe)
  13. Hmmm shiney happy people! I assume that either ST and Moon are happy about the game, or SuperTed continually crushes Moon in multiplayer. Maybe both? Aloid
  14. Hmmm shiney happy people! I assume that either ST and Moon are happy about the game, or SuperTed continually crushes Moon in multiplayer. Maybe both? Aloid
  15. Leib! Stop it!! Can't take much more... Must find my pillsssssss......... Aloid
  16. Amen brother! waltero, sorry you get bored so easily. I think the rest of us have higher expectations for over all game playability. Besides, it's only $25 friggen dollars! Enjoy! Aloid (sleepy) [ July 03, 2002, 03:35 AM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  17. OMG, a bonified "bone"!!! I was quite peckish too... Yum, thank you sir! Aloid
  18. hmmm... certainly not doing anymore testing I see... probably has writers cramp from hand writing the CD labels... heh! Or personally autographing the first 1500 copies (along with the rest of the team) Hubert is probably throwing a wrap party about now... let's hope Tuesday! So there's time to get it by the weekend. Aloid
  19. What, African or European swallow? Aloid (what a flick!)
  20. Nicely done gentlemen... Aloid
  21. ... your fans are waiting... The panzers are freshly painted and need the signal to go. Aloid
  22. Held on the entire demo. But sacrificed both the Brit and French fleets to do so... Seems the German Air will pick the ships to bomb first before any land units... it's gamey, but it was the critical difference. Also, had the Brit HQ in France, and eventually had a French HQ as well. I'm sure this will all change later this week, when I'm playing the full version... Aloid
  23. Lars, thanks for that last post... (didn't want to include the whole clip) My attempt at taking Russia was stalled because I was by-passing cities. I've since learned alot about the game's supply rules, so I should give it another go. In a sense, I guess it represents taking rail heads and road ways, so it's not a gamey thing after all. Aloid
  24. Still says the following when you push the "Order" button: "Strategic Command - European Theater" is currently under development. Buy direct from Battlefront.com for $25 upon its release. hmmmph... :mad: Aloid
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