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Everything posted by Aloid

  1. I'll second that! Aloid
  2. I find Kraftwerk to be perfect for those "Panzer moments"! The more I think of it though, the Allies are the way to go... all that bombing!!! all those ships!!! more of everything! Aloid
  3. Yes, however, I believe you gave a poor showing to the Fins, who come tothink of it, were not shown at all. Honestly, you're slipping CVM... BTW, did you get Winter War yet... just watched it for the first time. (well first 2/3rds) It's worth the gander. Aloid
  4. P.S. Tom, Both you and your friend should buy it and play each other... see who's the gamey bastard of the both of you! Aloid
  5. Tom, you should play it. I would also suggest that your friend play as the allies with the Axis getting full bonuses to AI. Finally, this "was" a beta demo, and as Hubert has stated, things have changed. You're peers have been given a hand in helping shape the game, to make it better. Give it a go your self... better yet, buy it for the $25 it's more than worth. Enjoy! Aloid
  6. I think Allies, giving the Axis "full boat" on the setup. But panzers sure are fun! First though, I'm putting in the aircraft counter mods... Aloid
  7. Yahoo!!!!! Filling my panzers with petrol! It's priced at $25, and is "light years" better than HC (IMHO). The AI will actually give you a good game! Download the demo (or wait for the improved Gold demo), either way... buy this game!!! Aloid [ July 17, 2002, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  8. You do know that you can download web monitor and set it to check a webpage every X minutes for changes, when the page changes (as long as you are online) it will tell you, don't you?</font>
  9. That's only two weeks, but feels like longer... Damn that hacker! Aloid
  10. Another week and it's deja vu all over again. </font>
  11. Hmmm... your being very defensive about this, and quite a stick in the mud... I was trying to come up with a hypothetical scenario... If I understand correctly, the Japanese really did want to expand in this direction, and YES they had their heads handed to them... 61,000 dead to 7,000 russian dead... but it would be different, and potentially interesting... So, how about a scenario where the dinosaurs didn't really die, and caused all kinds of problems eating Red Army soldiers the night before the Germans invaded... "I hate it when that happens" hmmm... maybe that's your point all along, eh? Not really feasible, so possibly not fun or interesting... all in the eye of the beholder, I guess... See you on the battlefield! Aloid (silly me) [ July 16, 2002, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  12. Husky, I'm thinking of Japan's attack on Russia (or where ever it was the clashed) in, what 1937? If that had gone well, then it would be an interesting scenario to have Russia with two hostile boarders. All of your points are valid... this is just hypothetical, based on a real occurance... What say? Aloid [ July 15, 2002, 08:50 PM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  13. I have indeed used the gamey tactic of baiting the Axis air units from bombing my French front line, by parking fleets in coastal waters. The AI has a thing for this, and does go for the fleets first. Park them further away, and the AI does not bother. Hubert has said that he has (thankfully) made a tweek to this... I'll have to start preparing a counter for your strategy... wouldn't want to let you ashore that easy now, would I? Aloid
  14. No-one has mentioned a scenario where the invasion of Russia by Japan, actually went better than it did historically. To mimic this, possibly give some portion of Eastern Russia to the Axis. (minor Axis, called Japan? Or perhaps make it German, but that sounds too strong). Thoughts? Aloid
  15. How about one where the oil reserves in southern russia are not well developed, but reserves in the eastern mediterrainian are. This would force a fight into turkey, down south to what, Lebanon? Would be interesting to make that corner of the map more fought over... Or do the same in Morroco... Aloid
  16. I've found that if you turn off the sound, then she's not that bad! (to look at) By the way, wouldn't a couple Air units make hash out of the Allied forces trying to reduce the Kreigsmarine? In the long run, I'd think the potential losses would hurt your efforts... I've always just screened them and kept them bottled up. Aloid
  17. Gee, thanks for dredging that up... now I've got Ace of Abba going through my head... :eek: Personally, I still prefer having Kraftwerk supporting my panzers, while gaming... old habits die hard! Aloid
  18. Hubert! Don't blame yourself... We love to piss and moan, and grunt and groan when we can't have our toys... We're all still little boys who see the toy in the shop window, and cry when we can't have it! I'm sure we'll be happy soon... then it will be nap time... heh! Aloid
  19. I really liked that! Especially the June 1944 war map! So much to do... such power!!! Looks better all the time Hubert! Aloid [ July 12, 2002, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  20. They supply your troops, give some bonuses (IIRC), and you cannot assign which units they supply... atleast in the beta version... Enjoy! Aloid [ July 11, 2002, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  21. Hey Gorski... twas not me... could be if you want to... Aloid
  22. SC was supposed to be out last Friday. IIRC, CM:BB had some incomplete features during the preview last week. Maybe they are done, but I think we should see SC first... ST? what ya think? Aloid
  23. So what do most people expect for file turn-around in PBEM? I'd like to try PBEM sometime. Aloid
  24. As with the end of any conversation with CVM, you've come to the "Finish"! Aloid
  25. Yes, I know SuperTed... Heh! Just giving ya the 'ol yank of the chain! So, you're not playtesting... a good sign! Aloid
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