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Andy Gaffney

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  1. OK, while it calculates the exact path of every molecule I'll read the instructions more closely. Though 35 secs wait puts quite a damper on the gameplay. Is that normal? Thanks for the tips.
  2. Thanks for all that. I did get around to reading the ReadMe file, which does have the information - but buried in lots of text. A list of keyboard/mouse commands would help. This is usual with most games. I didn't read anything in the ReadMe about why it takes so long to save (at least I think that's what it's doing - the blue progress bar next to 'save' on the toolbar). In a complex game this really slows down the interest. Can I turn it off?
  3. I'm new to this game and I'm playing the demo. The first time I played it I could highlight the HQ and all members of that group would move as one unit. Now, the HQ moves on his own, leaving his platoon behind. To get the platoon to move I have to click-drag over all the platoon and give them their instructions separately. What am I missing please?
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