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Everything posted by Måkjager

  1. Dan...the pix link is only of a shot of the Grille i had already sent to you. Glad to hear that you got the 1st CD...second is winging its way to you with the Grille and the 38t FlakPanzer. Glad you were able to see and like the pix Jester...i hadnt made a model in 5 years ( mental block ) then along came the "CALL" and hey presto...3 models in 2 months Regards Måkjager. Dan :re the link...i am using Apples iDisk as a host..i have heard there is a problem or two with it sometimes....no matter and no worries. mb this will work web page [ March 29, 2002, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  2. Below is a link that i hope will bring you to a pix of my Grille SPG. web page Regards Måkjager
  3. Hey we need to talk Joe ..some testing to be done...Do you hear the sounds of Maybachs ??? regards Makjager Gyrene/Joe ..drop me a email plz
  4. Hello Rachel , welcome to the world of CM The second disk you speak of contains a PC programe called CMMOS which is a utility that allows you to control the way your game looks by modifying it using MODS which are just graphic enhancements of the stock textures. There are a few hundred MB of these mods contained on the disk..you dont need them to play the game....but if you wish to improve/ change how the game looks then you can do so by using the MODs via CMMOS. I am a MAC user myself so i dont really know why the cd is not being recognised by your pc. There should be a pc user along soon enough to give you more detailed / clear instructions Again welome and many happy hours of game play. Regards Måkjager
  5. Grille is fully assembled , undergoing final weathering / washes. Track links worked out ok My bud has finished making and painting his Flakpanzer 38(t) M ( Sdkfz 140 ) , finished in a bi green / darkyelow cammo scheme Pix to be taken by the end of the week i hope phew Regards Måkjager
  6. Uh oh...im my post i dont think i was clear enough..... its the 15cm sIG 33(Sfl) auf PzKpfw Ausf.M ( Sdkfz 138/1) made by Alan Hobbies .with the rear fighting compartment...engine to the front...just like the Marder III in CMBO but with the 150mm sIG 33 artillery piece Kit wise i am impressed by it..only two minor niggles....an ammo holder has to be sanded/removed to get the gun mount to fit properly...and the tracklinks are poo poo.( also if you try touse the drive sprocket with the supplied links..well test fit first as the sprocket space is wider than the links) Just as well i had a set of Fruillmodelismo metal tracklinks for the scratch build version i was making...they fit the kit very well.. back to the mines Regards Måkjager Regards Måkjager [ March 18, 2002, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  7. One dunkelgelb SdKzf 138/1 M "Grille" near complete. regards Måkjager
  8. I have a 800 DP G4 with a GF3 card and i sometime get that stuttery slowdown. I think its due to the V-card getting hot. Have you got good ventilation / air flow near your MAC ? Sometimes it goes away once i quit CM and restart the game..other times i have to restart the mac. Regards Måkjager [ edited to cover up the fact i use a sticky keyboard ] [ March 16, 2002, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  9. Tut tut Marcel..ye made the classic mistake of using a Pz IV with mesh armour when your "enemy" had sub-calibre rounds designed to sneak through the mesh holes!!!!!!! No smoke without fire and another thing..stop distracting me best regard Måkjager
  10. Nice work Scipio Regarding the Gew.43 pouches...they did indeed come in pairs. Regards Måkjager
  11. ah HAAAAA..just in time Marcel..you do your country PROUD with such a fine article Always on the lok out for new things to learn....mucho thankso amigo..merci Looking forward to future articles from your digital pen and paper. Thanks for the effort you put into making Mods& Modders such a great and needed site. Regards Måkjager
  12. Karl..take a look at Angus Creighton site . Great plan that you have there..will come in handy for CMBB Regards Måkjager http://anguscreighton.com/projects/index.html [ March 12, 2002, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  13. Hey Lee...get back to the canvas ..ye rascal Wolfpack....i can confirm that i am working on several sets of Tiger CMMOS mods.....the hold up is due to continuing improvements to the base mod. Once i think i cannot go any further ( or i become deranged ) i will begin to camouflage them...then its a matter of "the One who Writes" getting his maws on em for release purposes. Regards Måkjager
  14. oH OHHHHHH ..here we go again Tom , great looking mod . I "can wait" until its ready because then i know it will be well...ready Appreciate all the time you have spent on the BOB project..and now this Great work and dedication. Salute Regard Måkjager
  15. Phillppe..as far as i am aware....the suppy situation for the German Armed forces was chaotic and that the guys wore what ever was at hand.....for the W-SS units you would have mix and match in the same platoon...pea 44 pattern trousers/ jackets / smocks in oak leaf etc.same goes for the Heer. As for vehicles with zimmerit....Pz IVs Gs( refitted ) Hs and early J ( produced up to September 1944 ) would have an application of zimmerit ....after that time no zimmerit was applied to any vehicle as it was discontinued due to fears of its combustability. regards Måkjager [ March 08, 2002, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  16. Paul..AFAIK BTS has said in the past that they have no intention of making a "add on" to CMBO as it would involve tons of work and screw up the whole shooting match...ie...any new vehicles/units would have to be tested for bugs and how they react with the "original" cd...thats time BTS would rather spend bringing us ENGINE II Who know's..mb we may in the future get what we ask for all the bells and whistles..but it wont be with the present game engine I hope this helps. regards Måkjager [ March 06, 2002, 09:54 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  17. Status update re: me models et al My vehicles have been photographed by a friend and i amwaiting to get the prints and photo cd made........so you may have some mail in the post Dan . He took shots of my Pz Grey Pz II F , Dark Yellow SdKfz 140/1 , Dark Yellow / Green Grille "H" 150mm SPG , and ones of his Dark Yellow/ red Brown Pz II F , tri colour sdKfz 251/22. The SdKfz FLAK 140 is being painted ( dark Yelow ) at this moment..hope to have it by the end of the month Today arrived my models of the 1/35 sclae Alan Hobbies Sdkfz 138 M - "Grille" ..similar to the vehicle above except it has a rear fighting compartment. So i got to get cracking with glue and paint :eek: Regards Måkjager
  18. I waited a heck of a long time for a game as great as CMBO to appear....since getting it on its release i have not bought another game. CMBO opened up a UNIVERSE of game play experience that i will never get tired of. I am sure that CMBB is in the best of hands that any of use rabid fans could ask..wish or hope for. When thoses guys feel it is ready..then we can be damn sure will will be knocked for six when they launch a polished product on the market. BTS...take your time..do it right ..Do yourselves PROUD regards Måkjager
  19. Hello Pat..i am using Apples 17" LCD coupled to a Dual 800 G4 with GeF3 card and coul not be happier. The colours are solid ..no shimmer from the screena nd i can sit for hours doing digital doodles without get tired or eye strain Regards Måkjager
  20. Aye Marcel..the trouble with rumors is that they never turn out to be true Regards Måkjager
  21. Jake....send us your new email address..your old one keeps coming back rejected regards Måkjager ps....last reports ( BTS) the SturmTiger will be in CMBB.
  22. bfamily33...the "splotchy" effect that you refer to is infact the mirror image of the upper hull top....you can make out the tow cables if you look close enough...and there is nothing i think can be done to that..save lose the tow cables . Its only the angle that was used in the shot that is showing up the detail like that. Nice mod regards Måkjager
  23. Now there is a scary idea or concept......lawyers that get sick on ye!!!!!! D Regards Måkjager
  24. Ahhh Tiger ‘s Tiger’s everywhere I have done some digging regarding the use of Tigers by the Hungarians and found the following. “Combat History of Schwere panzer Abteilung 503” Tiger-Lehr kompanie of the 1.Panzer-lehrgruppe Nordukraine. “Soldiers from the 3./sPzAbt 503 trained Hungarian tankers on the Tiger at Nadworna , near stanislau ( southern poland ) during the time period 6-14 May 1944. Equipment shortages never did allow the issuance of Tigers to the Hungarians They were later equipped with the Pz IV with the long barrelled 7.5cm gun.” There is also mention of award recommendations to be made from the Hungarians to 5 members of the Lehr Kompanie who gave any and all assistance to the training of the Hungarian crews. The Lehr Kompanie rejoins the rest of the sPz Abt 503 at the end of May. Tigers in Combat vol. I May - sPz Abt 503 is ordered to undergo re-establishment and is transported to Ohrdorf. The sPz 503 has seven Tigers left on strength of which 4 are handed over to the sPz Abt 509 and remain in service there. sPz Abt 509 gathers in the area of Buczacz during 20/04/44 and is then transported to Kolomyja. It remains there as army reserve as well as a training unit for Hungarian crews who are to be trained on the Tiger I. May - sPz abt 509 receives 24 brand new Tiger Is , 11 Tigers are sent for factory maintenance and 4 Tiger Is are taken over from sPzAbt 503. Unit strength at the end of May is 46 Tigers of which 37 are operational. June- 02/06/44 sPz abt 509 receives 6 new Tiger’s. Unit strength is now 52 Tigers 21/06/44 Unit relocates to Nadworna. June-44 The unit receives 9 Tiger Is from the sPz Abt 501. In contradiction to clear orders the unit delivers 14 worn out Tigers ( including all of the ex sPz Abt 501 Tiger’s) to the Hungarian Army. Three more of the old tanks are sent to the factory for maintenance. Tigers on strength- 48 ex sPz Abt 503 +4 ex sPz Abt 501 + 9 = 61 Hungarian -14 Factory Maintenance - 3 Total sPz Abt 509 end of June +44 New Vanguard Nos. 5---Tiger I On the 22 July 1944 three Tiger Is left the ordnance depot by rail for delivery to the Hungarian Army. In addition an unknown number of Tiger Is were acquired from s.H.pz Abt 503 or 509 who had been assigned to train the Hungarian crews. Fin It looks like the Hungarian’s might in fact have had access to between 14-17 Tiger Is from the numbers quoted above...though knowing how chaotic things were getting ( lost transports / commandeered materials etc.) they might not have got those 3 extra Tiger Is which i would suspect to be the “old” refurbished Tigers that were sent for factory maintenance by the sPzAbt 509 during June 1944. Might they be the “birthday present “ spoken of ? I might also “read” into the belief of the Hungarians thinking that they had “Rommel Tiger’s “ was due to the fact that a Kompanie belonging to sPzAbt 501 was in action in North Africa during the war......and the morale building Jerry's spun the Hungarian crews a yarn that the Tigers that they were to get ( ex sPzAbt 501 and clapped out ) were Rommels very own. Did you know THAT Steve hehehe.sorry its very bad bad me...i could'nt resist it....but its the paint fumes i tell ye ..thats where the blame lies Regards Måkjager
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