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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Getting back specifically to the topic. My view is that wargamers are by nature "pissy" because we are usually ultra competitive with egos of varying sizes and many take it as a personal slap in the face if we lose a game to someone. Carry this attitude throught to a forum like this and you're bound to see flare-up's and occasional dummy spits as a result. That's my take on the unfortunate loss of Tiger to this forum. Any criticism of his mods or mod suggestions were taken far too personally by him in my view. If someone was critical in any way he took it as a personal attack on his mod making ability (read ego) and hence the eventual dummy spit. Regards Jim R.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sergeant Saunders: The Tiger rolled right over the ambush marker. All 3 290mm's fired within seconds of each other! All 3 missed!! All 3 AVRES died burning in the next 30 seconds. But, the Tiger's tracks had been imobilized (3 huge craters around it) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> God...imagine the concussion effect of that in real life. 3 Flying Dustbins impacting within seconds of each other within a 20 to 30 metre radius. I'm betting that IRL the crew in the Tiger would have been like jelly for at least 48 hrs. after being on the receiving end of that. :eek: Regards Jim R.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: The really good ones are the Pommy soundfiles... 'Shove that pineapple Fritz!' is my all-time favourite. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, GB. I believe they're actually saying "Shove that up your pipe Fritz" but it's still amusing no matter which way you hear it. BTW, you're all forgetting the Boys Own war comic translations #*@SHEISS%!^FICK!*@%.... "Damn" Die Englander ist kaput!.... "Scratch one Limey" Gott in Himmel- sieben Panzers!.... "I wonder where all out tanks are today?" Kamerad!.... "I've suddenly seen the error of my ways and converted to Communism requiring me to now surrender to the righteous Allies" Yahwohl Herr Obergruppensturmbahnfuhrer!.... "Yes Sir!" Regards Jim R. [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer: Do the mod and I promise to install it <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If only I were so talented. Regards Jim R.
  5. That's subtle, isn't it. I have a strange feeling this thread is about to get locked up. Regards Jim R.
  6. If your tank crews are doing Goofy stuff do they make a sound like "HYUCK, HYUCK, HYUCK" when they nail enemy units? Regards Jim R.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: No, NZ and Orzy are not the ame country. They want us to be - there's a clause in the Orzy constitution/articles of commonwealth or whatever that says NZ can become a state any time we like. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What would we want with a country that's snapped in half whose main export is some funny looking fruit with hairs on it? INCOMING! Jim R.
  8. Good one Leta... that's probably it. It's occured to me that Guy Sajer's natural tongue being french may have meant he simply mis-understood the word Steyr as Steiner. Wouldn't be the first time such a mistake has been made when your surrounded by your non natural language. Regards Jim R.
  9. Oh, oh... here we go... the clash of the intellectuals. Wie gehts Vater? Jim R.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Richard Cuccia, the PiggDogg: Steiner was the main character in "Cross of Iron" Oh goodness, this is not the Steiner about you were asking.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gee, I didn't see that coming.... Jim R.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan: So lay down and die-a-lot-now or scuttle away to the Aussies or some other place where the nocturnal habits involve primarily sheep or something. sheeesh sheeesh...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> HEY! That's the New Zealanders you're thinking of you beedin ignoramous...not us fine sun-burnt Aussies. We're too busy trying to get tans rather than woorying about bloody sheep. The Kiwis need the warmth of a little lovin' on 4 legs! Regards Jim R.
  12. Reading the book by Guy Sajer- The Forgotten Soldier he makes mention of a "Steiner" which is described as a sort of armed jeep. Does anyone know what sort of vehicle this was? Is it simply a Kubelwagen with an MG 34 mounted on it or something completely different (all Monty Python jokes aside). Regards Jim R.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B: It's the only time in recent memory I've used ambush with a vehicle (a practice I try to avoid).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Interesting your comment about trying to avoid the practice of using the ambush command for AFV's. Can you perhaps expand on why? Bad experiences under ver. 1.12 or earlier? Regards Jim R.
  14. Bumped to make sure gunnergoz saw mensch's generous offer. From a selfish point of view it would be easier to download the files at my own leisure and not bother gunner with having to send an E-Mail with enourmous attachments. Regards Jim R.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Subvet: He and Mr. Clinton were acting like a couple of five year olds all over this and other message boards. He was warned to knock it off and didn't (couldn't?). Finally he was given the boot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds like the sort of thing Bill would do, but Fionn?!!! Regards Jim R.
  16. After very bad experiences under ver. 1.05 of the game in using the ambush command in conjunction with tanks I'm wondering what other players experiences are with this order under ver. 1.12 are? I haven't bothered using the order with AFV's due to always seeming to get knocked out first when doing so in the past but have others been able to use the command effectively of late? The reason for asking is due to the loss of 2 of my tanks in 2 seperate PBEM games where I crept up both AFV's to a position where I could get a shot at the known enemy tanks & promptly lost both to first shot kills. Could this possibly be reflecting the use of the ambush command by my opponent where the area I moved to has, in effect, been pre-sighted and therefore gives an advantage to the ambusher. I know common sense would tell you that this would be the case but my experiences have been the opposite (at least under the old version anyway). Any thoughts? Regards Jim R.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gunnergoz: I think my hosting site deletes the files on purpose...boo, hiss! Want them emailed?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That would be fantastic gunner. Only the grass files and the grass addendum? file thanks as I managed to get the brush, swamp & undergrowth files already. Thanks for your help Jim R.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: Clearly. You didn't happen to see the threads of Tiger I mantlet and the other one of Tiger I optics. One of the finest things in the forum when people argue for pages and pages of details like that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, thanks for reminding me Jarmo. Now you've brought back deeply repressed memories from my childhood that included being forced to read Graham Greene's novels at school. :mad: Regards Jim R.
  19. Sorry to keep raising this with you gunner but it appears your temporary site has lost the files again. I managed to download three of the eight files on Saturday but then had to log off. Now that I'm trying to finish the job tonight (Monday) it seems to have crapped out again. Sorry to be a pest. Regards Jim R.
  20. I unreservedly withdraw my initial flippant post. Clearly there IS enourmous pent up demand for this sort of information. :eek: Regards Jim R.
  21. Please, PLEASE... more, MORE! I can't get enough of this info. Rexy. Keep up the good work! Regards Jim R. [ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  22. Errr, I think everyone may be misunderstanding the Baron. When he says "unrestricted" I believe he is referring to not restricting the particular armof the Axis army, i.e. can choose SS or Heer or Gebirgjaeger etc. At least that's my take of what he's trying to say. Please corect me if I'm wrong. Regards Jim R.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune: John, For a really great time, ask Mace about the Bob Semples tank that he so dearly loves... Rune<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> For a tank... it makes a great shearing shed. :eek: Regards Jim R.
  24. Hi gunner. I'm dying to download your terrain files but whenever I try from your "temporary" download site I keep getting the message "temporary download error, contact administrator" or some such. Would you mind looking into it to see if the problem can be fixed, or is it my end? All I know is that I'm able to download a whole bunch of other stuff from other sites bnut not this one. PLEASE FIX OR DO SOMEFINK! Regards Jim R.
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