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Everything posted by mensch

  1. MEMORIES.. OH THE MEMORIES... *SIGH* ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  2. meeks you gamey bastard.. one win was a minor victory.. with only 8% difference.. so I would not call that a topplement!! your other game the git goes gamey and buys a Jagdtiger... jeez! I noticed you faild to say your loosing the other third game we started.. but no worries I'll come here and paste your sorry ass on the wall and yell to the others and say "look its a Picasso!!" ------------- posted by some git I never heard of but its ok he seems stupid---- [Author's aside: when I originally ripped this off it was with Meeks' name. Given mensch's current state, I've re-targeted... thank you all... jerks] Walking along the wide, quiet white-sand beaches here at the Cesspool Resort and Crematorium, I call to mind all those that deserve my scorn and spite... and those like mensch that simply deserve a crack in the noggin' with a bat... thus: Mensch I'ma kill you! You don't wanna taunt with me Squires leave - you ain't nuttin but a ModSlut™ to me Mensch I'ma kill you! You ain't got the balls to beef We ain't gon' never stop beefin I don't squash the beef You better kill me! I'ma be another ‘Pooler dead for poppin off at the mouth with crap I shouldn'ta said But when they kill me - I'm bringin the Cess with me Knights too! You ain't nuttin but a toy to me… I said you don't, wanna play with Isky Cause Isky, will fargin’ kill you I said you don't, wanna mess with Isky Cause Isky, will spargin’ kill you. Hmmmm.... better now! I think I'll go see if the pitchers of Mai Tai's are ready while I wait on mensch's fit to wear off, before he sends me a setup already linked to his surrender. ------------------ "I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory." "Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS ------ post from the git ends here ----- I would send you a set up but I'm to lazy to go did for that old peng file and find out who exactly challanged me...besides you git we're in England now!! you got to use a silly accent, look chalk white as you never seen the sun, have a red face for some strange reason, big ears and but ugly teeth... not to mention please wash your feet at the door the English have a problem with Foot and Mouth Disease and we all don't want Mace to get sick now do we... well actually i think it would be an improvement to that 70's hippy Freek. I did find my marbles they were right where I put them in Senachaipoos Tuna sandwich.. but I think he ate one I'm still missing one with Ebola red stripes and Insane Purple base colour. England huh?? I guess we all have to drive on the wrong side of the road now. Accept there are no real workers rights and a health care system that would make most African countries proud they have something better. Only thing going well here is the British Pound which has clout but after this F&M Disease and BSE Fiasco.. I'll put my money on the Vegie and Fruit stocks thankyouverymuch. what else.. nope not much I guess except .. get used to the midges, rain and fecking fog. now I am off to piss in the Tames river.. if thats how you spell it but I don't give a Feck! ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  3. I agree.. if your Tank runs into a falling 300mm Ricket.. it should die. Muhahahahahhahahaahahhahaha
  4. mushrooms? na I think those were brownies.. but whose counting feathers when you compare the two.
  5. I got a blue one.. and a red one.. and one with perdy sparkles in it. Some say the ones with sparkles in it are lucky marbles. I just say they remind me of cheez wiz. wiz.. that reminds me I realy got to go to the washroom, but why do they call it a washroom? or a water closet... first you do all kind of nasty natural deeds there.. so your not realy washing are you.. and its not a closet because I never found a rack of clothes hanging there with fuzzy slippers lying on the floor. who the hell invented fuzzy slippers anyhow? I bet it was those Omish.. can't trust those Omish... one minute plowing the fields next minute inventing fuzzy slippers. jerks. Does anyone have those small little.. ooh what are they called... those little things found under your bed... uh... no not condoms but thanks mace... uh... ahh Dust Bunnies... yes why are they called Dust Bunnies... Dust balls or Dust tuffs yes.. but Bunnies?? please I left all those carrots and letuce leaves under my bed and the feckers didn't eat them.. well at least that green mold is happy now... I saw on the news yesterday that there was some problems with sheep in england..did mace visit england in the last little while? must be harsh finding out a Kiwi gave your sheep some VD or somefink. talking about VD, Stuka did your wife get you spaded, Tick bath before getting it on with that marrage thing? I wrote and wrote but she just said she had other plans for you.... whats a Rect. Probe?... oh well. she seemed happy. Ever wonder what did happen to those guys in Rescue 911? are they all dead? Did they actually go for acting lessons? the only real actors then were the guys on SWAT Team! .. boy that was a show, I remember sitting there watching it with my buddy Tim while his Older brother tried to put the moves on one of the Lawinski Twins.. heh.. we never did find his left eye after that. I hope a big truck falls on you lot so I can laugh and laugh and laugh.. then realize what a jerk thing like that to do.. then laugh some more.. You all suck.. talking about sucking, why does Hiram, Meeks, Croda suck larger then me... heck I can beat me, heck a bowl of chilli can wind me. (more ways then one) Anotherthing! anyone beating me.. I let them beat me.. why you ask?? well you see one day a big alien ship is going to land and look for all those people that win war simulation and strat games.. and wipe them out, the rest of us lot are going to be put in slavery and serve the Leader boiled space worms... which to come to think of it would be better then playing the likes of you in CM. Did I mention I lost my marbles? if you find them please call me at 555-IMNUTS. there will be a $50 reward for finding them.. but then a $50 bill for using up my time. If you ever want tips on how to remove those nasty blood stains on your shirt call me, they turn orange after you wash it 50 times or so. ok.. some guys are here to pick me up now so I guess I'll get back to you guys when I am finished playing Hanibil with them.
  6. I'm a little Hotchkiss short and stout this is my turret, this is my Gun if you shoot my commander see me rout. Fill me with fear and fill me with lead So that I can come back as a Tiger in a few years Look at me Hunt look at me Move but don't look to me for booze My driver is drunk and I am low on gas those damn Jabbos shot it up so a leson to you all if you want a tank go look for a wall for it is stronger and stabler as me poor little Hotchkiss, what a piece o crap where did Hitler get the idea to use them after France. Hey Gobels you git tell your designers to move thier asses quick. The Americans, British and that lot are knocking on our door and we have these for a lot. Hotchkiss Hotchkiss you pecker of a tank why do you cost more then 50 points Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss well give them back only if the french stop laughing at us like that. did you find my marbles? help mensch find his marbles...
  7. I lost my marbles. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  8. ted just for yer info, on a Mac IE 5.0 your links don't work at all..(like not even a hyperlink) if I type "links.html" in the url field then I can jump around. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  9. But you are a fecking god damn elf Stucco! Be happy your not in the Dwarfs Guild where your name gleams like that fish sales mans eyes down by the docks.. uh gimmlet is his name.. boy he gives me the creeps. On the other hand you don't get to sing songs about Glod since he got pissed of of using his name. yes sirrie.. Gold songs.. ahh nothing better then Gold songs.. well except the Hi Ho songs.. besides I hear Rat onna Stick taste ok.. but way better with Ketchup. hmmh...hhmmmm.... oh ok here I am in the mood now... Gold, Gold, Gold! oh Gold! Gold, Gold, Gold Gold here and Gold there Gold, Gold, Gold (second verse Part IIV) Gold, Gold, Gold! oh Gold! Gold, Gold, Gold Gold is nice and Gold life Gold, Gold, Gold Gold, Gold, Gold! Gold, Gold, Gold! oh Gold! oh Gold! Gold, Gold, Gold! Gold! Gold! Gold! now I feel better.. whos up for a Hi Ho song? Anyone got some good old Dwarfs Bread I need to forget about my hunger. lets march off now and go beat Mace to a bloody pulp Under the hills the heart of the axe Arises from cinders the still core of the fire, Heated and hammered the handle an afterthought, For the hills are forging the first breath of war. The soldier's heart sires and brothers The battlefield. Come back in glory Or on your shield. Out of the mountains in the midst of the air, The axes are dreaming dreaming of rock, Of metal alive through the ages of ore, Stone on metal metal on stone. The soldier's heart contains and dreams The battlefield. Come back in glory Or on your shield. Red of iron imagined from the vein, Green of brass green of copper Sparked in the fire the forge of the world, Consuming in its dream as it dies into the bone. The soldier's heart lies down, copmletes The battlefield. Come back in glory Or on your shield. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-27-2001).]
  10. ask your inner Croda ... croda, besides your not put on this earth "to get it" just read slowly... can you do that? slooowwlly.. then you may as you put it "get it" ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  11. There goes the neighborhood. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  12. Actually Bruno I never thought BTS would have modeled the same track for these tanks as the Tiger.. but since my only changed tracks are from my Tiger I can only assume. wierd. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  13. bruno the rusty tracks are with my Tiger Mod (cammoed). If ya wish I'll put it there to download. Any other that would like it?? ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  14. well I found the problem.. Geocities is having difficulties with their server.. if some graphics are broken on my site.. just hit reload and it should be ok. quite annoying really. sorry for the inconvenience mensch ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  15. zip files fixed.. all I can say is fecking Lotus Notes
  16. ok I'm getting some broken links here and I'm not sure if its my site Host or the Board here.. I've noticed some other peoples links are also broken so I'll wait this out and see. Well anyhow Tigers mods are at our site forsure mensch ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  17. Challenger from "Tiger" Comet from "Tiger" Cromwell from "Tiger" Cromwells, Comets and Challengers Oh my! Yes folks a new update at www.derkessel.com and in Five days!! We are Proud to present and host JohnS "Tiger" debut at Der Kessel and hope you all enjoy his mods as I am at the moment.. vroom vroom.. very nice all the pics are of Tigers Mods, although I forgot to remove my rusty tracks from my Tiger I worked on.. right now its only available with the Tiger mod but if I get enough responses I'll put just the tracks up for download. Again thanks to Tiger for such super work!! Upcoming Updates this week, a Semi Historical Possibly two from Germanboy!! jeez this is fun. mensch ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-26-2001).]
  18. well my cute and cuddly friend.. like you I have my fetishes.. you have a fetish of hugging your stuffed toy sheep while playing CM and talking to it.. "ey gumpy you think I'll win today?" "baalk!" (when squeezed it make a cute baah sound but mace bought a toy with a defect or hes used it to much testing new positions before molsting his real sheep) "whats that gumpy, I should move my rifle squad in those corps of trees?" "baalk!" "oh your the bestest friend I have gumpy" *kiss* "baalk!" *fondle* "baalk!" "ooh gumpy your eyes are soo.. hmmm" "baalk!" sad realy your wife is writing me how worried she is about you and btw.. she looks real hot in that black nightie .. tell her to send more photos of her on the couch.. those are wow.
  19. well you git Hiram... and I will always call you a used Elephant Tampon... our game was just starting and I ..grr.. I bet he wants to give up cuz I plastered him with a Ricket barrage not seen since the likes of JDdumbacke. Git!
  20. Ever dance with the Devil in the pale moon light? *bamm!!* *thud* Stuka has now left the building† † in a bodybag. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  21. Hey Zaff.. thanks! you brightened my day.. thanks. I got a big smile, happy to help.. if there is anything you guys don't see, but would like to see drop me an email and I'll see what I can do! We are also willing to host mods from the few handful mod makers that would enjoy a host site. The amount of work I have I have been lagging on the mod department.. I don't know how TigerS does it, total profi on that field he is. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-23-2001).]
  22. fecking post.. lost all my text... crap.. feck you all suck! [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-23-2001).]
  23. fecking post... [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-23-2001).]
  24. HI MOM!!! --------- <a href="http://www.derkessel.com">Der Kessel</a > Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
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