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Everything posted by Måkjager

  1. I went from a OEM nVidia 64MB GF 3 card in my Mac DP 800 G4 to a OEM Radeon 32MB and could not be happier Regards Måkjager
  2. Soooooo nice to watch em grow Gordon. Looking forward to the release. regards Måkjager
  3. Andrew...great looking mod As for "winter cammo" according to Jagdpanzer 38 'Hetzer" 1944-1945 , the authors state that some cammo patterns applied during February 1945 consisted of a thin base coat of red primer over which about half was painted with thinned stripes and patches of well thinned dark yellow and white sharp outlines. There were sometimes similar patches on th elower hull painted with dark olive green. Hope this is of some help. Regards Måkjager
  4. Hello Treeburst , i hope that you dont mind me poking my nose in here but I recently met Fionn for the 1st time in real life only 3 weeks ago for a session in a pub during which we yapped away about CM and stuff for near 6 hours. During that time i never found him to be rude or socially inept but good humored and a real spark with good conversational skills when face to face. Knowing where he works ( over burdened public hospital ) and the passion he displayed for it i do believe him sincerly when he says RL comes before CM for him at this point in time. As for the history of the negotiations to Titans as to what is / is not allowed and preferred..... Fionn is a better man than I to argue / defend his corner. I have spent the last hour looking at the Titan threads and i can clearly see that you have put one hell of an effort into trying to design and organise a Tournment that would give an insight to how the Top Dogs fight. It would be a great pity if all that effort was wasted , hence the obvious sense of frustration that you must be feeling. All i can say is Chin Up lad Tomorrow is a new day Regards Måkjager
  5. There will be a new one...but not just yet Regards Måkjager
  6. and sometime's not even for the ego boost because we are just plain MAD with a twisted sense of DUTY to deranged MODSLUTS...yeah you heard me lcm1947 Great work Andrew , your work is a constant source of amazement. Regards Måkjager
  7. The Jagdtiger bmp numbers go from 3340.bmp to 3348.bmp Regards Måkjager
  8. Chameleon ..have you got the OpenGL driver of 1.2.2 or later installed ? I had black skies until the new Open GL driver arrived to sort it out. Regards Måkjager
  9. He Tom i was in the Airborne Museum a couple of years ago...good vist. There is a final resting place for the fallen in that battle nearby. I think there is a Panther in Apledoorn. Drop Warphead a line at warphead@jagdtiger.de as he should ghave all the info for interesting sites to see ( re afv stuff ) regards Måkjager
  10. Right o..here is a pix of the bi-green Tiger I with the "Gnome/Dancing Devil" unit marking from the Das Reich Heavy Panzer Komp. which seen service in Russia. I "think" i should be able to get the mod to fit the vehicle in CMBB once it arrives........sigh..not even finished what i want to do with CMBO and my mind is racing ahead to the Ost front. web page pix of the Das Reich unit insignia. Its a +100k size pix so go get a beer Ok..i got stuff to do....no more updates till when ever..... Regards Måkjager
  11. Hey Joe.....dont be giving me that "can't measure up" lark Everybody has to start somewhere..and mine was a Hetzer covered in 3 blobs of green!!!! Seriously.....Mod making ( vehicles ) can be alot of fun..and i get a hell of a lot of enjoyment out of it...i might not make that many but the ones i do i put my ( Dark ) soul into. People should NOT be put off trying their hand..i dare say there is a heap of talent out there ..just not been unlocked so far. I have not received any training in computer graphic art..its just an extension of my hobby of modelling scale German AFVs ( hence my "artistic" direction ;P ) Giving time ( lots in my case ) and a willingness ( sponge Here ) to learn can lead to a good base of knowledge which to use to further ( fingers crossed ) improve the final product. Se..easy as A B C Now as for that upstart icm1947...... Will i let you down ?.....NEVER Just applied a "Gnome" or "Dancing Devil" turret marking from the DasReich Tiger companyto the mod...will see later tonight about a pix....but that is lost modding time Best regards Måkjager
  12. Terence...the sky mod belongs to magua's Normandy set...and very nice too sitzkreig in regards to Tri colour.....i think i will just finish up the bi green first and get that released ( will be CMMOS too )..also a "Mr Snowflake" version from Mr Mod Molek himself ..if i can catch hold of him. Zimmerit.....further "Dr Måkenstein" experiments will be carried out to find somfink that will complement the way the mod looks. Glad you seem to like it...sorry it has taken so long to get to this stage..but i think the wait may be worth itt at the end of the day regards Måkjager
  13. Yes....it is time that i bid farewell ...farewell to this beast of a Germanic Iron Monster that i have been working on for near 7 months now. It has started up its Mighty Maybach engine as this Bi-green Tiger I has been sent out to the test crew. Zimmerit version is not started yet....investigating new zimm The mod will come with a choice of early / mid dish type wheels and the later (KT ) type steel rimmed wheel set. Included also will be two gun mantles..one with the binocular gun sights..the other with the late monocular version. Front bow with and without tracklinks...unit insignia ..tracklinks along the turret side and mb a choice of turret with/& without the escape hatch ( this is mirrored from the right turret so it my not appeal to some of the eyes of the Beholder’s) Is there a demand for a red brown or tri colour version? Only asking as these things take time...and i got stuff to do ..and don't want to be wasting it. Anyway i think PawBroon will have some better shots for you with his next update. (You hear me ye lazy git ) Below is a link to my site with 4 pix...please note that it will take a minute or two for 56k users to see the slide show. web page Anybody asking "what grass is that you are using" shall be assaulted with a smelly kipper Regards Måkjager
  14. Hey Martyr / Icm1947 I was only playing on the sterotype of drink/Irish = FIGHT as we are in fact a peace loving people....most of the time ( my sense of humor lets me down again ) Looks like i am off out on me own..ah well...at least i will have a couple of Cats to keep me company. web page ....(Mod Maniac mumbles somfink about acting like a spoilt brat who is taking his football / marbles / mods home ) Best regards Måkjager
  15. Hello....i may live to regret this.. but is there anybody here in Dublin ( Ireland ) interested in going for a pint and having a yap about all things CM..for the odd couple of minutes before the fight breaks out ?? Trying to organise somfink for next weekend in O " Neills pub in Pearse Street.If not then ..mb sometime in August 11th /24th/25th If interested...let us know ( Gougers and Gurriers will be dealt with in a rough fashion and be made pay HOMAGE to Peng ) Regards Måkjager
  16. The OS9 vs OS X conudrum was the reason why i upgraded from a rev D iMac to a G4 DP800....so as to have 2 hard drives...one for CM in OS 9..the other for "future" OS X apps. I would love to see a OS X version of CMB)/CMBB....but not at the expense of a delayed shipment of CMBB and a scattering of BTS scarce ( Programming time )resources when they are going about rewriting the new game engine. Regards Måkjager
  17. Great work Andrew..the finished mod will do justice to the real McCoy Keep on MacModding Best regards Måkjager
  18. Yeah...as Gordon said...its in the pipeline Regards Måkjager
  19. Ah...another empty chair reoccupied back at the CM table. Welcome HOME Gary Best Måkjager
  20. Icm1947...that no problem at all I have a good memory and i do remember all the nice things you have said about mod makers in the past and that you do care...and that care just bubbled over a wee bit as you REALLY care to have a nice Pershing tank to complement all the other great stuff the other hard working lads make for endusers to enjoy. Who knows...a Pershing fitting for CM might appear....its just that with so few makers and so many mods to do it does get a wee bit "scary" when u see time slipping by and nothing being done ( seemingly) Hopefully one of the Allied Mod specialists can find that time some time in the future to realise your wish. All the best.....must go now find a iron to get rid of that wrinkle ye put on me mush from the angry smille regards Måkjager
  21. Too late...all tooo late. I just love your sense of "tongue in cheek" humor Icm1947...its put a wry smile on my tired old face Regards Måkjager
  22. Aye..one Tiger to a specially strenghtned car would be correct. The date was 18th October 1943 near a place called PJATISCHAKI. The 10 "new" Tiger I tanks had or were to be issued to the Panzer Lehr Division. This happened on the day when a Tiger "C33" repulsed a massive attack of 40 Soviet tanks...ko 17 in the process. It TC Rample was later awarder the Knights Cross. Tigers in Combat II Regards Måkjager
  23. Emms...ye just got te stop BUMPING that French lad...i hear he is a BAD SORT Regards Måkjager
  24. Its on sale here in Dublin in one of the GAME shops for Euro 24.99 Regards Måkjager
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