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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Ah you will note there is only one picture. After the first one I was blitzed by guards speaking the unspeakable in Hungarian. My DD form 2 A certainly didn't impress them! They had a number of puzzling photographable items there that would have been amusing to Cm'ers!
  2. Ignoring the flippant remarks.....you can use the two different ford types to effect who and what can cross. Unfortunately nothing more is possible (that I know about)not sure what improvements on water use as/obstacle/etc will be in CMx2.
  3. I was in Budapest in May. Unfortunately I escaped my work related activities for only an hour to take a look at the museum. This one picture was amusing as it shows that "whatja ma-callit" they created for upgrading the 37mm. From what I can understand from the label, it seems to have been used by the Hungarians up to 1944? Hungarian speaking grogs???
  4. Thanks Gemax just what I needed. For Michael, a large 'duh' : ] Its a small battle anyway less than two companies overall.
  5. "faking", gee Mike I prefer, substituting, but yes. Heck you should see who I used for the Chinese in, "Small Battles, Sino-Japanese" Gamaxx yes I need about 35 Yugoslavian names (Serbian mainly), I found a Hungarian military history book and will lift the contributors list for the Hungarians names.
  6. Last request, I promise do you know where I could get a list of Hungarian names. I need to replace the default names for the CMBB soldiers. Hey I also need that for the Yugoslavs too, if anyone can help? Thanks
  7. I believe it was Stalin's Directive No 176 on the 20th of September 1941 which assigned every second collective to forward one barrel of pig fat to the factories where the T's were made. The directive said, "wreckers and rightists have reportedly been slowing our socialist production lines. Use the provided fat to speed up those lightweights and enemies of the people..." One overzealous cadre later....
  8. Dang and I thought the reason they couldn't carry a squad was because they were greased up at the factory
  9. Thanks Kingfish, I had found those and was hoping for a book reference from someone who could add to the Hungarians surge. Thanks
  10. Gpig hit it, its looks more "armoured trainish" if they are dug in. Tried a variety of options on trains and oddly that one worked out best. (dug in vehicles on a track Second best was Pillboxes on a track-but really tough Worst was putting walls and other impassable terrain on either side and trying to get them to "move like a train" what you always got was a train wreck.
  11. it was said "Nothing wrong with that." Oh did I leave out the part about the canned goods and the National Geographics?
  12. Hmmm I wonder how the AI will handle a moving target, if the hull mounted gun wants to move the tank while the turret is trying to acquire another target. Sounds like crew squabbles to me. Hey how come the tank crews never have squabbles - like you never see a guy get out of his tank, throw down his helmet and stalk off......
  13. I just mention your (alleged) habit of your going into a closet during lunch to play Close Combat 1. And you lock up the thread, hmmmmm touch a nerve there big guy?
  14. I believe multi-turretism was based on the WWI experience of the willies tank - as it crossed trenches it was found to be useful to engage on both sides of tank simultanously. A lot of it came from technical restrictions of early designs. But like with dreadnoughts it was found that one good gun in a turret was better than many smaller ones with limited arc - and used up less men and space.
  15. Glad you are enjoying it. The solution of using dugin turreted vehicles for armoured trains however is imperfect-a turret is a much harder target than a big railroad car - however its the best we can do with the game engine at the time. Be sure to review that for the designers over at B & T. They do a lot of good work and don't get all the credit they deserve (except for that one really ugly guy over there)
  16. Well now that that challenge to world happiness has been beaten down. Shall we: 1. Worry about the glorification of Soviet Russia? 2. Support for Horthy's regime? 3. Mussolini hero worship? (partially vile) 4. Adulation of whats his face in Roumania? 5. Does Madmatt hide in a closet during his lunch break and play Close Combat I? Let the witch hunt begin.....
  17. Counter-fire, on SP artillery it is able to move off and re lay fairly effectively. Horse drawn was pretty much stuck. In both cases not much happened while the shells rained down. The problem with moving is 1. You lose most of the advantages of the registration. 2. The large stacks of ammo probably didn't come with you. 3. All data has to re calculated. FO comment, the US sent up observers, most of the other nations sent the battery commander up to be the observer and the Russians sent the commander and part of the FDC.
  18. He of little faith Just get yourself one of them funny right hand drive cars - Hans
  19. Yeah took a look, seems we came up with the same idea independently.
  20. April 1941 The Hungarian 1st and 2nd mechanized Brigades attack towards Osijek. This was in support of the 3rd Army movement towards Belgrade. Anyone with details please!
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