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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Mon Dieu! You certainly are tough on yourself, ya ever think about taking it easier and just, open the door on the car while driving and dragging one foot for half a mile or so?
  2. Yes I think counter-fire should be in. You could purchase it as "points" and it would do two things, reduce and delay off board enemy artillery. Cause live firing at on board indirect systems. In the set up an attack/ME a commander would set how much time he spent on artillery registration-the more you do the better the accuracy (and the more TRPs) but also the better targets the enemy has of your guns. Could be interesting.
  3. You can also set up an account with a company like Mydocs. This allows non-email movement of files without difficulty - of large size
  4. oh my, does that include being browbeaten by constructionist Jesuits and vigorous Neo Nazi Buddhists?
  5. Hey Intelweenie Basicly you are correct, however that cannot compensate for bad survey (maps are approximations), powder lots (who made it and when - they tend to differ between manufacturers and quality control can and is a problem). Each gun in a battery has a 'personality' and fires differently - especially as it ages and wears out. I won't even mention off standard shell weights and configuration (aaaaaahhhhhh - artillerymens nightmare to have say, 155mm shells that should be the same but were manufactured in difference places are shaped slightly difference and even worse weigh differently) Registration also removes (not all) gun crew, observer and FDC error. You can get accurate 'scientific' fire by transferring data but that is a BIG task and only applicable to set piece attacks. Of course the more your register-the more accurate you get BUT the bad guys get a better idea of were your guns are and counter-battery comes into effect. Hopefully they can work that subtle aspect into CMx2.
  6. Had a similar problem which was solved by using a service like Mydocs. Where you can set up an account, upload and download files with your opponents - avoids the email attachment problem.
  7. How is that done Mike? I'm easy to impress!
  8. Arty preparation for the attack Yep you register either on a target within the enemy zone and take the corrections from that data (comparing should hit to does hit data) and you can apply it to other targets you cannot see (map and aerial photo spot). Registration is just firing on the target and recording the data. This gives up some tactical suprize but there are a number of ways to mask it. TRPs in the attack would normally be on easily seen and recognized terrain features that observers could adjust from. Hans - an old FO, FIST and FSO
  9. Ah what, this group is intolerant of satirical comment?
  10. Ah, well then I suggest we drop non-borg spotting, that should make lots of room for tides.
  11. I was pondering a scenario when I realized it was impossible because we cannot simulate tides or rises of water. This is critical for planning when certain stretches of mudflats will be covered with water etc. This could also tie in with fords become useable/unuseable due to the rising or lowering of river due to rainfall etc. Might be a nice effect for a dam or dike being blown, as part of a plan or unplanned demolition. Just a thought
  12. We should be able to create something workable for the Yugoslavians - I certainly want to do some Italian vs Greek slap dances. I remember dimly a clash when the Hungarians moved into Yugoslavia, something at a train station....and grogs out there with a better memory of that time and place?
  13. Cruel - very cruel business suggestion AUCTION of the first 10 copies of CMAK - and they would get them 10 days earlier.......before anyone else. ah the discord, the ranting [ August 22, 2003, 03:38 AM: Message edited by: Hans ]
  14. aaaaaaahhhhh, as an old forward observer who saws thousands of rounds hit its good to see that dust come from HE artillery explosions. one of my long lasting pet peeves can now die! Looks good I did notice one of the M-10 crewmen looked a bit like Saddam Hussein thou...
  15. Oh no the cesspool has over flowed lock this immediately for the sake of the children
  16. You can do a crude approximation of an armoured train (with a bit of imagination)--a scenario with a small armoured train will be up at the scenario depot in about a week-ten days as soon as play testing is complete. Its title will be, "Small Battles, Train" I'm sure it will annoy armoured train enthusiasts everywhere!
  17. I would agree, CMBB offers more in scenario design options than CMBO yep, run that search function for small and tiny, some of the mediums are "small" also.
  18. Well thank you Madmatt I must say its a very nice looking Italian truck with 90mm! Thanks again my faith in BFC is restored. I will put that Close Combat disc back on the bottom shelf Hey Siege 13285, what are you a Hans too? Probably a German or American wanna be Hans I bet. Sorry We partially Danish Hanses are arrogantly superior and therefore deserve the name more. I was about a year and half faster than you....
  19. Gondar in Ethiopia, in this case the Italians were the Orcs I believe.
  20. Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 02:08:10 -0000 From: "James Burd" <JSB715@aol.com> Subject: Re: Compagnia Volontari Tedeschi in AOI 1940/1941 Hi All Looking for any photographs of the German Volunteer unit in Italian East Africa during 1940/41. I have pretty good information regarding its size (approx. 147 men and was trained and attached to the Granatieri di Savoia), commanders (commander - 1st Lt. Gustav Hamel, 2nd in command 2nd Lt. Heinz Schmit), uniforms (Italian tropical uniforms with german distinctive insignia), and equipment (M91 rifles, M30 Breda, Schwarzlose MGs, but have yet to find any photos. As an interesting note, Lt. Heinz Schmit was repatriated in 1941 prior to the complete collapse in AOI and then went on to serve with distinction with the DAK in North Africa. It is also interesting to note that the German Volunteer unit fought througout the entire AOI campaign down to the last battle at Gondar in Nov. 1941. Hans note: I presume this unit was formed from German reservist in the area, crews from merchants ships and scientists/travels who were in the area.
  21. Agradeza muy Ăștil. Siempre preguntar mejor a los peritos locales!!!!
  22. Some SCW maniacs probably have that, but a default would be the Soviet markings.
  23. Shameless bounce But to add some bulk If you mated Michael Dorosh with Sennachai what would you get? Besides an ugly mental image that only heavy drinking could dull.... Possible answer A 1,400 page manuscript from the child blaming its parents for everthing? Other suitable answers requested - (plus the much needed question on Spanish roads!)
  24. Hey T-26 master while you're at it could you do T-26s in Spanish Civil War Republican and Nationalist colours?
  25. What M3's, who cares. Lets get to the important stuff. I wanna see a picture of an Italian truck with a 90mm mounted on it.....
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