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Everything posted by thewood

  1. After TOW and then hearing the RTS talk about CMSF over the last few days I was looking for a reason to not like it. Instead, playing with CMSF the last few days has made a believer of me. Yeah a few time saving commands like Hull Down and a real Hunt command are needed, but I gotta tell ya when a game like this is playable on a laptop with a 16Mb video card, I am impressed. So my advice to anyone that can't play now...go on ebay, buy a 4 year old laptop for $200 and enjoy.
  2. True...I just ran some tests and they do panick and crawl around a little. One note: The default morale ratings in the scenarios for US troops make them supermen. They will run hundreds of meters and lose men but keep on going. They get tired, but keep going. Scenario designers need to note that making all US troops over anything but normal will be sure defeat for Syrians.
  3. I am in the process of testing out some FOW stuff. Not seen that yet. I've been focused on unit ID for infantry and on elite, infantry FOW seems to work well.
  4. Actually I meant go to ground and look for cover. Whether prone or not. Probably related to very high morale. I may test this over the next few days.
  5. Has anyone seen a unit go to ground due to MG fire. Naybe I haven't played enough to see it.
  6. I ditto the reverse slope issue. In Wadi Scouts, I target a Stryker with an RPG and it at the top of the rise. I keep getting it can't fire due to reverse slope. If I remember correctly, it eventually fired 5 or 6 turns later. I am not even sure what reverse slope is trying to tell me.
  7. Okaaaay...I guess that is a vote against. That is the second post with rage or anger mentioned in regards to WEGO TCP in less than two minutes. A new world record. edit: sorry, this wasn't about WEGO, but did include rage
  8. I don't remember in CM ever getting the kind of detailed info I am getting in CMSF. Am I mistaken?
  9. I am at veteran and I know that. I was talking about Elite level. I haven't check on its impact on FOW, but it sure does seem like I get a lot of detailed info way too early.
  10. Take a look at some of the names in that thread. A lot of the great debaters were in it and are showing up here too.
  11. I thought the treshold for Move was a lot higher than an absolute stop and engage then move on as in a hunt command. With move, there is a good chance the unit will keep moving while firing and not completely eliminate the enemy.
  12. This may another situation where the old CM hunt would be better. Give the move order into the second floor. The unit engages the enemy it encounters on the 1st floor and then, if it survives, moves to its final destination.
  13. There enough good things in it to make between a 1 and a 2. Adding a few things left out from the old CM days would make it a solid 1.
  14. Except with hunt...they will stop there and not move until you give them another command
  15. So the next step for you is one player for each soldier and you stuck in a dark tent listening to radio reports and getting **** all over you and eating crappy food.
  16. If you want to push people to consider RT, I think some tools are needed. For example: Quick way to jump to units (like a list) Basic commands to alleviate micromanegement (Hull Down, Shoot & Scoot, etc) Event-based pauses ( High Value unit taking fire, arty strike, objective lost, etc) Better command management (like right clicking the unit for commands) This is what makes it a clickfest. I had the same complaint about ToW. It was a good RT concept but forced the player to be everywhere at once to make sure the really dumb units didn't do REALLY dumb things.
  17. I am sitting in my hotel room in west bodunk china with a guy yelling at me in chinese to STFU because I'm laughing so hard.
  18. A game that does a good job of assymetrical warfare and has an excellent command and control system is POA2 from HPS. You can buy based upon strict TOE or individual picks. But the individual picks require some adjustmens be made to the Command structure. btw, it is wego and has a good TacAI.
  19. Not if you want to try rt with orders during pauses.
  20. I saw that but couldn't tell if it was the difficulty level I was playing on or not...antone know?
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