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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Thanks for the update Titan. Funny how KJ has gone mysteriously quiet since you whipped him. Mind you, it sounded like you only won through sheer good luck & gamey play in contrast to KJ's insightful & sheer tactical genius in the context of a very unfavourable map to his side. Regards Jim R.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by D'arcy Montague: Hey Joe, Where's your gracious congratulation to Titan on his victory. There's a good chap.<hr></blockquote> Based on past experience it wont happen. He only loses due to suffering from incredibly bad luck, or his opponent having similar fantastically good luck or some combination of both. At least that would seem to be how he rationalises such a situation to himself. Suffice to say, skill of the opponent never enters into the equation in his mind. Regards Jim R.
  3. Yes, well I certainly did. Thanks Tom for taking the time to do such a well researched post. Regards Jim R.
  4. Sounds like he may have thrown in the towel a bit too early to prevent you from enjoying a total rout of his forces, or am I being too harsh on the self professed NZ champion of Combat Mission? Actually, a bit more detail on how the game played out with a brief run-down on force selection would be great to read (just to see how the 'mighty' fall). Regards Jim R. [ 10-23-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splinty: The official Army nomenclature for a Bazooka is Rocket Launcher,Anti-Tank M1 BTW.<hr></blockquote> It just had to have an "M" in it, didn't it. How very bloody original of the army boffins. Regards Jim R.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer: What's so funny about that? We even do actual jumps! (From Cessnas though; we don't have vintage planes)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Errr, hate to say it but if that really IS you then I didn't realise that they made 4 engined Cessna's for parachute jumps. And if you're making it up then I congratulate you on your imaginative mind! Regards Jim R.
  7. Oh god! I can't hold back. Don't get me started on that bloody idiot parading as some sort of naturalist on drugs. The freakin Croc Hunter. Can someone answer me this... if, whenever he does repeated stupid things on, more than likely drugged animals, and says afterwards "don't do this at home"... WHY THE F#CK DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Aaaahhhhh, I feel much better already. Regards Jim R. [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ] [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  8. SGT SCHULTZ IS ALIVE! "I hear nothink, I see nothink, I know nothink!" In memory of a great anti-Nazi. Regards Jim R.
  9. Ouch! Jason, surely you're not trolling for a fight? This seems so, so.. well, ummm... beneath you! First a joke in a previous thread & now some trolling... you're not going through a mid life crisis or somefink, are you? Regards Jim R. [ 10-17-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  10. Jeez, that was a bit harsh wasn't it Madmatt? The thread about love and all that started by Lord General WAS actually referring to Combat Mission etc. and I thought it was just starting to warm up. No flames or nasty language etc. yet it still received the lock. What gives? :confused: Regards Jim R.
  11. Well there were quite a few flaws in Lord General MB's post such as "remeberance", "comming", "latley", "realsied", "gammy" (unless referring to a gammy leg perhaps?), "whinny", "Hummor" (unless a Humvee?), "preffer", "sterrile", "furom", "champaing" and "gamie". PLUS, I feel he is being gamey by trying to lull his opponents into a general feel good state so he can then crush them mercilessly while they're distracted. Very poor form. BTS, please attend to this IMMEDIATELY and preferably yesterday if at all possible. Regards Jim R. [ 10-16-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: You realise that the abbreviation "AD" in British nomenclature denotes "Air-Defence", don't you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> C'mon Brian, now don't get him wound up. We all know what that will lead to. Regards Jim R.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87H: Probably because a MG is worthless against a Pill Box. It is like when you target an enemy tank. I dont think it even gives you an option to shoot the tank with MGs. Gen<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And there's your definitive answer. Because BTS models pillboxes as, in effect, immobile tanks, that's the reason why you can't just target them with your AFV's MG. Regards Jim R.
  14. I was wondering whether Finland, during the Second World War,purchased any Swedish Stridsvagn m/40 light tanks. It's well known that Finland was always short of AFV's to counter the Russian hordes so it seemed logical they could have purchased those Swedish designed tanks from their friendly neighbour. Also, if any of these tanks were procured, how did they perform? Regards Jim R.
  15. I keep having this nagging suspiscion where I read somewhere that rockets in fact do not benefit from TRP's. I've searched the manual from top to bottom & can't find reference to this but perhaps I read it in an old thread involving an official BTS response to a similar question. Does this ring a bell with anyone else? Regards Jim R.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: By the way, specific plane types are not modeled in CMBO. We never said wheter or not they would be in CMBB. Don't assume so much my young apprentice... Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So the obvious follow on question to this is... will seperate plane types be modelled in CMBB? Surely you can at least give us that little tid bit of information? Regards Jim R.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox: Yep, any Brit arty commander who allowed his SP 25pdr or 105mm to be employed in such a way would be in a lot of trouble. The only way it could have happened was in desperate circumstances. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Serious question. In the documented instances when the Germans used their Wespes or Hummels for direct fire support, were the circumstances always one of their rear areas being overrun and therefore these valuable arty assets were utilised as a last ditch defence? Or did the Germans have a more agressive doctrine with their self propelled arrtillery and allow then to be used from time to time in the direct fire support role? Regards Jim R.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Alan: I have tried to talk my wife into playing. Her response was "There isn't enough color. Everything is green and brown."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whatever you do, don't ask her to describe a Panther tank for instance. Instead of a description along the lines of "German medium tank, well sloped armour, 75mm cannon and interleaved running gear" she'll probably just say..."I think it's brown in colour" Regards Jim R.
  19. Oh, oh. Ben Hall's most recent post will set the cat amongst the pigeons! Regards Jim R.
  20. Thank you Jason and "the two Michaels" for taking the time to post. Most informative. Regards Jim R.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87H: Probably because they had 81mm mortars instead? Gen<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, this was clearly meant in jest but the obvious correlation is that the Brits had the excellent 3 inch mortar yet didn't consider it superceded the trusty ol' 2 inch. Regards Jim R.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cogust: Mu guess is that they will model them about the same way as they have modeled them in CMBO. They are available June-August -44.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good point. I forgot about that! Just goes to show how many early period quick battles I play. I would still love to see any grog information though on why the Germans phased out their 50mm mortars while the Poms held onto their equivalent weapon. Regards Jim R.
  23. I was wondering whether BTS is likely to bother modelling the German 50mm mortars in CMBB and if so, how effective they might be. I know that the Germans phased them out after the early war years due to evidence that they were largely ineffective and yet the British steadfastly held onto their 2 inch mortars for whatever reason(s). Let's face it, within CMBO the 2 inch mortar is certainly still effective provided you have a number of them all targetting the same general area at once. Usual result is one or two very panicked squads who often go running home to mummy with at least a couple of casualties. I guess I'm wondering whether the 50mm mortar will be as effective or was there some inherent design flaw which rendered them next to useless? Regards Jim R. [ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  24. My head STILL hurts! (he says with a handkerchief on his head with knots tied in each corner). Regards Jim R.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO: No, its really CM related : x is penetration value for APDS shell arriving at 28.82 degree angle over a composite armour plate ... that has African sparrow sh*t spread over :eek: :eek: :eek:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Where's rexford when you need him? Regards Jim R.
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