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Everything posted by Måkjager

  1. As a matter of interest i was wondering if you guys could help me. I have several ideas for the Marder/Wespe mod pak i had been working on since a fair while back...i stopped due to losing my mod lust as i found working on my iMac very tiring. Well , that was then and this is now...i will be getting a new system sometime this week ( mb tomorrow ) and once all is set up i intend to finish it off. My request is....is there any particular preference for any of the following schemes....do you want them dirty/clean/battleworn/markings... I am just looking to try gauge what direction i should go in. Thanks Regards. Måkjager ps..these are all rough cuts. [ 08-26-2001: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  2. Commisar...you can find 2 WSS Tiger Is at CMHQ http://www.combatmission.com/mods/germantanks4.asp And you never know what the future holds Regards Måkjager
  3. Hey Rat , welcome Can you please explain in a wee bit more detail about your setup...and the perceived goof that you say MCM3 caused? I have been using MCM3 since it was released by Aikidorat. The one problem that you are certain to run into is if you try to use it ti install MODS while CM is still running in the background. This will cause parts/all of the mods to be corrupted. Hope this may be of help..if not then i will send Aikidorat after ye Regards Måkjager
  4. The question that actually has me bothered is why the Geramns never(?) employed the MG131 as a ground support weapon like the US HMG .5 This weapon which was used in Luftwaffe aircraft had a calibre of 13mm.....very close to the Allied 12.7mm HM~G. Does anybody have any thoughts ? Was it due to the tactical employment of the Geramn squad which placed more on mobility than firepower ? regards Måkjager ( hic*)
  5. Hey Gordon I have not forgotten about "Moo". "Moo" shall see sunlight....i just need to get a new computer soon ....just waiting to see if Radeon II comes to the MAC in September. Then i will be more productive with mods Even though CMBB is on the horizon i will continue to produce the odd 1 or 2 mod for CMBO. and thanks for all the kind comments guys Regards Måkjager
  6. No problem at all Icm1947 , glad that you like it. BTW there will be a variant coming along soon....all i can say is it involves snow and Mr GM Regards Måkjager
  7. Aye Panzerwerfer , i did ...but it was intercepted by Allied Jabos. I had to send another shipment...that one got through....just have to wait a wee bit longer as Matt is up to his upper ear lobes in CM related work right now . Hoping for a weekend debut....if not then.... Regards Måkjager
  8. Buckeye....which side of Aikidorats bum are you kicking??? Just asking because im kicking the other half ...now now Dave...no need to be sore...thats what Nurse's are for...to help you get better Regards Måkjager ps...Buckeye...How is his game play against you....he suffered extreme trauma in his first battle ...mb a bit shell shocked... ...good time to attack em
  9. Well AFAIK , thsi wee KittyKat is just waiting to spring from the cage of CMHQ....once the warden unlocks the cage She also has some friends....but they are not ready yet for the release into the world. Regards Måkjager
  10. Welcome to the forum AndrewD ;D I hope you can learn a thing or two here, mb even teach us about a few things( and more importantly get some help with your system). Regards Måkjager. ps i am now having second though's about upgrading to a G4 based system...i may go iMac SE. Does anybody have a Imac with a 16MB Ultra video card installed? How is it texture wise..clear/ sharp...compared to a fecky little 6MB ATI Rage Pro??
  11. oooops Måkjager [ 07-28-2001: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  12. Can be found here http://bbs.xlr8yourmac.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/001352.html for anybody who is interested. I have installed them in my OS8.6 extension folder. Works A-OK with CM , the opening of apps i have ...noticed it being a wee bit snappier Regards Måkjager [ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  13. Ratzy...get the feck back to work....if ye dont...i am going to ring that Boss of yours Regards Måkjager
  14. Mensch, a full report will be required on your new G4-867 Congrats on your new system Bet you feel like this Regards Måkjager [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  15. Rob , you are SOOOOO lucky you have 16MB video card......i have to do with 6MB for the moment on my iMac 333mHz w/256RAM But not for long Regards Måkjager
  16. Schrullenhaft , i was wondering if i could buy a US Apple Store Radeon AGP/ ADC card from them( they still have them for sale) and use it in a UK sourced G4?? Any ideas if that would work??? Regards Måkjager
  17. Thanks Schrullenhaft , CMers ...new and old can always relie on you to offer good clear advice in a hurry Now...to spend that wad o £££££ Regards Måkjager
  18. Hi all.....within the next 6 weeks i will be buying a G4 based system. My original intention was to have the Radeon card from Apple installed. Today i found out that the Radeon is no longer available from Apple as a BTO option. :mad: :mad: :mad: I am now thinking about getting a GeForce 3 card in my system and what i need to know is ....does it support Fog in CM ? I think i can live with the known blurry text problem for now....but i just LOVE the effects of fog. Anybody got any information please ? Regards Måkjager
  19. Nice work Gordon.....ye is "Wicked wit Whitewash" Now MadMatt , i hope you enjoyed yer holidays but can you have a root around yer HD and try find my 3 tone Zimmerit Panther G ( Fernando base model) i sent ye a few days before you went AWOL . Regards Måkjager
  20. High class work .TaL Regards Måkjager
  21. Oooops , forgot to say that the Panther G has been sent to CMHQ , that was a few days before MadMatt went AWOL Also have a PzGrey base w/cammo Panther G Late in the pipeline. This is based on Maximus work on Fernandos Panther G Late. Regards Måkjager
  22. Panther's in the pipeline. All are variants based on Fernandos Base Yellow Panther G / G Late / A Hoping to do some more work on the Panthe A this week ( thats the one with the wiggly cammo ) Regards Måkjager
  23. Shame on ye Holdit plugging like that So...are ye a North or Southsider ?...or are ye a country cousin regards Måkjager
  24. Regards Måkjager [ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
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