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Everything posted by Måkjager

  1. Well done Andrew......great detail and fantastic visual impact. Keep that MAC flag flying Regards Måkjager
  2. Holdit...thats some cammo scheme you have been wearing...first time i have spotted you in months what i want is Brian Boru vs Vikings at the Battle of Clontarf Regards Måkjager
  3. G'day mace...i have been waiting for that particular kit for a loooong time will keep an Eagle for it regards Måkjager
  4. Panzer Leader.... i have the Kirin SdKfz 138/1 Grille made painted and being photographed what we need Re: Grille is the SdKfz 138/M which was the final version of the vehicle ...very simiilar to the Marder III SdKfz 138/M. Starting on the Aufklärungspanzer 38 (t) sdKfz 140/1 now......ps....no more mods till later in the year . regard Måkjager
  5. Dan.....regarding the employment of the Porsche turreted Kingtiger...there were 2 employed by sPzAbt 503 in late 44/ early 45 in Hungary ..and there is mb also a case for at least 6 employed by the sPzAbt 501 on the E.front. I was looking at Tigers in Combat 1 & 2 , at the issue of KTs to the respective units. If we take it as read that the first 50 KTs produced had infact the Porsche turret...then on the 25/06/1944 the 6 issued to the sPz abt 501 were infact Porsche turreted KTs which then seen action in Poland in a area between Warsaw /Lodz / Krakov and Prague. Regards Måkjager
  6. Tom...don't listen to any of em asking for your master piece..no matter how many bribes they offer.....best thing t o do is adopt theBTS line...."It will be ready when its ready". So...run along and book a mid winter holiday regards Måkjager......at the end of the queue and waiting in good humor too
  7. Tiger I , KingTiger , then back to Marder III/ Wespe and a favour outstanding Regards Måkjager Joshnik....ii used the original BTS bmps as a guide, i outline them in black / dark brown ..and then colour by numbers.
  8. and what bid shall we open at Gordon ??? hehehe Regards Måkjager
  9. I wonder if.... Thanks to "St Marcel" of the helping hand...a donation in Euro's will be made Regards Måkjager ] [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: Måkjager ]</p>
  10. Status...still working on the dark yellow base mod...though getting closer I have a set of steel rimmed wheels for the Late Tiger I , a new mg kugelblend(?) and front bmp , new commanders cupola and improved detail top bmp, jack , tow chackles and tow rope + gun cleaning rods still to do..as well as the gun mantle. Some detail work still to do on the rear and upper hull surfaces. I hope to be able to post a few pix over the coming days. Intentions.....still aiming for some W-SS type cammos ( 3 tone 101st SS and mb 102ns SS Tigers) as well as bi green and bi brown versions too........the cammo work is being held up due to me not being happy enough with the unfinished base mod. thanks for the continued interest...its appreciated. Regards Måkjager
  11. There is plenty of life left in CMBO for the purpose of making mods...and i have already said in the past that even though CMBB will arrive i will continue to make mods for CMBO until i have finished the Axis forces to my liking Real life has a nasty habit of catching up and getting in the way of CM , more's the shame Re: CMMOS mods....i must remember to include a MAC read me ( if that is possible ) so as to better explain how to organise the files to a MAC users needs. At first i was unsure about CMMOS...until i realised that in fact they are no different to any other mods except that they are more organised So..when ever i feel the need for a new Mod that is CMMOS compatible i just dl it , look at the .bmps...find the ones i need and then just use MCM3 to install em. Re: Jagdtiger mods......once i get my KT mod up and running ( in the future ) i will see about splitting my time between the JT & KT as they aer similar vis a vis making new road wheels / rear bmp . Regards Måkjager
  12. Welcome aboard Boo...there goes yer life regards Måkjager
  13. Great work on the A/C Andrew...you tooo Frenchie regards Måkjager
  14. Sgt. Steiner...thanks for the kind words As for the Tiger mod....that was ONLY a very quick "lets throw together a 3 tone Tiger I with zimmerit" exercise. i was just curious to see how it would look in game..thats all. The status on the base model is..... I have to finish detailing the upper hull....including the tow cable/gun cleaning rods. Work on the rear tow shackle / jack. Some minor work on the top turret / new episcopes. Investigate if i can get a good set of tracks for the front bow as an option. The major work involved is to make a new set of steel rimmed wheels.They are a pain to do...but i will get there eventually ONCE i have a Mid / Late Tiger in the base coat darkyellow i will set about making the various cammo schemes... in that i will try to offer "historical" unit vehicles from the 101 /103 sSS Pz Abt , the sPzAbt 503 ( got to talk to Gordon about SNOW ) and mb some "generic" bi green , bi redbrown ...and to risk the wrath of the Grogs Ambush..that would be just a case of adding spots to the tricolour Tiger I type cammo as seen above. The vehicles will also receive a light coat of "weathering" so as to help blend in the vehicle to its surroundings. I hope this will be of some help. When it IS finished i will let all you good people know...but it will be at least another while ..though i hope to get 4 days work done on it from tomorrow. GreenGriffon.....dont blow a blood vessel ....cause then ye wont see what the future brings .....Königstigers Regards Måkjager
  15. Buckeye...You can find them on the CMMOS page at CMHQ...latest updates. Regards Måkjager
  16. Rob...yer one heck of a quick shooter Thanks once again for coming to my aid. promise never to forget regards Måkjager
  17. bfamily33 , GreenGriffon....if i have made you two happy..then the effort was worth it Sorry if the "Mod Complete" sign was not posted as i got/am caught up working on a Tiger I mod now. Thank you for your kind words of encouragment and thanks once again to Gordon for being a "ROCK" to help sustain the mod community. regards Måkjager
  18. Maybe...just maybe... If this works......THANKS PzMan Regards Måkjager
  19. To all ye ingenius Aussis sheeep shaggeers HAPPY NEW YEAR from a slightly drunken Irish modder Al the best for the comng year Regards Måkjager.....yer 'ahead of the time feckers "
  20. It pains me to do this....really pains me BUMP Happy NEW YEAR t o BTS and a ALL the Community Måkjager
  21. Karl...there is always those as "requested mods" Måkjager never forgets a bud regards Måkjager/...slightly drunk from tooooo many beersssss wirh me Daaaaaaa
  22. Tom..what can i say except that when i seen the pix i was GOBBDLYSMACKED Great work... in fact when i first looked at the green winter i thought it was a new game !!!!! Really looking forward to its release...continue as ye are regards Måkjager
  23. Speaking of which Michael....is there much demand for a Tiger or two for DFDR and Frontavik ??? regards Måkjager [ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Måkjager ]</p>
  24. Thanks for taking the time to post these mods Manx... i know that you have not had time to stand still lately Thanks once again to Gordon Molek for Winterizing the Jagdpanthers. At a later date i hope to release a further 2 cammo / 1 winter worn and a mono colour jagdpanther with updated rules?sets...it all a matter of getting the time. And for my fellow Mac users...dont be afraid of CMMOS mods....just unzip the mods and organise the bmps to your liking. Now...as Photopoint seems to be AWOL at the moment...if only i could find somebody to post a pix of my worlk in progress Tiger mod Regards Måkjager
  25. Ahhhhh yes... i remember the days ...fresh air , sunshine , sport....but i traded all that to work in the Mines of Mod Must rush....a wee "Kitty" needs my attention regards Måkjager
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