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Everything posted by Aloid

  1. Need said "game engine" to know what is still gamey, and what Hubert has tweeked to counter it. Don't ya know! Shouldn't the diplomatic hit come in the form of other Neutrals siding with your enemy? I still say DOW and invasion should happen any time, unless the tweeks are to weak. Aloid
  2. I hope there is nothing magical about Friday as a release date... (last Friday was supposed to be H-hour) It's getting tiring, sitting here refreshing the "order" page, hoping to see a phone number of credit card input screen... Anyway, had to add a daily moan... Aloid
  3. Me thinks this is a challenge? I've not played any PBEM games, as I can't be sure to give a turn a day (that's the expectation???). Will PBEM for beer... Aloid Hmmm, come to think of it, I've won all of those 8 games against gorski!!
  4. Overall, a good write-up! I guess the full version is a little overwhelming? Hmmm... wouldn't know about that, would I? Aloid [ July 10, 2002, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  5. Un-do move feature turned off. No replays from the saved game if you F*&K up. Allow DOW anytime. Deal with it! heh! French units must wave the little white flags by CN. Italians too. Never play sober. :eek: Aloid [ July 10, 2002, 02:36 AM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  6. Say no more! Aloid Is your wife a goer? eh? [ July 10, 2002, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  7. I agree that the front was not trivial. It diverted German attention and resources which were needed elsewhere. However, IIRC, the strip of land that was usable to fight on was quite narrow where it counted, near Alexandria. I think it was not 100 miles, which two hexes represent (IIRC) in SC. Anyway... let's just get the game, and have a go! Aloid
  8. Better be careful or you'll have a squadron of Mosquitos flying down your fjord! We don't want that now, do we? Aloid [ July 09, 2002, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  9. While this front was interesting (ever play Campaign for North Africa?), it's still small stuff, compared to the rest of the action. I think the map is okay for this level game... sorry to say. Aloid
  10. So we have to wait for Moon to finish his lunch before we start dancing? Sounds kinda strange or somfink... Aloid
  11. Knives in the back!! Aloid
  12. IIRC, there were features seen in last week's previews (for the sodding bastiches who were there), which were not completed. It could be that they were merely textures that needed fixing, but I'll bet it was something more... So, completion of features and QA, should take a couple weeks? I can wait... kinda... Aloid
  13. Ha! My last Beta game and my Axis subs actually sank something! The sub in the Atlantic caught one of the Canadian units being transported (by suprise). It went down to 3, and I finished it off the next turn. Very satisfying... Night to LC, and all you other night owls out there! Aloid
  14. [ July 09, 2002, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  15. I'm the only one up, and it's time to play... I hope tonight's game will be the last one using the Beta Demo. Today (still Monday) the beta, tomorrow (Tuesday) the Gold!!! Fingers crossed... Aloid
  16. You are a sad little man... go away! Aloid j/k
  17. Ha ha! Shades of the Finland discussion... hee hee hee Hubert, maybe the editor V.2 can allow us to have ONLY Portugal and Finland... Sounds like a good World Cup match... actually, any match does... just pulling chains... welcome aboard bTNFdp ! Aloid
  18. ... and, heaven forbid, he'll be sober!... (if for a few seconds) Aloid
  19. On second thought, you're right... Need the Ruskies... Aloid
  20. Heh! I think your skies were clear, however you left out the brewing of the tea... that all important Brit cloud Aloid
  21. Agreed, the US had "issues" early on, but certainly made up for it through experience and training later. Just look at all the amphib ops in the Pacific, and well, er, Normandy was a massive op too... Wonder what would have happened if Bocage was not in the Normandy area? Would the Allies have been able to make the straight arrow assault on Paris? Aloid
  22. HFF, here's a snip from the FAQ on the website: THE MAJOR COMBATANTS The following political options will be available: · Random – Randomly enter the war within a historical context · Neutral – Remain neutral throughout the war · Historical – Enter the war at the historical time Note: For Russia, the Historical option is not available since they did not enter the war until Germany invaded in June of 1941. An important note on the random option with respect to the major countries is that it is greatly affected by the game play of either the Axis or Allied side. Aggressive game play by the Axis for example, may be rewarded with an early entry to the war by Italy, yet, overly rampant aggression may backfire since Russia and/or the U.S. could enter the war earlier than expected on the Allied side. While on the other hand, if playing as the Allies, aggressive declarations of war may also backfire with the U.S. delaying its entry into the war. The neutral and historical options will play as expected regardless of how the Axis or Allied sides choose to conduct the war. Neutral for Russia, would be interesting wouldn't it? Aloid
  23. Oh shoot! I'll have to step my refresh up to 3 seconds to beat yours... "Mr. President, we must not allow a refresh rate gap!!" I want to be first damn it! On that note... I have to assume that the official kick off will happen while I'm driving to work, and cannot respond in time to be first... I'd like to request an official announcement of the official start time for taking orders... (thinking of Oklahoma land rush scenes in my head)... I want to queue up (see I can be international too)... be in line first... I'll keep the phone line connected at all times... Oh hell, I'm going to sleep... Aloid Hope the game is out when I wake up!
  24. I want that sick feeling in my stomach when the Axis pounds the crap out of me to start the game. I want the smirk of admiration for the unit that died well, stalling the enemy, if only briefly. I want that pat on the back for a timely reinforcement. I want to feel the charge as my first assault kicks into gear, spelling doom for my enemy. I want the vice of my Western and Eastern Armies to crush the life out of the scum, which brought such waste to this earth. ... I want to switch sides, and do it all again!! I want Strategic Command!! Aloid
  25. Hee Haw, this horse is dead! Encouraging those who just don't get it, fuels the fire. Me, I'll have another beer (though that margarita sure looks good),and wait for the game! Out! Aloid
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