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Everything posted by thewood

  1. I have a hard time believing there is no arty smoke. That is something I beat the crap out of TOW about and thought it was its biggest weaknesses.
  2. While I am not as harsh to BFC, I have to agree that there is no point in playing QBs. The TACAI has some serious problems right now also. Second one still makes the game playable and I am sure it will be a high priority to striaghten ou. The first one seems to be a deliberate design decision and my concern is how much influence we can have in getting it changed. BFC has their own vision and financial reponsibilites to contend with. My main concern is that if QB is not changed, longevity of CMSF will not be any where near the other CM titles.
  3. Flashbacks to 2000 and CMBO are occuring all over the place. BFC has been against unit lists since they were a wee one. I am all for it if you can convince them. edit: ham fisted [ July 30, 2007, 08:54 AM: Message edited by: thewood ]
  4. Its too bad you can't do AI vs. AI and see which plans actually work against each other.
  5. No water in Syria...no wonder their pissed off all the time. btw, I love the editor too. It is actually easy to use and powerful. I think it will be very dificult to master though.
  6. No I didn't know that - I don't live around here. That's why I asked.
  7. SOmeone else pointed out if you want to issue a lot of target orders in sequence, switching back to move each time is real headache. I vote for leaving as is. But a confimation or something on bailing out. My troops think I'm an idiot for constantly having them bail and reman tanks.
  8. That is called post-fact ratioanlization. You are playing mostly Syrians with relatively low morale. I have to see a surrender or a Syrian unit rout. I have seen someone say they have seen them, but very few have stepped up and to say its a regular occurence.
  9. I think that is a poor excuse. I understand the desire to force people to do it the right way, but POA2 has one of the most elaborate C2 systems ever developed for a wargame. The military actually helped build it to simulate communications during combat. They allow you to choose any unit you want. You do have to tinker with commnad structure through attachments. But it isn't difficult. And let me tell you, with POA2's excellent freindly FOW system, if you set up your command structure wrong, you are completely dependent on the AI running units that drop off the net. Let me clarify. POA2 does try to make you use TOEs just like SF, but the do make it easy to substitute in units and attach individual units.
  10. Can we also finally get the Super Pershing
  11. Is the death clock from CM still the mechanism used on dead tanks?
  12. What about bren guns on tripods...no match. Anyone remember the grazing fire debates...ah those were the days, right clicking on menus, buying my units, my mother catching me generating random maps, etc.
  13. Hold on a minute. Halt doesn't kill the orders? Didn't realize that. That does change my perspective a little on RT vs. WEGO.
  14. Bren tripod...just thought it should get one more shot...stolen from Michael Dorosh
  15. Is he being punished for removing the right click menu. I hope it is severe.
  16. Completely agree on POA2. It takes a real hardcore to master and enjoy POA2. I can take it in bite sized pieces, but it eventually drains me of enjoyment. Very like a wife.
  17. Is that a Javelin in your pocket, or are you REAL happy CMSF is out.
  18. Actually to your final comment, its both. I like making cake and eating it too.
  19. Actually game play does count for something...may not much in your opinion.
  20. Hey, don't come in here talking about your nancy-boy, turn-based, strategical games. Just kidding...TOAW is the only game I have played regularly more than CMBB.
  21. I took apart my fathers presciuos Winchester .32 special carbine and ended up wrecking the reciever putting it back together. I guess Winchester never released the proper modding tools.
  22. I think there are new medications to alleviate that.
  23. It was avote on if its needed, not on priorities. So you don't think its needed at all?
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