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Everything posted by Hans

  1. http://www.unn.runnet.ru/pic/kreml/plankr.jpg Where is this fortress and what period of time is it from? Thanks
  2. Oh Sven If you like VERY balanced scenarios may I recommend the following: Pershotraveneve Ridge Pershotraveneve Village Pershotraveneve Islet They are in the Scenario Depot. They are as balanced as you can bet in CMBB
  3. try the scenario depot http://ns9.super-hosts.com/~dragonlair.net/combatmission/
  4. Lets rephrase the question Maps size Point size ( number of men )
  5. Post WWII yeah baby Bring on those Arab and Israelis, Korea and a host of others A cold war (Nato vs Warsaw) set in the mid 60's might be interesting with the advent of Saggers and Tows. Helicopters would be an interesting development also.
  6. I noted at the Scenario Depot the following sizes of the downloads there: 22 Tiny 95 Small 206 Medium 79 Large 44 Huge Now that is what the designers have put out, the question is what size is wanted by the player?
  7. BFC is happy to stay with mainstream European WWII. Which is fine, but for us strange people who like odd wars its is disappointing but they have a business to run and need to satisfy the majority (and themselves) Some of the obscure places I'd like to go with the CM2 system would be Pacific: not so much the Tarawa's but the Malaysia, Philippines, Manchuria and other "conventional" campaigns. Italio-Greek campaign Arab-Israeli wars 48 and 56 (using mainly WWII equipment) 67 etc. Gran chaco war Indo-Pakistan wars Many many what ifs even and late 40-50's Warsaw pact vs NATO Many of the small guerrila campaigns in the late fourties and fifties. And of course SCW - I do hope we get the Nordic and Polish campaign. You can actually do the Polish campaign to a small degree with the existing materials
  8. HEY THANKS The search functions parameters are strange, I had SCW as a key word but it wouldn't bring up this thread. Well to details. Campaign, possibilities 1. All fights on same large map (different parts, orientations), the San Miguel Valley which has only been started. 2. Use existing SCW maps, there are eight in existence by one is not appropriate. There are 1-2 others by outside designers. We could also take a look at utilizing existing maps and modifying them. 3. Create new maps (phew) With two sides and 4 person per side the easiest solution is 4 battles each for a total of 16. Size of forces? 800-2000 points but SCW battles are very infantry heavy so that may be to many. We'll have to gain a consenus. Deciding sides, well Franco's regulares and his Moroccans have a large advantage with experience, eguipment etc but we shall see. Time frame - the date would control aspects of when and if Republican tanks, the dreaded T-26 is running around and what the airpower level is. Ideas???
  9. .....well within the confines of the CMBB coding of course! I let you know, (presently about to start testing)
  10. good lord censorship of the Pengy thingy You mean I won't be able to suggest that those who use the challenge resemble hemorroids with hickies? Probably not So Hans retrogrades quickly
  11. well to the promised land Too bad the CM Borg no longer operations
  12. Thanks Tooz Have Hollow legions on my list for sure. Yes am looking for Italian material Here here on Eritrea, I also plan to do some on the Italian invasion of Greece plus the conflicts in the isles. Thanks for the other suggestions Where are those Italian CM maniacs hiding!
  13. Hey Mchlstrt Can you give that search a try? I still get nothing, even when I use our name, scw, spanish civil war etc. It must be a conspiracy by those evil ubertank guys.
  14. I can knock out some T-26 Mods quickly. Am I correct that the Nationalists are played by Axis (say, Finns) Yep & the Republicans by Allies (Russians)? Yep again I have some examples of captured Nationalist T-26's to work from, but I don't know if there was anything to differentiate Republican vehicles from standard Soviet colors. There was some material earlier that discussed that wasn't there? Maybe you should bump up the old thread from May, it had some interesting info for folks that might not be familiar with the conflict. I did a search for that but didn't find it - I shall try again. strt
  15. Hi Laxx Excellent pics I'll have a scenario out in a week or two called, Small Battles, Train. It'll have an armoured train in it taking on a band of aggressive partisans.
  16. Thanks Michael Wow I can dust off my M3 scenario I couldn't do in CMBB and apply it to Grants and Lees in NA - yehaaa. quick question, the 75mm side mounted gun, was that a short barrelled HV or howitzer?
  17. Whoa, do you mean multi-turreted will show up in CMAK and we don't have to wait til CM2? I thought the new engine would have the capability not the reused CMBB/CMBO engine.
  18. In the spring and early summer we were discussing SCW mods, and a small campaign for this noteworthy era. Whose still out there? Hans
  19. Gentlemen What books would you recommend for a CM'er to read about the Italian participation in the battles of WWII. Particularly interested in any personal accounts or unit histories. English language best but Italian always acceptable! Hans
  20. Pavlov What have you been up do with SCW? Hans
  21. There is one other option The selected banzai. Unfortunately it reeks of gameyness. If you have enough men or you can split into sections, hide the rest as suggested and have one unit charge, the tanks should zero in on that unit. repeat as necessary So you are drawing most of his fire onto one unit while giving the rest a chance to hide and hopefully survive until game end. Send out people you don't like of course.
  22. Hi Pavlov Yep there are just one or two of us doing SCW. There are a dozen or so people interested in it however. Will be producing a large operations, "San Miguel Valley" that will have the eight 'favorites' in it, CTV, Falangists, Anarchists, Basques, POUM, Tabors etc, etc. I'll be bacl to scenario'ing in early August
  23. I'll be off the net for a few months. Just some updates as I will not be answering emails for awhile. PanzerBlitz conversion is nearly completed, the last three "classic" situations are being playtested. Another dozen or so 'other' situations are also in various levels of production. Due to the lack of response I'll probably halt PanzerBlitz situation conversion after August. Small Battles*, I will produce a few more of these in future. Five more will be sent to the Admiral today. Pershotraveneve series will continue with a balanced operation coming in August. Spanish Civil War, has a half dozen smaller battles to go plus the huge San Miguel Valley Operation to come in August. A few more oddities, a scenario from Gran Chaco and the Sino-Japanese conflict will also be coming. *To those who emailed yes some small battles ARE medium sized but only barely. Have a good CM filled summer Hans
  24. http://www.ocstrengthinhonor.com/Downloads/Duffers%20Drift.pdf Above is a URL to a page with Duffers Drift on it, a good primer on defense. I would add to the excellent suggestions above. Along with TRPs, artillery and mortars can really break up an enemy attack, especially dismounted. HQs linked with mortars on the map can deal with a number of threats. Keep a line of outposts in front of your main ambush points - they are to keep out recon forces who will trip the surprize to soon. A selected use of mines will put a certain fear factor in the mind of the other player. The best thing is to rotate the map and look at the victory flags and the terrain. Try and determine where the enemy will come (dismounted and mounted avenues of advance in military speak). If you have mobile forces a spoiling attack or sharp counter-counter attack into the flank or his rear will give you victory. (attackers often leave their flanks and own areas unguarded) Never forget the value of the reverse slope defense! Good luck
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