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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PiggDogg: JasonC did it again in that thread. He is 'da man' with data and info. :eek: :eek: Cheers, Richard :cool: :cool: <hr></blockquote> The only remaining question is... did you visibly age whilst reading Jason's posts? Regards Jim R.
  2. Much as this would normally go against the grain seeing as Titan is a New Zealander, Go Titan!. Anybody who decisively beats Kiwi Joe must be a good bloke... and besides, us Antipodean's have to stick together. Regards Jim R.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by newlife: Maybe their TacAI can be tweaked in CMBB to disengage much more quickly when under any sort of tank fire.<hr></blockquote> I don't believe this will be necessary as I recall Steve from BTS in a previous thread stated that they will be much easier to kill in CMBB with high explosive fire directed aginst them. My interpretation of that is they will probably die almost as easily as trucks do currently in CMBO when confronted by tanks. Regards Jim R.
  4. Good AAR of this interesting battle. Thanks Jarmo, Redwolf & Jason C. for giving us all the low-down. Mind you, judging by that last screenshot it looks like the game you were playing was the "Land of the Giants" version! Regards Jim R.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by White4: Curious to know if anyone else has developed a "wince and duck for cover" when the "Reinforcements" button comes up in MoD? That scenario gave true meaning to the acronym FUBAR.<hr></blockquote> Yep. I always knew that if I received re-inforcements then as sure as hell the enemy would as well... and usually within spitting distance of each other! Regards Jim R.
  6. Welcome back Dogface. I hope there are no hard feelings for having taken your place in Section 3. Come to think of it... I think I'd prefer it in Section 4 where you are, it's got to be easier than playing against this bunch of cut-throats in your original section. Regards Jim R.
  7. What's struck me seeing those comparative silhouette's is the sheer size of the King Tiger & even the older Tiger. No wonder so many Allied tankers pretty much shat themselves when seeing one of those monsters loom over the horizon. YIKES! Regards Jim R.
  8. The TRP & Ambush marker are not one and the same as I have mods which make them quite different from each other. BTW, there does exist an old mod of the ambush marker which I think is still very effective. It is simply a thick, ragged "X" marks the spot (in red) and ties in nicely with the clipboard mod used for issuing orders... IMHO of course. Regards Jim R. [ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JonS: I seem to recall that in the desert the Brits had some problems with ammo for the Grants. Convieniently they had just overrun Vichy French Syria(?), and with it large stocks of French 75mm ammo. A British artillery (or ordanance?) officer fiddled around with the fuses to get a reliable round. Now the point of this is that I think they were smoke rounds - though it could have been HE I suppose. Apologies for being so vague, but hopefully this will jog someone who has a better memory than I. Regards JonS [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: JonS ]<hr></blockquote> I thought it was an ingenious Aussie who devised a way to utilise that captured French ammo but hopefully Brian, whose knowledge I'm sure surpasses mine on this subject, will either confirm or deny. Regards Jim R.
  10. Just thought I would raise this to see what happened to the AAR that was running between Jarmo & his opponent (who for the life of me I can't remember who it was!). My aplogies to whoever you are. Regards Jim R.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PeterNZer: jeez, glad someone wants the useless convict gits. PeterNZ <hr></blockquote> Shouldn't the correct NZ pronunciation of that be "jeez, glud sumwun wunts the useluss cunvuct guts" Regards Jim R. [ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  12. Very impressive posting Commisar. Must've taken some time & imagination to come up with that. BTW, do you think such a show will take off in your homeland? Regards Jim R.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The Commissar: Just to clarify Reichmann, you do have a file from me, right? I hope I don't owe you anything so we can get to the gaming faster <hr></blockquote> Got it, you Aryian type you. Just haven't had a chance to respond to it yet. Hopefully will be on its way shortly. Regards Jim R.
  14. Wreck wrote the following from the previous locked thread. "Yo section 3... my status. In short: everyone owes me a turn, as I see it. So I am wondering what two of you are talking about." Just to clarify, it seems the common denominator for all the games in Section 3 that are held up are you Herr Wreck. I have sent you my game file titled "aftermath 11.txt" on 3 occasions over the past 2 weeks and still have received no reply. If indeed you have not received the file then it appears that there may be a problem with your email perhaps, as it doesn't appear to be just me that is having problems with having their games proceed when playing against you. If the problem is due to too many other commitments then that's fine as well but perhaps dropping a line explaining that to be the case would be appreciated. As for the other guys in Section 3, my email system appears to now be fixed so we should be able to get underway again without too many hitches (he says with his fingers crossed). Regards Jim R.
  15. Assuming the topic attracts your attention Brian (and no, I'm not trying to point out certain physical attributes), please email me with your last Inf only turn as my email system crapped out & I don't have your email address on preferences. For everybody else just itching to resurect an old, shall we say controversial topic... nothing to see here! Regards Jim R.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sergei: Just few minutes ago, when walking past an old barn, I noticed a bright star above it and angels flying down from heaven. I peeked inside and saw the rebirth of Jesus Christ. I thought I'd come here to tell about it, but I guess it's irrelevant compared to this! <hr></blockquote> That's the funniest thing I've read for a long, long time. Regards Jim R.
  17. Just to let everybody know that I'm currently having problems accessing my email at my ISP server due, I think, to this latest virus going around. I'm trying to sort it out at the moment but if you could please be patient that would be appreciated. Hopefully I'll be able to return files in the very near future. Regards Jim R.
  18. Thanks Tanks! The new mod looks very nice in my current river crossing game. Regards Jim R.
  19. Please tell me the Dalek's intervened at the most inappropriate moment, dragging the good Doctor away and spewing forth EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!. That would seem a fitting way to ensure the deadlock wasn't broken. Mind you, if there was a war between the Cyberman & the Dalek's would the Cybermen's 2 cent fire-crackers exploding from their heads be enough to defeat the dreaded Dalek's bathroom plunger inspired weapons? Food for thought... Regards Jim R. [ 11-26-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien: The KingFish playing with JK was moaning about and he has yet to see my XXX and I to see his XXX. H<hr></blockquote> Are you guys swapping porn video's now! What is the world coming to...
  21. Tanks, your mods look great! Could you please email them to jimbo@picknowl.com.au. In anticipation of the forthcoming email, all I can say is...tanks alot Tanks a Lot. Regards Jim R.
  22. I have a similar problem where both Wreck & Cpl Carrot have commenced games but haven't had return files for a few days now after knocking of turns almost daily there for a while. Are you guys having some sort of problems or simply tied up at the moment? I know there's no great rush in terms of the deadline but because the initial regular pattern has been broken I just thought it a bit odd that's all. Regards Jim R.
  23. I have to make the comment that in WBW's Meeting of Devils, your forces start in impossible positions! This is going to be one bloody battle methinks. Regards Jim R.
  24. Here is a somewhat long quote but an absolute classic from John Kettler in response to his having to "endure" playing a number of Wild Bill Wilder's scenario's: Wild Bill is not my shepherd, I profoundly want. He showeth me green pastures Yet soweth them with wire and mines. He girdeth them with pillboxes Which laceth me with MG fire. He granteth the foe dominant terrain While he maketh me to attack in the open. He plagueth me with mortars and artillery, and seareth my flesh with tongues of fire. He rendeth flesh from bone with iron chariots, and crusheth and blasteth life from mine troops. For these and worse is his name become accursed; his work blighteth the spirit and saddeneth the heart. Unless thou somehow winneth! As I said, an absolute gem. Regards Jim R.
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