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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Tell the office you are waiting for an urgent package - a donated liver or somefink - and to call you as soon as it arrives.
  2. I live in the north eastern part of Santa Monica, CA, so I should get it today, right?
  3. I'm in the same boat. Where is my new PC? It should have shipped by now!
  4. Speaking of explosions, isn't the length of this thread dangerously close to K-Killing the forum? Maybe its time for someone to start a new thread rubbing in how most of us still don't have CMBB?
  5. Dan, let me try to explain to you what John said: BFC, fix so that the tank thingies 'splode more, or somefink. Does that help?
  6. I don't remember where I read it, but I think one Soviet tank required the crew to throw themselves against the inside of the turret to get it to turn. Was I dreaming?
  7. They start out dug in. If you click "dig in" you are actually un-digging them in. I think the starting dig-in status is controlled by the scenario designer. Dug in units take their foxholes with them as you move them in the setup phase.
  8. The newbie clearly pointed out that he is playing the demo. But he probably will get CMBB before you.
  9. It's not saving, it's calculating everything that is happening in that turn - vehicle movement paths, unit spotting, targeting, firing, hitting, missing, morale checks, casualties, and so on. The more going on in a turn the longer it takes to compute the data.
  10. I suggest a good anti-freeze and a new battery. Also, turn over the engines every couple of hours to keep them warm in case they need to go into action quickly.
  11. Also, the HQ may have less of a movement delay than those under his command when executing orders. After you order a group move check the delay for each unit. You may have to give the HQ a pause so that they all move out at about the same time.
  12. I guess the death clock is going to make even quick kills seemingly take longer than before, unless you get a brew-up or catastrophic explosion. I wonder if the post office will make another delivery tonight. They deliver at 11:00 pm, right? I'll go check...
  13. Did it take multiple penetrations to KO the T-34s, or did they bail pretty quickly?
  14. Maybe they will do that on the 20th. Also, since each package contains a Lojack transmitter, BFC will enable us to track our packages as they travel to our mailboxes. Any more complaints about $7 S&H? I thought not.
  15. I don't know about this. Madmatt is AWOL for a few days doing god knows what. All of a sudden he returns and CMBB is arriving in German mailboxes. Could it be that Madmatt is playing a little trick on us and CMBB is already in the US Mail? Could it possibly start showing up in US mailboxes tomorrow, or even today? Stay tuned...
  16. The shipping part is $3.95 for those of us in the US. The rest is for handling. Your package is handled with love. Isn't a little love in your life worth $3.05? It was $7 for CMBO as well.
  17. It'a amazing what is allowed to exist on this forum while Madmatt is stuffing envelopes. My mom wishes you a happy birthday.
  18. It's a good thing the demo lets us practice this before we get the real thing. IIRC, the troops don't actually start running until they get within 80 meters of their destination. They walk before that. I would think it would be best to hold off on giving the command until your troops are as close as they can safely get. It will obviously be easier to use the human wave in terrain with limited LOS as opposed to open steppe.
  19. Most likely yes to both. Although BFC has recently said they aren't sure what theater CM3 will cover, they had originally planned to cover North Africa & the Mediterranean in CM3 and the early war years in CM4.
  20. I don't believe the inability to spot AT mines is a bug. I'm pretty sure BTS intended it to work that way. AFAIK, it still works the same way in CMBB.
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