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Everything posted by Hans

  1. One more good cast to let it drift down for any more bites
  2. They also used Pz II and obsolete French turrets also
  3. What 39 months! Certainly a record for me playing a game - although I have shamelessly abandoned CMBO for CMBB. Looking forward to CMx2 and its many wonders. Egads, did a count, I've made 90+ scenarios for CMBO and CMBB, where did I get the time to do that. As always a GREAT game, a good community and a bright future. I look forward to 2012 when the "UBER CM" comes out with all of WWII covered in all its glory and look forward to the recreation of the entire war at CM level - the players to pass their positions on to their heirs. Yes there will be a fight to see who gets to be German and no one will want to be Belgium.....
  4. Thanks for those links Yes, I beleive there was such a game. Outside of reach unfortunately.
  5. Gentlemen I'm trying to find information on the battl e of Ayala (aka Nanawa) in July 1933 during the war between Paraquay and Bolivia. I have some basic info but am in need of a map and OOB. I'm wondering if any material might exist within Spanish language sources? Thanks in advance
  6. Yep the legs on this one are broken, shoot it and put it out of its misery.
  7. Several of the 'Small battles' series of scenarios were specifically designed to be fought at levels one and two. They are Bidermann gun Objective of Cats and Men Cossacks, Alarm and the pre-small battles scenario Sons of a hero All can be fought from the German side as level 1 or 2 Objective, cats and son of a hero can also be fought from the Soviet side.
  8. One could only hope, and perhaps La Duce, dressed as a Roman Emperor, being carried forward towards the Suez channel on the shoulders of kilted Scotsmen.
  9. I'd say a field of destroyed armour littered about the desert - and yes I will go looking for what I mean. Hey for a revisionist mood how about a picture of Rommel adjusting HE onto the British Fleet in Alexandria?
  10. The best is IP/PBEM in a small battle where you know who your guys are. Real time? You'd just miss most of what was going on. I think many like to saviour a "good kill" or the suspense of whom will fire first plus the always popular "what the hell is that NCO doing?"
  11. With some delightful memories of moving with the Infantry in deep snow in Kansas, Germany and the worse of all Ft Drum, NY. As I had a radio and at least 25 kg of other stuff I found anything over boot high was tiring. Once you get to around the knees forget it, nothing useful is going to be accomplished at any sort of speed. The use of snow shoes (improvised) makes this much simpler. From what I experienced I say that Veteran troops will make their own snowshoes - such shoes however restrict speed but greatly lower exhaustion-forget running! I was a marathon running then and getting about 290 on the old 300 PT test. But I can remember movements to contact in Germany using the new MLS gear that wore me out, at age 26. I remember the older NCO's suffered greatly. Sand Nearly as difficult, again slows you down and exhausts - most of my sand experience has been on archie digs and not military but I'd say that in general: Light snow is no problem snow and sand are the same Deep snow is a show stopper without snow shoes* One good thing about deep snow - mines become ineffectual as does most non VT arty fire (time fuse is still nasty thou).
  12. Hi Michael Yep I discovered that in the Small battles, Grain elevator scenario. By using bridges I could get guys on top of roofs - the only problem is they are rather exposed since the program treats them like they are standing on a bald ass bridge. Kudos for taking it one more step to church steeples. Oh well someday in CMx2 we'll look back at this and smile. Hmmmm I was looking for a way to get a flying Djinn into an Arab Israeli 1948 scenario....
  13. My apologies this is the link I meant to add to the post Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/italianisti/ Discussion Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/italianisti/ GREAT material on it and some real experts to ask questions of
  14. This tale comes from the the Italian army newsgroup and is by: Jeff jeff_r@citiz.net
  15. A few L3s were sent to the Nationalist forces in China in 1937...... In April 1948,when the Nationalists'(known as Kuomingtang,KMT for short) 17th disvion retreated from the occupied Yan'an(once the "capital" of the Communists).En route the division lost its artillery battalions(75mm,150mm)due to the Communists'( PLA,People's Liberation Army) attack.Before crossing a river,they were hold back by the Communists.While the company even battalion scaled infantry charges failed again and again,the L.3 company was called.They were carried in US made trucks(two tankettes in one truck).Led by a Captain (company commander),all three L.3s rushed towards the Communists' position.The Captain's L.3 was unique for there were three crews with the third firing a SMG through left side port.The battle lasted from 1400 to 1700,the Communist soldiers climbed onto the tankettes,throw grenades,shot the firing ports.(What a poor co-op between the Nationalist infantry and tanks!) The tankettes all survived due to their nimbleness and maneuverability but all 7 crews aboard injured by the grenade splinters.After broke through,the 20,000 reteating troops managed to cross the Luo River on their own cos the pioneer battalion commander had fled away.All the heavy equipments including the 3 L.3s were abandoned and captured by the Communists.
  16. That is your problem gentlemen, you think small, tiny, inconsequential. Lets sue the bastards who ended the war in 1945 - I mean think about the scenarios we coulda had if the war had strenghted to 1961? Yes, millions, maybe 400,000,000 might have died and civilization in Europe and parts of Asia might have been exterminated but DAMN there would have been some fine scenario info in there ............. Sheesh now I'm talking like the Michaels...
  17. A plea from a designer, could we have something in the unit assignment area that tells us the size of the scenario without having to go to "Start Scenario" to take a look (yep you can have two games open but even that gets annoying)
  18. ...and a burst of thin bluish smoke when they gun their engines - or with their gasoline powerplants did they have that or is that a Diesel speciality?
  19. First its reading manuals then what? International communism? Regional Cannibalism? No good can come from this? On mines I've had mine detected prior to being run over, from both sides. Infantry, especially engineers/pioneers will detect them. One reason I tend to put them on reverse slopes now days.
  20. More a posting of interest. I think it backs up what the majority believe and CM is presently modelled on. Always nice to see evidence of same. With a name like ICM, I would expect you to be interested! Hans
  21. From FYEO Like any wartime experience, Iraq provided vivid reminders of the way things really worked. Case in point was the effects of artillery on tanks. For decades, it's been conventional wisdom that high explosive 155mm artillery shells (the most common type fired), do not have much effect on tanks. Battlefield evidence in Iraq told another story. But some artillery officers remembered artillery firing tests performed in 1988. It had been over a decade since such tests had been performed, and it was time to see what new ammunition could do against typical battlefield targets. A variety of bunkers, earthworks and structures were built out in a firing range. Also hauled out were various American and Russian armored vehicles and trucks. An artillery battery then proceeded to fire various types and quantities at the various targets. After each firing, an evaluation team went out to take pictures and measure the damage. What was found in 1988, was also found in 2003. As always, hitting a tank with a 155mm shell will knock the tank out of action, and usually destroy it. That, however, is a chance event, as artillery is not accurate to get direct hits on demand. However, whenever a 155mm shell, using a fuze that detonated it on the surface, and landing within a hundred feet of a tank, usually immobilized tanks by damaging road wheels and tracks with shell fragments. Those portions of the fire control system that were outside the tank were also damaged, often enough to disable the tanks ability to fire its main gun. Damage often did the same for machine-guns mounted on the tanks (one atop the turret and the other mounted next to the main gun.) Antennas and anything else outside the tank were also subject to damage. Shells using airbursts, and within a hundred feet of the tank, were less likely to damage the road wheels and tracks, but more likely to damage the engine, the main gun and fire control system, as well as anything else that was outside the tank. Other armored vehicles, having less armor, suffer even more damage. Armored personnel carriers are supposed to have armor that will protect the troops inside from shell fragments. But the 1988 tests, and poking around the 2003 battlefield, showed many of these vehicles (both U.S. and Russian made) with 155mm shell fragments inside the vehicles, and holes ripped in the armor to show how the fragments got there. It's important to note that many, if not most, artillery use a fuze that sets the shell off after it has buried itself in the earth. This does more damage to troops in trenches, foxholes, bunkers and buildings, but much less to armored vehicles in the vicinity. But many artillery officers know that, in a pinch, 155mm shells with PD (point detonation) or VT (air burst) fuzes) will damage a group of tanks and armored infantry vehicles enough to take the fight out of them.
  22. The map sets the mood, hard to make a map and then not use it. For a supply of maps I suggest 'field stripping" the available scenarios for their maps. Besure to credit the original designer if it comes back as a scenario. Re-using maps for more than one scenario? I would have thought this wouldn't work. But doing the PanzerBlitz conversions showed me that reorienting the map and changing the seasons and set up areas allows a map to be used more than once
  23. Welcome treadhead Guys with real experience always most welcomed around here. If you don't get the answer here but it down in the Tech Support forum and they'll help you out. Redleg
  24. Easier still bring up the list in explorer, go to details and sort by date- the earliest ones are the originals.
  25. What I found interesting was that such a weapon system was still being used so late in the war - I would hate to face Soviet 1944 armour with that thing! But as they say, a spear can beat a machine gun if the situation favors the spear.
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